The Impeachment Thread

So they started to care about Hunter's salary when Mueller investigated Russian interference in our election last year? That's not how this has played out, or you misunderstood my response to septic.
It's the root of everything. Ukraine was involved in the take down of Trump to help Hillary. They failed. All of this stems from the Russia Hoax. If DEMs had not started the whole Russia Hoax bit, none of this would have come up IMO.
You need to look up what the procedure is. She is following it.

She does not have to call a vote until she feels that she has the necessary info to write up and draft the language of the resolution.

Correct. But, did she present a list of charges under oath, or ask for referral to the appropriate committee in order to proceed with investigations. Did the appropriate committee appoint her to lead the investigation? If so, fine. If not, they aren't following procedure. I have looked up the procedure and read it several times.
Whoopsie darn facts getting in the way of talking points
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

I posted that a couple of weeks ago. Eggactly because of this, whistleblower political ties, conflicting info, the Senate will never impeach. NEVER.
And this is before the reports come out. It is going to be such another epic fail.
I posted that a couple of weeks ago. Eggactly because of this, whistleblower political ties, conflicting info, the Senate will never impeach. NEVER.
And this is before the reports come out. It is going to be such another epic fail.
They want a media impeachment trial and try and change public opinion. As real evidence keeps leaking out their case gets weaker and weaker and hence a whistleblower #2. LOL

Trump has also done a masterful job of exposing Biden via the very media that hates Trump.
Yep for sure. Way too many DIMs still believe Trump was involved with Russia when all the evidence shows just the opposite. It was the DIMs.
That isn't the conclusion your Republican friends in the Senate reached in their investigation.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping new bipartisan report detailing Russian efforts to boost Donald Trump's White House bid on social media during the 2016 U.S. elections, dealing an indirect blow to a push by the president and his allies to shift focus toward claims of anti-Trump meddling by Ukraine."

Senate Intel's newest Russia report undermines pro-Trump conspiracy theories
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That isn't the conclusion your Republican friends in the Senate reached in their investigation.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday unveiled a sweeping new bipartisan report detailing Russian efforts to boost Donald Trump's White House bid on social media during the 2016 U.S. elections, dealing an indirect blow to a push by the president and his allies to shift focus toward claims of anti-Trump meddling by Ukraine."

Senate Intel's newest Russia report undermines pro-Trump conspiracy theories
I said Trump was not involved. And he was not.
Good for Hunter, I hope it was $500k. None of anyone's business what a private business pays it's advisors or employees. When did the right suddenly decide that executives pay should be scrutinized or labeled as 'too much'?
If your boy barry can win the presidency without any experience or qualifications no reason Biden can't get a $50K per year job with 0 knowledge of Ukrainian energy knowledge, I guess.

But you lib hacks would be singing a different tune if Trump was on record blackmailing a foreign country to make sure a company Don Jr "worked" for was no longer being investigated
When did China say "No"?
“China has long pursued the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,” foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Tuesday.
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“We have no intention of intervening in the domestic affairs of the United States. Our position is consistent and clear.”
I would say it's asinine if you didn't comprehend what I was saying.
You are following White House talking points, just like Kevin McCarthy, but they are wrong. There is no requirement under the Constitution, House rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry. The White House has no legal justification for refusing to comply with a subpoena. Attorneys for Trump are arguing that a sitting president is immune from any criminal process of any sort. As I said before, Republicans will regret not speaking out against that one day.
Remember during all the Benghazi investigations when Obama blocked access to documents and refused to let Hillary testify? Of course you don't. Obama handed over everything and Hillary sat for 11 hours straight, because they had nothing to hide and they aren't immature man babies.
Remember when you posted someone else’s exact words as if they were your own? I do.
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“China has long pursued the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,” foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Tuesday.
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“We have no intention of intervening in the domestic affairs of the United States. Our position is consistent and clear.”

Who exactly brought up the question to Geng Shuang? A reporter asking for a comment on Trump's comment? I suppose you did notice that Trump's comment wasn't in the form of a question.

Just curious. Would you consider a US citizen caught up in fraud in a foreign country to be a US "domestic affair" and "internal matter" if you happened to be the foreign country in question?

Do you suppose that answer, wherever it came from, had a lot to do with China claiming that the Hong Kong situation is a Chinese "internal affair" and "domestic affair" as a warning flag to other nations?
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