The Impeachment Thread

I'll never understand your side calling the other uneducated, like those liberal art degrees are worth a crap. The majority of you can't even accept basic science when it comes to genders, and your attempt at talking about guns and the constitution is laughable. And for goodness sakes, pick a story with global warming and stick with it. 😁

Yeah, they're the real dummies because they backed Hillary......a loser & a crook.....the worst candidate ever known to mankind.
Trump admitted he asked a foreign government to investigate a political rival. No Democrat made that up.

Assuming things stop there (and it sure doesn't look like they will stop there, by the way), who made that up? Hint, the answer is Trump.

Try harder. You're leaving out a whole bunch of true facts in there but you know that.
I'll never understand your side calling the other uneducated, like those liberal art degrees are worth a crap. The majority of you can't even accept basic science when it comes to genders, and your attempt at talking about guns and the constitution is laughable. And for goodness sakes, pick a story with global warming and stick with it. 😁

It's almost like you made my point.
I'll never understand your side calling the other uneducated, like those liberal art degrees are worth a crap. The majority of you can't even accept basic science when it comes to genders, and your attempt at talking about guns and the constitution is laughable. And for goodness sakes, pick a story with global warming and stick with it. 😁
I like to think of them suffering from educated ignorance. As I was going through college I literally witnessed some of my peers transform into morons based on which classes they took. They had no firm foundation to build on. That’s why they came out brain dead idiots.
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So the never Trumpers will likely vote for the socialist Warren just because they hate Trump. They’d rather live in a socialist country than a country that’s prospering.
Again, party over country.

That's not true, stop whining.
Try harder. You're leaving out a whole bunch of true facts in there but you know that.

You mean the Crime Stoppers theory?

I'll never understand your side calling the other uneducated, like those liberal art degrees are worth a crap. The majority of you can't even accept basic science when it comes to genders, and your attempt at talking about guns and the constitution is laughable. And for goodness sakes, pick a story with global warming and stick with it. 😁

Perhaps you could ask a liberal for help to understand it.

sorry, you teed it up - I couldn't resist.
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Sure it is. Speaking the truth isn’t whining.

I think trump is trash and wouldn't conceive of of voting for a socialist progressive like Warren. I know you live in a black and white world but you should realize that your perception of reality doesn't make it 'true'.

You're hyperbole is irrational and in need of a safe space.

Edit: And while we're at it, I recall a few folks in here claiming they voted for Trump just because they were 'never Hillary'.
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I try not to call out anyone unless they lump me in to that category while they are painting with their broad brush . I’ll just go ahead and squash your next question about me being a Trumper... I support America’s president . I did the same with Barry and lived through it and I’ll live through Trump and whoever is next . You don’t have to like him or his policies that’s the great thing about our system .
How bad would a president have to be in order to lose your support?
So the never Trumpers will likely vote for the socialist Warren just because they hate Trump. They’d rather live in a socialist country than a country that’s prospering.
Again, party over country.
And what do you say to the people that didn't like Trump but voted for him because they liked Clinton even less?
Curious as to your consistency.

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