The Impeachment Thread

Usually it's done by educational attainment:

No highschool diploma/GED
High School Diploma/GED
Some college
Associate's degree
BA/BS degree
Masters Degree
PhD/professional degree (jd, md, MBA)

And you look at how people voted who fall into those categories.
This could just as easily prove the more educated, the more ignorant someone is. You're doing nothing but arguing people who voted your way is smarter because they have a master's or PhD in what? Like I said, the people I know with the highest education is mostly conservative. Education, like someone said, doesn't equal intelligence. Look at California, the shining example of highly educated liberals, yet they walk around with poop and needle filled streets in their big city. I'd call that stupid, not intelligent.
I can't conceive that the American public could/would ever again elect someone even remotely as bad as Trump.....
But hey, I've already been shocked once.

Let's say a president takes office and immediately calls for the extermination of a specific group of Americans, would you turn against the president and fight for his removal? I know, extreme; but we have to establish a baseline.
Since you all like to tote the popular vote, even more people were ignorant enough to vote for an even worse candidate in Hillary.
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Education imparts knowledge, not intelligence.
I have always felt that success is measured by how happy one is, and not by money, position, possessions, etc. Of course, if money, position, and possessions make that person genuinely happy, then he/she is successful in my view. The problem that I am seeing is that you liberals seem to be terribly, terribly unhappy complainers and whiners. Therefore, it seems to me that liberals are not successful, despite their supposedly high educational levels, and accompanying knowledge. Give me a happy backhoe operating conservative anytime. He is successful. do know loony Dims ignore & do not give credit to anything that's been accomplished by Trump.
Trump could find a way to cure cancer & they'd moan & cry about why it took too long for that to happen.....
He brought that response on himself. 100%
It was calculated from the beginning. It's the way he ran his campaign.
Could you not see that from the start?
He was never about anything other than division, and he played it to the hilt.
I can't conceive that the American public could/would ever again elect someone even remotely as bad as Trump.....
But hey, I've already been shocked once.

Let's say a president takes office and immediately calls for the extermination of a specific group of Americans, would you turn against the president and fight for his removal? I know, extreme; but we have to establish a baseline.

Absolutely , but we allowed a president to put a certain group in , I’ll say confinement camps ( Japanese / Americans ) and that seemed to be ok . My question would be if they had tried to escape would they have been legally / lawfully killed ? We had a president that at a bare minimum that had knowledge of the CIAs multiple attempts to kill Castro because of communism . So if we are looking back through the pages Trumps horrible scale starts to shrink down . We still always come back to perspective .
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I have always felt that success is measured by how happy one is, and not by money, position, possessions, etc. Of course, if money, position, and possessions make that person genuinely happy, then he/she is successful in my view. The problem that I am seeing is that you liberals seem to be terribly, terribly unhappy complainers and whiners. Therefore, it seems to me that liberals are not successful, despite their supposedly high educational levels, and accompanying knowledge. Give me a happy backhoe operating conservative anytime. He is successful.
Their argument about the vote and education is just something that they've come up with to inflate egos on the liberal side. I'm educated, as in went to school, in two different trades, both of which pays good money. I also took side classes in hydraulics, welding, electrical, and Spanish, but poor me. My vote shouldn't count because my education isn't in gender studies, or muh trump. 😆
He brought that response on himself. 100%
It was calculated from the beginning. It's the way he ran his campaign.
Could you not see that from the start?
He was never about anything other than division, and he played it to the hilt.

This comment has nothing to do w/what I posted.....I think you got mixed up w/someone else.
I have always felt that success is measured by how happy one is, and not by money, position, possessions, etc. Of course, if money, position, and possessions make that person genuinely happy, then he/she is successful in my view. The problem that I am seeing is that you liberals seem to be terribly, terribly unhappy complainers and whiners. Therefore, it seems to me that liberals are not successful, despite their supposedly high educational levels, and accompanying knowledge. Give me a happy backhoe operating conservative anytime. He is successful.
I agree with your basic premise.
Happiness is by far and away the best measure of success.
Trump was elected by playing on the fear, anger, bitterness, jealousy and overall unhappiness of a certain segment.
Look no further than that proverbial forgotten one in fly-over country or the coal miner in WV.
I would say the average Clinton voter was a much happier person than the average Trump voter.
Trump has certainly redistributed happiness. (part of the master scheme)
Their argument about the vote and education is just something that they've come up with to inflate egos on the liberal side. I'm educated, as in went to school, in two different trades, both of which pays good money. I also took side classes in hydraulics, welding, electrical, and Spanish, but poor me. My vote shouldn't count because my education isn't in gender studies, or muh trump. 😆

Loony liberal Dimwits, for some reason or another, think they're above anyone else who doesn't agree w/them.
They like riding on their high horses only to be shot down & to be losers again in 1 year. Shocker for them.
Loony liberal Dimwits for some reason or another think they're above anyone else who doesn't agree w/them.
Sadly, most of them do. I know there are crazy on both sides, but the loony folks on the left are by far the worst. Big story on the news now about a school that refused to let chic fil a give them free food because of their "hate" of the lbg(whatever else comes next) community. The founder believed in marriage between a man and woman, that's it, that's the only thing that's ever came out. Now the left flips out, makes videos about"spending gay money", etc. If that's "educated", think I'll pass. They literally cannot handle a different opinion without making complete fools of themselves. There are some conservative stories where they do it, but with the left, it's everything.
It was intended as a response to your post.
Libs give him no credit because he sacrificed that goodwill at the alter of the redhat.

Sacrificed that goodwill at the alter of your loony liberal BS. Trump doesn't play to the corruption crowd of the bought off politician like your Democratic kiss-ass yes swamp creatures. Trump doesn't need or want corrupt Dem money to be President. Trump will not be under control of or by the Democrats and this is where people like you have that problem with TDS that you really need to get it taken cared of..
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This could just as easily prove the more educated, the more ignorant someone is. You're doing nothing but arguing people who voted your way is smarter because they have a master's or PhD in what? Like I said, the people I know with the highest education is mostly conservative. Education, like someone said, doesn't equal intelligence. Look at California, the shining example of highly educated liberals, yet they walk around with poop and needle filled streets in their big city. I'd call that stupid, not intelligent.

See bolded words above. I can help you with subject/verb agreement if you wish.
I can respect all of that but the last sentence, and even that I could respect if you didn't limit Trumpism to Trump and Trump supporters. If that expended to include the toxic reaction from the left the day he was elected, it would be far more accurate. It's not just Trump that has divided the nation. He carries his share of guilt, and we can debate what percentage that might be(though I doubt we would agree), but the left didn't even let him take office before basically losing their minds over him being elected. The objections were immediate, as were the attempts to delegitimize the election. I can agree that Trump is a horrible person that never should have been elected(while contending Hillary is the same), but can you agree that the left has done great harm as well to "our country and the fabric of society"? Neither side is innocent. I know you love your degrees and continuums, but both sides have contributed to this.

There are probably multiple theories on politicians trying to divide the nation. I'd probably start with LBJ and his social engineering as the beginning of divisiveness. Even Reagan got into the act by enlisting the aid of the religious right. But the whole thing seems to have gotten kick started back in the 60s. Before some of you start dinkin' around with that, boomers were still too young to vote when the big political divide started.
I'd be happy if you'd just explain how liberal arts or gender studies make someone's vote more important than mine.

That's changing the debate and not a point anyone has made. The point is simply, from a macro perspective, Trump supporters have lower levels of educational attainment (measured in the way I posted above) than HC voters. Does that mean every person with a high educational achievement level voted for HC and everyone who dropped out of high school voted for Trump? No. But generally HC got more of the educated vote than Trump and Trump got more of the uneducated vote than HC.
That's changing the debate and not a point anyone has made. The point is simply, from a macro perspective, Trump supporters have lower levels of educational attainment (measured in the way I posted above) than HC voters. Does that mean every person with a high educational achievement level voted for HC and everyone who dropped out of high school voted for Trump? No. But generally HC got more of the educated vote than Trump and Trump got more of the uneducated vote than HC.
If being a bitter shrew makes you happy, then I guess you are successful.
That's changing the debate and not a point anyone has made. The point is simply, from a macro perspective, Trump supporters have lower levels of educational attainment (measured in the way I posted above) than HC voters. Does that mean every person with a high educational achievement level voted for HC and everyone who dropped out of high school voted for Trump? No. But generally HC got more of the educated vote than Trump and Trump got more of the uneducated vote than HC.
But it is the same debate, your education should allow you to see that. Your side claims that the more educated tends to vote liberal, and you brag about it. So I'm simply asking what makes a vote coming from someone with usually a worthless degree more important than mine? I say useless because there's no way the majority have jobs in liberal arts and gender studies. Plus, they have tons of free time for protesting while the rest of us work.
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