The Impeachment Thread

That's changing the debate and not a point anyone has made. The point is simply, from a macro perspective, Trump supporters have lower levels of educational attainment (measured in the way I posted above) than HC voters. Does that mean every person with a high educational achievement level voted for HC and everyone who dropped out of high school voted for Trump? No. But generally HC got more of the educated vote than Trump and Trump got more of the uneducated vote than HC.

Lol........a win is still a win for Trump no matter which way you cut to the BS you can dream up to feel better about it. It's something you can't deal with.......yet with all these high degrees you have you're still crying those smart & salty liberal tears each day. Be sure you vote for the smart candidate next time and see if that's a win for ya.
That's changing the debate and not a point anyone has made. The point is simply, from a macro perspective, Trump supporters have lower levels of educational attainment (measured in the way I posted above) than HC voters. Does that mean every person with a high educational achievement level voted for HC and everyone who dropped out of high school voted for Trump? No. But generally HC got more of the educated vote than Trump and Trump got more of the uneducated vote than HC.
This comes from the party that says it's constituents are too dumb to get a voter ID?
You guys NOMINATED TRUMP from a field of 17.
There is no way to hide from or twist that uncomfortable fact.
Trump is only president because people chose to pull the lever FOR him in the primaries.
And then pulled the lever FOR him or against Hillary in the election.
Own it.

There's no comfortable way to hide the fact that Hiliary was your chosen one. Your side even rigged the nominating process to make sure of that. You have nothing to complain about; your side fixed the nomination and produced the worst candidate in the history of US presidential elections. Simple as that. The sad fact is that in looking at your next lineup, your side didn't learn one damn thing from the last go around.
There's no comfortable way to hide the fact that Hiliary was your chosen one. Your side even rigged the nominating process to make sure of that. You have nothing to complain about; your side fixed the nomination and produced the worst candidate in the history of US presidential elections. Simple as that. The sad fact is that in looking at your next lineup, your side didn't learn one damn thing from the last go around.

Yep, it's all Trump's fault that the DNC rigged the election for Hillary.....what was to be her turn. Orange man bad.
He brought that response on himself. 100%
It was calculated from the beginning. It's the way he ran his campaign.
Could you not see that from the start?
He was never about anything other than division, and he played it to the hilt.
So its his fault ya'll act like fools? ever heard of personal responsibility?
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The Dow increased 148% under Obama, Trump is hovering around 25%. Try again.
Another "educated" liberal heard from. I don't know where you acquired your vast knowledge of the stock market, but here are the facts. I chose Jan.1 of each year for ease. It may be off a tenth of a percent or so either way, depending upon whether you want to start on election day or inauguration day.

Dow average Jan.1, 2009: 8,001
Dow average Jan.1, 2016: 19,864
Dow average October 11, 2019: 26,984

Total percentage gain under Obama: 148%
Average yearly gain under Obama: 18.5%

Total percentage gain under Trump: 26%
Average yearly percentage gain under Trump: 9.3%

Point gain under Obama: 11,863 points
Average yearly point gain under Obama: 1,483

Point gain under Trump: 7,100
Average yearly point gain under Trump: 2,535
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Another "educated" liberal heard from. I don't know where you acquired your vast knowledge of the stock market, but here are the facts. I chose Jan.1 of each year for ease. It may be off a tenth of a percent or so either way, depending upon whether you want to start on election day or inauguration day.

Dow average Jan.1, 2008: 12,650
Dow average Jan.1, 2016: 19,864
Dow average October 11, 2019: 26,984

Total percentage gain under Obama: 57%
Average yearly gain under Obama: 7.1%

Total percentage gain under Trump: 26%
Average yearly percentage gain under Trump: 9.3%

Point gain under Obama: 7,214 points
Average yearly point gain under Obama: 902

Point gain under Trump: 7,100
Average yearly point gain under Trump: 2,535
Now do the deficit please.

By the way, I get a perverse kick out of responding to you when I know you will not respond back.

You're still one of my favorite redhatters, and Weezer.

As I said yesterday....


And in fact I think it was at least a week ago I talked about (I wasn't the only one, mind you) how at some point Trump would say that all the bad stuff was Rudy gone rogue. That like everyone else that works for this guy, he'd find that loyalty with Trump is a one way street.
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But it is the same debate, your education should allow you to see that. Your side claims that the more educated tends to vote liberal, and you brag about it. So I'm simply asking what makes a vote coming from someone with usually a worthless degree more important than mine? I say useless because there's no way the majority have jobs in liberal arts and gender studies. Plus, they have tons of free time for protesting while the rest of us work.

Who says their vote is more important? No one is maintaining that. Regardless, if anything, the electoral college gives (albeit not intentionally) white, uneducated voters--who largely live off the coasts) more voting power than coastal, educated voters.
Another "educated" liberal heard from. I don't know where you acquired your vast knowledge of the stock market, but here are the facts. I chose Jan.1 of each year for ease. It may be off a tenth of a percent or so either way, depending upon whether you want to start on election day or inauguration day.

Dow average Jan.1, 2008: 12,650
Dow average Jan.1, 2016: 19,864
Dow average October 11, 2019: 26,984

Total percentage gain under Obama: 57%
Average yearly gain under Obama: 7.1%

Total percentage gain under Trump: 26%
Average yearly percentage gain under Trump: 9.3%

Point gain under Obama: 7,214 points
Average yearly point gain under Obama: 902

Point gain under Trump: 7,100
Average yearly point gain under Trump: 2,535
Which is why they gotta impeach him
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Still pushing the idea of a Republican propaganda hit job against Hillary. You apparently choose to ignore the times she's been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I guess the GOP knew even before she was ever First Lady that one day she would run for President so they better "manufacture" hatred. The woman is crooked. You refusing to see it because your politics match doesn't change that. Again, your politics trump your morality.

Who knows the GOP might still have been nursing a grudge since the Nixon impeachment process. Hiliary was was a low level low class piece of work even back then. She was doing her best to cook the process against Nixon ... she couldn't only because she was too low level, but apparently her lack of ethics were well understood even then.
Who says their vote is more important? No one is maintaining that. Regardless, if anything, the electoral college gives (albeit not intentionally) white, uneducated voters--who largely live off the coasts) more voting power than coastal, educated voters.
Then explain why the "educated voter" is such a bragging right? And FTR, 2 states shouldn't determine the presidency. God bless the electoral college!

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