The Impeachment Thread

So we can retroactively impeach Biden and Obama for holding up the money until Ukraine fired the prosecutor?

Now they can be tried in a real court. But the real snag there is who has "standing" to initiate the process. Now with Trump that wouldn't be an issue because he's Trump and the libs hate him.
Now do the deficit please.

By the way, I get a perverse kick out of responding to you when I know you will not respond back.

You're still one of my favorite redhatters, and Weezer.
You too are really good at not responding back when it looks like you are getting pulled into the deep end of your pool of irrationality.
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Another "educated" liberal heard from. I don't know where you acquired your vast knowledge of the stock market, but here are the facts. I chose Jan.1 of each year for ease. It may be off a tenth of a percent or so either way, depending upon whether you want to start on election day or inauguration day.

Dow average Jan.1, 2008: 12,650
Dow average Jan.1, 2016: 19,864
Dow average October 11, 2019: 26,984

Total percentage gain under Obama: 57%
Average yearly gain under Obama: 7.1%

Total percentage gain under Trump: 26%
Average yearly percentage gain under Trump: 9.3%

Point gain under Obama: 7,214 points
Average yearly point gain under Obama: 902

Point gain under Trump: 7,100
Average yearly point gain under Trump: 2,535
Obama entered office in 2009, not 2008. On the day he took office the DJIA was at 7,949.
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One of the things they just can’t fathom , the idea that you alienate people when you say stupid stuff like that . They keep kicking that dog and wonder why it bites them every time now .

I know I've been reveling in being a deplorable ever since Hiliary cleared up our status. It makes life so much more rich when you just accept your state as"deplorable", and "uneducated" (even if it is with an MS and sometimes higher in a field like engineering), and "racist". I don't live far enough out in the sticks to be a true rube, but I'm working on that, too. The freedom just seems to make you feel whole again rather than having to look up to liberal masters. It means being able to vote for a no class scumbag like Trump and feel no remorse.
I know I've been reveling in being a deplorable ever since Hiliary cleared up our status. It makes life so much more rich when you just accept your state as"deplorable", and "uneducated" (even if it is with an MS and sometimes higher in a field like engineering), and "racist". I don't live far enough out in the sticks to be a true rube, but I'm working on that, too. The freedom just seems to make you feel whole again rather than having to look up to liberal masters. It means being able to vote for a no class scumbag like Trump and feel no remorse.
It means I can go outside and pee and don't care what the neighbors think.

You can do better than that. You would have to believe that it was wrong in the first place and did it anyway.
LOL.....You may be worse than Orangecrush.
You know its the perfect example.
Of course dropping a bomb on innocent people is the wrong means, unless of course, it's justified by the ends.
Obama entered office in 2009, not 2008. On the day he took office the DJIA was at 7,949.
Sorry about that. I went back and changed my post to the correct figures. Obama was helped by coming into office near the end of the bear market, and a lot of help from the Fed. The market will take off again if we get a trade deal with China.
LOL.....You may be worse than Orangecrush.
You know its the perfect example.
Of course dropping a bomb on innocent people is the wrong means, unless of course, it's justified by the ends.
It's war you snowflake.

OBTW, look up the incendiary attacks on Japan and Europe, if you want to really go bonkers.
Just like a Trumpster to take a snapshot of the stock market indices and proclaim Trump gets all the credit. And, its just like the markets, for the 207th time, to foolishly listen to a word he has to say about negotiations.

Only because nobody is willing to admit the fact that the big traders lie in wait for some "headline" and pounce to make the market go up or down. Simple fact is that there are people and institutions who make money on immediate market moves, and they make sure the moves happen ... just need a "trigger" and almost anything will do. Money in markets is made on change and chaos; stability is an undesirable state there.
Usually it's done by educational attainment:

No highschool diploma/GED
High School Diploma/GED
Some college
Associate's degree
BA/BS degree
Masters Degree
PhD/professional degree (jd, md, MBA)

And you look at how people voted who fall into those categories.

You really put an MBA up there? Excuse me while I puke.

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