I agree, but proof is hard to come by when it pertains to politicians and what they do ... even first term types. I don't often agree with you, but for the "opposition" you are far more reasonable than the rest, so I do pay attention to what you say. Every now and then we agree when we find the common language to debate something (like federalism); I enjoy those discoveries - that we can see much differently but agree on some of the bigger things.
Actually I wasn't even thinking about the Ukrainian thing. I guess investigating improprieties in an opponent's actions can be personal gain, or it could be cleaning things up. I tend to discount Biden because I don't see him as Trump's opposition. I honestly don't see a connection between Trump's phone call and Ukrainian foreign aid, but that may be just me. I certainly don't see the on camera comment about China looking into things as a request. As far as Rudy goes, Trump is a fool for keeping that clown around ... nothing but trouble can come from that.
I have serious doubts about the Syrian move considering what Turkey is doing, but then I also question our presence there in the first place. I think Trump is a pompous ass, and can't imagine how anybody with a spine can work with him. To me Tillerson was a class act, and we see how that went - but we only saw that from the outside, so who knows.