The Impeachment Thread

I rewatched the Zucker tape that's in the project veritas clip. There is no statement to the effect that the impeachment attempt is a fraud.

Seems like there are some decent people at CNN but dang it boss man Zucker just wants to take down Trump
I think this is the whole thing. Watched it. There's no there there. Quite comical actually. James O'Keefe acts surprised that news organizations have to make editorial decisions as to the stories they're going to focus on. To act like impeachment is just another story that should be given equal time with other stories is ludicrous.

I think this is the whole thing. Watched it. There's no there there. Quite comical actually. James O'Keefe acts surprised that news organizations have to make editorial decisions as to the stories they're going to focus on. To act like impeachment is just another story that should be given equal time with other stories is ludicrous.

Lol nice try that's only the end of part 1
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I think this is the whole thing. Watched it. There's no there there. Quite comical actually. James O'Keefe acts surprised that news organizations have to make editorial decisions as to the stories they're going to focus on. To act like impeachment is just another story that should be given equal time with other stories is ludicrous.

Can you read? Part 1.
EL just wings it by the moment. Kinda slow if you know what I mean.

Well, you know... Personal injury lawyer trying to charade as a real one. But, even those don't exist.

I'm wondering how many of our so called resident lawyers even practice law. There's no large market for them out of law school. Has been a trend for some time. That's why so many are in TV ads trying to get business. I scored a 27 on the LSAT cold turkey first try. Back when the tests meant something. Could have got in with that score pretty easy, as in 1987 that was above the national average and only 4 below the high. Changed my mind and opted for MBA instead.
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