The Impeachment Thread

I was contacted by the GOP once in 2016. The lady asked if I was voting in the Republican primary, I told her no, and she politely told me to have a nice day and hung up.

I shouldn’t sound like I’m complaining , I wouldn’t answer one if they did contact me . I was just curious because I never have been . I get spam calls everyday ( somehow people are convince I own an Aston Martin and it apparently needs a service plan .. ugh ) but no survey calls .
I shouldn’t sound like I’m complaining , I wouldn’t answer one if they did contact me . I was just curious because I never have been . I get spam calls everyday ( somehow people are convince I own an Aston Martin and it apparently needs a service plan .. ugh ) but no survey calls .
That's the only one I've ever had, and I've been very active in a few campaigns since high school.
He is mistakenly under the assumption that Dems play by the rules. The judiciary committee handles impeachment investigations Shifty Schiff handles manufactured clown shows

Remember this rule, it's from our constitution, not some House rule.

The President "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the Supreme Court ...."

What did Moscow Mitch think of that one?
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I love the smell of whataboutism on a Monday morning

What rule is being broken? The House Parliamentarian considered Gaetz's request to attend the deposition and rejected it. And what rule is being broken by not holding a full impeachment inquiry vote? There is no such rule. So don't bring that weak sauce.
What rule is being broken? The House Parliamentarian considered Gaetz's request to attend the deposition and rejected it. And what rule is being broken by not holding a full impeachment inquiry vote? There is no such rule. So don't bring that weak sauce.
Misrepresentation of facts of a case...leaking sworn secret testimony witness tampering
Schiff Wrong on Whistleblower Contact
Because it's obvious that some will take something that's not a big deal and distort it and propagandize their base into thinking that it is a big deal. Kind of like Giuliani and Trump will not be having dinner or hanging out with those two Ukranian donors any longer. (even though they obviously say there was nothing wrong it)

Boy, you sure got that right !

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