The Impeachment Thread

McCain is dead. I would vote for Kasich or some middle of the road Republican over Elizabeth Warren or far left candidate. There are many centrists out here, but call me a liar all you want. Not very Christian though.
Again, of course you want someone like Kasich. You want a weak/soft R so the democrat (socialist) will win
Dems are upset that Trump asked a country to look into the corruption that their own party was guilty of. That's about as messed up as it gets

I know it's popular to conflate an appearance of possible corruption with asking a foreign government to help with your reelection, with or without a quid pro quo. And I suppose if you want to believe they are the same hard enough, you will.
I know it's popular to conflate an appearance of possible corruption with asking a foreign government to help with your reelection, with or without a quid pro quo. And I suppose if you want to believe they are the same hard enough, you will.
Not possible..proven but not one Dem on this board has asked for an investigation
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
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Proven? And for God's sake, the Senate can investigate if they like.
Yep proven lots more emails like the one above.. President Trump has every right to ask a country that tried to influence the previous election if they have gotten rid of the corruption
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Yep proven lots more emails like the one above.. President Trump has every right to ask a country that tried to influence the previous election if they have gotten rid of the corruption

But yet he asked them to investigate the Bidens.

You should really look into the history of Manafort and Ukraine elections and you might get an idea why they would have concerns. But it's beside the fact, actually, since Trump has suggested there would be nothing wrong with what you are suggesting is corruption.
Yep proven lots more emails like the one above.. President Trump has every right to ask a country that tried to influence the previous election if they have gotten rid of the corruption
Can you imagine, Don Jr receiving a $50K job per month with a Russian energy company right after his dad became President?

Of course, everybody is entitled to their opinion & has one vote to offer. But to vote Democrat with no future plans but tax you to death & them having no kind of record to run on but we hate Trump or any plans that would be better for America than what Trump is trying to accomplish in one term alone then go ahead & just give up & one will miss ya. Lol......There's millions of new voters for Trump to take your place each new day.
“At least you’re honest about your hypocrisy”.

LOL, this would make way more sense if I disagreed with @Obsessed about Clinton being a POS. I don't.

Clearly, you and the other clowns that "like" your post don't seem to understand the difference between pointing out a non-sequitur and disagreeing.

Ob's argument had absolutely nothing to do with the topic or my comment, it was a cheap way to insert his Clinton butthurt into the conversation without having to address the continued hypocrisy of right.
But yet he asked them to investigate the Bidens.

You should really look into the history of Manafort and Ukraine elections and you might get an idea why they would have concerns. But it's beside the fact, actually, since Trump has suggested there would be nothing wrong with what you are suggesting is corruption.
Lol read the email..they were digging up dirt on Trump..they could care less about Manafort..he was just collateral damage keep making excuses for that corrupt party u pull the lever for
Lol read the email..they were digging up dirt on Trump..they could care less about Manafort..he was just collateral damage keep making excuses for that corrupt party u pull the lever for

And this is the thing that Trump and Rudy suggested was not illegal, but now it's corruption.

It is absolutely corruption when you use the power of the presidency to do it.
And this is the thing that Trump and Rudy suggested was not illegal, but now it's corruption.

It is absolutely corruption when you use the power of the presidency to do it.
Lol the faux outrage over this is laughable seeing how no one here cared when Clinton was destroying emails..if only u guys could get better candidates u wouldn't be on attempt number 5 to impeach Trump
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LOL, this would make way more sense if I disagreed with @Obsessed about Clinton being a POS. I don't.

Clearly, you and the other clowns that "like" your post don't seem to understand the difference between pointing out a non-sequitur and disagreeing.

Ob's argument had absolutely nothing to do with the topic or my comment, it was a cheap way to insert his Clinton butthurt into the conversation without having to address the continued hypocrisy of right.

Oh, boo hoo. It's over with.......let it go. No one cares. That happened 25 pages back.
Lol the faux outrage over this is laughable seeing how no one here cared when Clinton was destroying emails..if only u guys could get better candidates u wouldn't be on attempt number 5 to impeach Trump

Translation: "I don't like talking about that fact, can we instead talk about something unrelated so I can appear to have the moral high ground?"
Lol the faux outrage over this is laughable seeing how no one here cared when Clinton was destroying emails..if only u guys could get better candidates u wouldn't be on attempt number 5 to impeach Trump

Yeah, Hillary wasnt president, but again the Senate or Barr can get back into that mud if they desire.
From my observations, Trump appears to be in some deep doo doo (along with all the past baggage) Meanwhile Republicans continue to stick head in sand with conspiracy theories and deflections. Keep on with this behavior and perhaps get the Hilary treatment. Joe Biden goes down and Elizabeth Warren will be president and gain the Senate. Free stuff for all of us, with taxes so high there is nothing to pay our bills to live on. Right now with exception of Fox news, all mainstream papers and news agencies are reporting daily on some new bit of corruption. Republicans would be best served to throw Trump under the bus, and run a decent candidate.
If the Republicans throw Trump under the bus, they will be finished for years, maybe forever. Trump supporters will not vote.
Trump hitting hard. Great Troll Job.

An actual Whistleblower that will show his face. Something DIMs will not do.

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

Project Veritas

Published on Oct 14, 2019

PART 2 - CNN Leadership Picks Winners and Losers on Eve of Debate. "...They(CNN) like Warren a lot"

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Published on Oct 15, 2019


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