The Impeachment Thread

Just blows this whole Whistleblower HOAX apart. Just listen to the facts that Sarah Carter lays out. BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hannity: Biden Inc. has been exposed

Published on Oct 14, 2019
It looks like panic may be setting in, putting Joe and Hunter Biden in all-out damage control. #Hannity #FoxNews

Starts at 9:20 Mark.
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Just blows this whole Whistleblower HOAX apart. Just listen to the facts that Sarah Carter lays out. BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hannity: Biden Inc. has been exposed

Published on Oct 14, 2019
It looks like panic may be setting in, putting Joe and Hunter Biden in all-out damage control. #Hannity #FoxNews

Starts at 9:20 Mark.

Like Harry Reid said.. Trump is very very smart..he eliminated the only Dem that could beat him in the election.. I saw rumblings about getting Michelle Obama to run..they know their candidates are terrible outside the far left fringe of the party
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Lol even CNN admits..on hidden camera... that Hunter is a fraud

It only started "looking and smelling bad", enough for Trump to ask a favor, when it became apparent that Joe might be the Dem frontrunner.

And that is why Trump's call started the dominos falling. Apparently three or more of his own sounded the alarm.

No amount of investigating the Biden's will ever change why Trump wanted it in the first place. And, frankly, that's why he's screwed.
It only started "looking and smelling bad" enough for Trump, to ask a favor, when it became apparent that Joe might be the Dem frontrunner.

And that is why Trump's call started the dominos falling. Apparently three or more of his own sounded the alarm.

No amount of investigating the Biden's will ever change why Trump wanted it in the first place. And, frankly, that's why he's screwed.
You keep telling yourself that...maybe one day you will believe even old Never Trumper Mitt has fallen in line. and be prepared to stay on your TDS meds for another 5 years
I brought up a situation that is directly relevant to the subject at hand. You instead decided to deflect from that by creating a non-sequitur argument about email servers and hammers.

No one should be surprised you don't realize this or that you'll double and triple down, foolishly convinced that you're right.

Like Trump, you and his minions believe that accusing others of that which you are guilty is a winning strategy.

“At least you’re honest about your hypocrisy”.
You keep telling yourself that...maybe one day you will believe even old Never Trumper Mitt has fallen in line. and be prepared to stay on your TDS meds for another 5 years

From my observations, Trump appears to be in some deep doo doo (along with all the past baggage) Meanwhile Republicans continue to stick head in sand with conspiracy theories and deflections. Keep on with this behavior and perhaps get the Hilary treatment. Joe Biden goes down and Elizabeth Warren will be president and gain the Senate. Free stuff for all of us, with taxes so high there is nothing to pay our bills to live on. Right now with exception of Fox news, all mainstream papers and news agencies are reporting daily on some new bit of corruption. Republicans would be best served to throw Trump under the bus, and run a decent candidate.
From my observations, Trump appears to be in some deep doo doo (along with all the past baggage) Meanwhile Republicans continue to stick head in sand with conspiracy theories and deflections. Keep on with this behavior and perhaps get the Hilary treatment. Joe Biden goes down and Elizabeth Warren will be president and gain the Senate. Free stuff for all of us, with taxes so high there is nothing to pay our bills to live on. Right now with exception of Fox news, all mainstream papers and news agencies are reporting daily on some new bit of corruption. Republicans would be best served to throw Trump under the bus, and run a decent candidate.
Lol every Dem newspaper u mean
Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model
From my observations, Trump appears to be in some deep doo doo (along with all the past baggage) Meanwhile Republicans continue to stick head in sand with conspiracy theories and deflections. Keep on with this behavior and perhaps get the Hilary treatment. Joe Biden goes down and Elizabeth Warren will be president and gain the Senate. Free stuff for all of us, with taxes so high there is nothing to pay our bills to live on. Right now with exception of Fox news, all mainstream papers and news agencies are reporting daily on some new bit of corruption. Republicans would be best served to throw Trump under the bus, and run a decent candidate.

I think I’ve mentioned it before but ... as long as the money is rolling in and those rallies are packed with people , Trump isn’t going anywhere . That’s the two guiding principles of all politicians running for office and having their party back them , Money and Voters .
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I suppose if the 2020 election were in a vacuum where the economy was the only existing factor, I'd believe that poll to be a good indicator.

But as it stands, Trump's rubber and glue strategy is failing him epically.
Dems are upset that Trump asked a country to look into the corruption that their own party was guilty of. That's about as messed up as it gets
When you see a democrat say " Republicans would be best served to throw Trump under the bus, and run a decent candidate." Please know that means: Please run someone like Romney or McCain so we can win next time
McCain is dead. I would vote for Kasich or some middle of the road Republican over Elizabeth Warren or far left candidate. There are many centrists out here, but call me a liar all you want. Not very Christian though.

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