The Impeachment Thread

You have to think that Giuliani has associated himself with these criminals his whole political career. He's exactly the connection that Trump needed and the only reason he hasn't been cut loose yet by 'fair-weather' Donny is that Rudy ABSOLUTELY knows where the bodies are buried.

Interesting subjects.

You should start a thread about it.

This thread is for Trump using Congressionally authorized military aid, for a desperate country battling Russia, as leverage to gain personal political advantage.

His reasoning , and yours, as to why it was worth it for Trump is irrelevant in this thread and does not in any way excuse Trump's CRIMINAL actions.
Interesting subjects.

You should start a thread about it.

This thread is for Trump using Congressionally authorized military aid, for a desperate country battling Russia, as leverage to gain personal political advantage.

His reasoning , and yours, as to why it was worth it for Trump is irrelevant in this thread and does not in any way excuse Trump's CRIMINAL actions.
Obama and Biden withheld Congress approved aid because they didn't like a prosecutor..and remember George Kent destroyed that international pressure argument It has also been proven that Ukraine colluded with the Dems in the 2016 election. So your argument is that it's fine to withhold aid over 1 person but not a whole government? I can no longer take you seriously on this board. Troll status confirmed
I have noticed that he has tried to take away your guns, your freedom of religion, your right to assemble, your free speech, and has shut down newspapers all over the country.

No, just suing ramdom Twitter people for saying mean things, and Twitter for allowing them to say them.
Obama and Biden withheld Congress approved aid because they didn't like a prosecutor..and remember George Kent destroyed that international pressure argument It has also been proven that Ukraine colluded with the Dems in the 2016 election. So your argument is that it's fine to withhold aid over 1 person but not a whole government? I can no longer take you seriously on this board. Troll status confirmed
You took him seriously at one time?
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Obama and Biden withheld Congress approved aid because they didn't like a prosecutor..and remember George Kent destroyed that international pressure argument It has also been proven that Ukraine colluded with the Dems in the 2016 election. So your argument is that it's fine to withhold aid over 1 person but not a whole government? I can no longer take you seriously on this board. Troll status confirmed

After 3yrs these dolts still can’t grasp that it all goes back to 2016 election corruption and illegal spying... no matter how many times and corrupt ways they project it on Trump.

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