The Impeachment Thread

Why? He has absolutely no reason to fear running against Biden and Biden isn’t even leading anymore so it is far from a guarantee that would be his opponent. Trump believes he was wrongly accused of things related to the 2016 election and he wants to get to the bottom of it. Whether true or not there’s no question he thinks it’s true so how is it a stretch to think that is exactly what he is doing? To me it is much more of a stretch to assume he is trying to eliminate Biden as an opponent.

I think it's a little different than that. Trump was falsely accused and he doesn't want so much to get to the bottom of it as to get revenge. Getting even or simply setting the record right is nowhere near what people like Trump want to settle for. He's looking for scorched earth.
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For trying to defraud , con , and lie to the citizens of the US while screeching for more government intrusion , stifling free speech , confiscating firearms / property . Pretty much everything they warned against .

You're projecting your beliefs upon them. It's a completely different world today. Would they have ever imagined spending hundreds of billions a year for a standing military? Does that make it unAmerican?
You're projecting your beliefs upon them. It's a completely different world today. Would they have ever imagined spending hundreds of billions a year for a standing military? Does that make it unAmerican?

Wait what ? My beliefs ? You do know who those men are and what they did right ? I don’t remember anyone saying spending money was unAmerican . I don’t think repeating the very things they warned us about is projecting anything on my part except .. what they said
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Wait what ? My beliefs ? You do know who those men are and what they did right ? I don’t remember anyone saying spending money was unAmerican . I don’t think repeating the very things they warned us about is projecting anything on my part except .. what they said
You mentioned the second amendment and its reference to armed militias. I'm saying at that time it was inconceivable for the framers that the US would have a military that would not only protect the states from foreign invasion, as ours does, but project power around the globe.

Would they have the people responsible for our modern military hanged if they were alive today?

Another point. It was less than ten years after the Constitution was written that many of the same people were passing laws that violated it. Maybe their principles were in practice more flexible than you think.

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia
Have you actually listened to the dims questioning people they bring in? As dim you should be embarrassed.

So wait... One guy is mad because the meetings are behind closed doors but you somehow know what questions are being asked? Get your stories straight.
I think it's a little different than that. Trump was falsely accused and he doesn't want so much to get to the bottom of it as to get revenge. Getting even or simply setting the record right is nowhere near what people like Trump want to settle for. He's looking for scorched earth.
That certainly might be but it’s funny how some on here give people crap for deflecting but when you actually provide a rebuttal they don’t reply. It’s because some on here aren’t actually looking for a discussion. They are just here to stir the pot, get people worked up, and play games.
You mentioned the second amendment and its reference to armed militias. I'm saying at that time it was inconceivable for the framers that the US would have a military that would not only protect the states from foreign invasion, as ours does, but project power around the globe.

Would they have the people responsible for our modern military hanged if they were alive today?

Another point. It was less than ten years after the Constitution was written that many of the same people were passing laws that violated it. Maybe their principles were in practice more flexible than you think.

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia

No I didn’t mention as anything other than what it is . I mention the 2a and the government ever increasing intrusion on the populous as well as confiscating property . The governments responsibility is to provide a military to keep us safe and to enforce the laws / rights that we already have . Why would the hang military leaders ? Just because the constitution says we should have a well regulated militia doesn’t mean we can’t have a full time federal military, especially since it’s entirely made up of volunteers.
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