The Impeachment Thread

I’m going to go out on a limb a make a prediction ... we will all have a shot at either removing him or keeping him in the last part of 2020 .
That is unfortunately looking more and more probable. It's an American travesty that grows every day he remains in office.
If he serves his full term, it would be more tragic than if he is removed from office before then.
You have been lied too again. How does that make you feel? I'm embarrassed for you. I'm sure your retort will be a link to breitbart, the federalist, redstatenews, the conservative treehouse or some other far right misinformation sites. SAD!!!!

As opposed to far left misleading sites? CNN? ABC? (See the Kentucky Kurd massacre in Syria).
I have visions and horrors that some day this country will resemble the Hunger Games. The liberal agenda so resembles what that government will end up looking like.
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You are going up against Luther and his bold prediction about impeachment by July 21, 2018. You're going to have to come up with something actually bold to compete with him. Something like Trump will win reelection will work.
I did overestimate the American public.
Based on my forced reevaluation of the American public, my new prediction is that Trump continues to rip apart the fabric of our country until (and even after) he is defeated in 2020.
The one possible salvation was for a critical mass of the American public to refute Trumpism. We have failed.
Voting him out in 2020 will be to little, to late. (but obviously better than not voting him out)
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I have visions and horrors that some day this country will resemble the Hunger Games. The liberal agenda so resembles what that government will end up looking like.
Well the most extreme left Democrats basically want us to be more like Scandinavia, so you can dial back your dystopian, post apocalyptic fear mongering.
I did overestimate the American public.
Based on my forced reevaluation of the American public, my new prediction is that Trump continues to rip apart the fabric of our country until (and even after) he is defeated in 2020.
The one possible salvation was for a critical mass of the American public to refute Trumpism. We have failed.
Voting him out in 2020 will be to little, to late. (but obviously better than not voting him out)
Chicken Little
I did overestimate the American public.
Based on my forced reevaluation of the American public, my new prediction is that Trump continues to rip apart the fabric of our country until (and even after) he is defeated in 2020.
The one possible salvation was for a critical mass of the American public to refute Trumpism. We have failed.
Voting him out in 2020 will be to little, to late. (but obviously better than not voting him out)
I can't wait to see him live in liberal brains for 5 more years, it'll be epic.

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