The Impeachment Thread

They did not try to impeach Clinton over his lack of morals and the choices he made there, and you know that. No one blames him for cheating on hill
LOL........don't be blinded by the double standard.
Look at the Whitewater investigation, both in length and depth. It went on for years prior to impeachment.
Show me one of my posts where I said he was a super trooper. I have never defended his character, or proposed he had much of one, or proposed he hasn't been professional like one would want him to be. I've only objected to this monkey court and double standard, and the fact ya'll want him gone cause he's reprehensible. Legalities be darned. He has yet to be proven to have done anything illegal, or any evidence remotely suggesting he did. There will end up being so much propaganda spewed out, that the Uke prez will eventually start believing it and wonder if there was really pressure on him.

Take your blinders off b**** and actually read what people say and quit regurgitating your agenda. Sit down now. Don't want you to pass out cause you found out someone who voted for Trump is not a soap on a rope boy like you are for your side.

You just avoided what I said completely and instead went on a rant about nonsensical, irrelevant butthurt.

Remind me again, what's my agenda?
Hell yeah it's the people's house not a private witch hunt. We deserve to know what is being said not selective leaks

Congressional Republicans have nothing to lose, whether they agree or disagree with the inquiry they have no choice but to act like children, there's no downside. They know a no vote wouldn't matter but any hesitancy would be construed as being unloyal to Donny. Irrespective of what they believe, the tribal mentality of the minority compels them to pander for appearances to their constituents..
That's true (especially the nice guy part). My point since day one was always that no one (politicians included) is 100% good or 100% bad, but that everyone lies somewhere on the continuum. Trump is (and always has been) further to the bad end than any previous president. He is beyond the line of acceptability to me and the majority of others. That view is getting more entrenched daily. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with his being an "outsider" or beating Hillary, but everything to do with his being a despicably horrendous human. The "outsider" and beating Hillary nonsense are just two of the many red herrings being tossed to the gullible redhatters.

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