The Impeachment Thread

LOL, name calling! You're not from around here are ya?
That was all I could make out of your post.

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Who is "y'all"?

I hated Clinton too and have stated a number of times that she should probably be in jail.

Now, try again. This time approach this from a perspective from where can believe that Trump is human garbage and Clinton is too. Sit down first, I don't want you to pass out from trying to compute how that may be possible.

Show me one of my posts where I said he was a super trooper. I have never defended his character, or proposed he had much of one, or proposed he hasn't been professional like one would want him to be. I've only objected to this monkey court and double standard, and the fact ya'll want him gone cause he's reprehensible. Legalities be darned. He has yet to be proven to have done anything illegal, or any evidence remotely suggesting he did. There will end up being so much propaganda spewed out, that the Uke prez will eventually start believing it and wonder if there was really pressure on him.

Take your blinders off b**** and actually read what people say and quit regurgitating your agenda. Sit down now. Don't want you to pass out cause you found out someone who voted for Trump is not a soap on a rope boy like you are for your side.
You just called another poster a "lady" as a pejorative, maybe don't dish it out if'n you can't take it.
I was being kind calling her a lady. I guess you don't have any upbringing or respect???

I will admit that I smiled as I called her lady though.

Also, I'm not sure why you and @Mick think I cant take something? What is it you think I cant take?
Do you think that I was upset or scared about him saying I was a nail?

You guys have no sense of humor apparently.

The Waffle House joke is lost on you both apparently.
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I pretty much agree with everything you said.
Jimmy Carter has always been my favorite. His experiences as POTUS speak volumes to those who can hear.

He was also a professional associate of my Dad's (peanut scientist) occasionally in his earlier days in Plains. What you see is what you get. He's stand up.
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It's not a Trumper thing. It's a liberal double standard thing. Americans are revolting and calling BS and saying enough of ya'lls crap. Clinton got off for not being perfect. So, a scumbag was hired. If it was legal for a scumbag to get elected, then it's legal for him to serve his term, just like Bill and OB. Prove illegalities, handle it, and move on. If you can't, move on. But, don't say now that he beat Hils, he's a despicable human that can't be president and must go. Geez, he beat the biggest scumbag on the planet. Give him some credit for keeping her out of office. she's done enough scum bag s*** to this country. Yet, scummy s*** with him somehow means impeachment. The Clinton's weren't held to a higher standard. they were excused. How come all of a sudden, it's different for Trump? that's why you have "Trumpers" and why he will get re-elected.
Found one for ya GVF!
Lol.......Jimmy Carter. Big wussy he was. Iran bitch slapped him silly.

We were referring to his character. He was probably too good to be president from that perspective. And he inherited an economy in the mid-70's that would have crippled any president at the time. He was in a no win presidency. But, he was an outstanding person.
It's not a Trumper thing. It's a liberal double standard thing. Americans are revolting and calling BS and saying enough of ya'lls crap. Clinton got off for not being perfect. So, a scumbag was hired. If it was legal for a scumbag to get elected, then it's legal for him to serve his term, just like Bill and OB. Prove illegalities, handle it, and move on. If you can't, move on. But, don't say now that he beat Hils, he's a despicable human that can't be president and must go. Geez, he beat the biggest scumbag on the planet. Give him some credit for keeping her out of office. she's done enough scum bag s*** to this country. Yet, scummy s*** with him somehow means impeachment. The Clinton's weren't held to a higher standard. they were excused. How come all of a sudden, it's different for Trump? that's why you have "Trumpers" and why he will get re-elected.
It's a Trump thing. He is the worst and it goes way beyond his personal lack of morals and ethics to the very core of his world view of humanity.
And there has been a colossal double standard on both sides.
Repubs screamed about Clinton's lack of personal morals making him unfit for office yet turn a blind eye to Trump's and find every way to overlook his bad behavior.
The right wing and congressional republicans proudly and smugly claimed they were just doing their sworn constitutional duty while doing everything within their power to impeach Clinton yet now scream "witch hunt" and "deep state" when the left is doing the exact same thing to Trump.
We were referring to his character. He was probably too good to be president from that perspective. And he inherited an economy in the mid-70's that would have crippled any president at the time. He was in a no win presidency. But, he was an outstanding person.

Oh well then carry on about his great character. Outstanding as a person = YES. But as a president, that's a person's opinion. I love the guy's character & him teaching a sunday school class & all. But as president he stunk.
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It's a Trump thing. He is the worst and it goes way beyond his personal lack of morals and ethics to the very core of his world view of humanity.
And there has been a colossal double standard on both sides.
Repubs screamed about Clinton's lack of personal morals making him unfit for office yet turn a blind eye to Trump's and find every way to overlook his bad behavior.
The right wing and congressional republicans proudly and smugly claimed they were just doing their sworn constitutional duty while doing everything within their power to impeach Clinton yet now scream "witch hunt" and "deep state" when the left is doing the exact same thing to Trump.
They did not try to impeach Clinton over his lack of morals and the choices he made there, and you know that. No one blames him for cheating on hill
It's a Trump thing. He is the worst and it goes way beyond his personal lack of morals and ethics to the very core of his world view of humanity.
And there has been a colossal double standard on both sides.
Repubs screamed about Clinton's lack of personal morals making him unfit for office yet turn a blind eye to Trump's and find every way to overlook his bad behavior.
The right wing and congressional republicans proudly and smugly claimed they were just doing their sworn constitutional duty while doing everything within their power to impeach Clinton yet now scream "witch hunt" and "deep state" when the left is doing the exact same thing to Trump.

To be fair, there was improprieties proven with Clinton through testimony and evidence, even his own eventually, that has yet to occur this go around. Currently it is hearsay, conjecture, and the appearance of continued fabrication. And the fact that Schiff is the panderer. IF and/or when it becomes something different, and can be proven, then have at it. No problem from me with due process, if there are legitimate grounds. And that has not been proven ,which is why there is a so called witch hunt. There is enough under current with Trump that if this was legitimate and doable, the GOP would go to Trump just like they did with Nixon. Until the House can provide that, they will maintain party lines. Right, wrong, or indifferent on this Kurd abandonment, it has caused him more harm in his own party than his personal behavior. They all know he is a narcisist, but that's not impeachable. If the House can provide a solid case, an honest case, and a provable case, the GOP would follow suit to have a way out with him over the Kurds. If the Dems are serious about this, they will draw back, replace Schiff with someone of character (they do exist in the party), and remount. It's there only avenue if they want to successfully impeach.
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Oh well then carry on about his great character. Outstanding as a person = YES. But as a president, that's a person's opinion. I love the guy's character & him teaching a sunday school class & all. But as president he stunk.

Wouldn't argue that and I strongly respect the man, through his actions, and my dads opinion and experience with him. Maybe he was too soft for the office. Maybe the economy of the 70's did him in before he got going. He was a good governor. I was there. But, that's like saying all good college QB's will make good NFL QB's. Fact is, professionally, his presidency was a bust for various reasons.

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