The Impeachment Thread

American's are "revolting?" Spare me, Trump didn't even carry the popular vote and his support has been all downhill since.

I stopped reading after you invoked Clinton as a measuring stick, the whataboutisims that flow like the Nile are worn out and no longer carry any weight. Time to start owning that you support a clown that is every bit as corrupt as the establishment that you claim to despise.

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Would never use Clinton as an actual measuring stick. He doesn't measure up. Was kindly reminding how ya'll use the double standard. Time to start owning that you support a corrupt, liberal, partisan establishment. I think you just stopped reading cause you're mind wandered off for a bit.
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It's not a Trumper thing. It's a liberal double standard thing. Americans are revolting and calling BS and saying enough of ya'lls crap. Clinton got off for not being perfect. So, a scumbag was hired. If it was legal for a scumbag to get elected, then it's legal for him to serve his term, just like Bill and OB. Prove illegalities, handle it, and move on. If you can't, move on. But, don't say now that he beat Hils, he's a despicable human that can't be president and must go. Geez, he beat the biggest scumbag on the planet. Give him some credit for keeping her out of office. she's done enough scum bag s*** to this country. Yet, scummy s*** with him somehow means impeachment. The Clinton's weren't held to a higher standard. they were excused. How come all of a sudden, it's different for Trump? that's why you have "Trumpers" and why he will get re-elected.
Sombody find a slow clap meme for this man!

You hit the nail on the head, unfortunately.... some people wont see it because they are worried that there is a hole in the wood now.
Would never use Clinton as an actual measuring stick. He doesn't measure up. Was kindly reminding how ya'll use the double standard. Time to start owning that you support a corrupt, liberal, partisan establishment. I think you just stopped reading cause you're mind wandered off for a bit.

Who is "y'all"?

I hated Clinton too and have stated a number of times that she should probably be in jail.

Now, try again. This time approach this from a perspective from where can believe that Trump is human garbage and Clinton is too. Sit down first, I don't want you to pass out from trying to compute how that may be possible.
Is he going to tell us about the ceasefire that he brokered that never happened? My guess is he'll thump his chest about a safe zone that won't really exist.

Art of the deal Donny is a joke that keeps getting his ass handed to him on the world stage.

Jumping the gun again huh? Typical. Just wait & see what your President has to say......& then mock like always as if you have/had a better person in mind to be the President........oh, like Hillary, who you never voted for...haha.
Where do the redhats go from here? I mean it was the latest spin that was just blown to hell.

Given that no self respecting attorney will get on board this sinking ship, I'd wager they just go back to the "yeah, but so what" defense.
Sombody find a slow clap meme for this man!

You hit the nail on the head, unfortunately.... some people wont see it because they are worried that there is a hole in the wood now.
You're the nail and firmly in the wood with your head countersunk.
Jumping the gun again huh? Typical. Just wait & see what your President has to say......& then mock like always as if you have/had a better person in mind to be the President........oh, like Hillary, who you never voted for...haha.

Past performance is an excellent predictor of future behavior.

Trump's made a lot of promises, few have panned out.

What are the odds he's going to tell us how the "Kurds are happy about this" again?
Past performance is an excellent predictor of future behavior.

Trump's made a lot of promises, few have panned out.

What are the odds he's going to tell us how the "Kurds are happy about this" again?

Geezus man........just wait or are you pissing in your pants with glee & can't wait to mock the big bad President
Where do the redhats go from here? I mean it was the latest spin that was just blown to hell.

Hasn't that spin that they knew been re-circulated in about 7,597 tweets so far. Mostly from the NYT. I don't recall seeing anything official, and validated, from an official Uke, that says there was quid pro quo. We a re getting bombarded with official tweets of un named officials, with official sources saying somebody remembers knowing something. All farts from the donkey's a** while the head says it didn't happen.
Geezus man........just wait or are you pissing in your pants with glee & can't wait to mock the big bad President

Expressing zero confidence in trump's foreign policy acumen is easy when he's proven time and time again he has none. I think your optimism is great, I hope for the Kurd's sake, you're right and I'm wrong. If I were the Kurd's at this point, I wouldn't trust a g.d. thing that came out of his mouth. Would you?
Where do the redhats go from here? I mean it was the latest spin that was just blown to hell.

Pretty obvious that they will simply argue that there was quid pro quo, but there was nothing wrong with it.

I hope they keep up with the dumbest talking point ever about the DNC server hunt in Ukraine. I doubt whoever came up with that can turn on their TV, much less a computer.

Update: they are already doing it.
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I agree, and it's part of life. And hard to define that line of biblical judgement verses who you approve to date your daughter. Except for the fact that while they are in your care to raise, you are responsible for what you teach and allow. Spare the Rod, spoil the child. train a child in how they should go... they are also decision as much as judgements. I can agree that you have a "personal opinion" of Trump without judging him biblically. Because that opinion may be based on visible behavior. Trump does this. Clinton does that, etc. Those are observed actions that shape opinions based on our own personal views of what makes a person a sleaze ball or not. So, yours will differ from mine. I think there is a threshold in ones make up you cross when that becomes a judgement of others, and that's a tough call of what that is.

Could I support the impeachment of a bad president. Of course. If it is based sole on legal grounds. Was there a legal basis on Clinton's impeachment, or just moral. I think his behavior was grossly reprehensible. He is as despicable as Trump from a perceived personal assessment of character. Without breaking the law, censure them and move on.

All of DC is a political Ho House. I'd like to know how many, if any in DC aren't on the take somewhere, or who have been completely true to their spouse. I'd like to shake their hand. It's nothing more than PAC parties, favors, and perks for the elite.
I pretty much agree with everything you said.
Jimmy Carter has always been my favorite. His experiences as POTUS speak volumes to those who can hear.

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