The Impeachment Thread

Not sure..what I am sure of is there are alot of emails from the DNC and Ukraine and that Yovanovich denied Visas to anyone wanting to bring evidence of it here and she spied on any journalists who typed in keywords Soros...Burisma... Ukraine collusion sounds legit to me

I don't think you are sure of any of that. I do believe that you've read that.

What should be obvious is that Ukranian Oligarch Dmytro Firtash was throwing money around to Rudy, and current and former Ukranian officials, to paint a picture of corruption, if it fit a Trump narrative.

I believe, some of the dirt that was manufactured is the basis for the "revelations" being offered in the articles you cite.

Ukrainian oligarch Firtash linked to Giuliani pals' gas deals and Biden dirt digging
Who is my candidate of choice right now? Who do I want to win? Be as specific as you can

Please name a far left lib that I support or simply quit your whining

So your criteria to prove you are a liberal is someone has to actually quote the liberal you back?

Just asking as I am trying to find your requirements here.

Are all of your anti conservative or anti trump or constant attacks on the conservatives here not enough?

Is the fact you side with the left on here 9 times out of 10 unless it is gun related not matter?

I just need to understand what you want here.
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Who is my candidate of choice right now? Who do I want to win? Be as specific as you can

Please name a far left lib that I support or simply quit your whining

They live in a world of strict binaries now, where there are only MAGA patriots and criminally insane rabid socialist mobs. Don't blame them, their media programmers make millions of dollars a year because they are so adept at selling this worldview.

Now the the sad hour is upon us where the left, instead of running to the center to fill the vacuum abandoned by the right, wants to mirror the extremes that gave us Trump.

Those of us left in the middle often catch the shrapnel from both sides as they fire from the safety of their entrenched bubbles.
Sounds kind of vague. I guess if Trump's "advisors" weren't so involved in Ukrainian politics, they wouldn't have been looked at in the first place. One person's opposition research is another person's foreign policy research.... but again, didn't Rudy and Donald proclaim it wouldn't be a crime to seek foreign assistance in an election?

It's not a crime to seek foreign assistance in an election. It's not a crime to ask foreign countries that have investigation treaties with us to investigate political corruption that took place within their borders.

It is a crime to illegally spy on US citizens and abuse a FISA court to do so, not to mention if they did it against a presidential candidate from the other party, in an effort to gain an election advantage.

Political coups are illegal as well.
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You just avoided what I said completely and instead went on a rant about nonsensical, irrelevant butthurt.

Remind me again, what's my agenda?

I don't think I avoided it. I said I wasn't defending his character or lack of as a person. I just said I was arguing the validity of the process as it has unfolded so far. I really don't think that is so hard to comprehend.
So your criteria to prove you are a liberal is someone has to actually quote the liberal you back?

Just asking as I am trying to find your requirements here.

Are all of your anti conservative or anti trump or constant attacks on the conservatives here not enough?

Is the fact you side with the left on here 9 times out of 10 unless it is gun related not matter?

I just need to understand what you want here.
I think he proclaims to be a Libertarian. I haven't figured out Libertarians yet but in general I would say they are liberal in general, but more conservative in nature when it comes to financial beliefs.
It's not a crime to seek foreign assistance in an election. It's not a crime to ask foreign countries that have investigation treaties with us to investigate political corruption that took place within their borders.

It is a crime to illegally spy on US citizens and abuse a FISA court to do so, not to mention if they did it against a presidential candidate from the other party, in an effort to gain an election advantage.

Political coups are illegal as well.

So, those FISA revelations are due any day now... Soon?
They live in a world of strict binaries now, where there are only MAGA patriots and criminally insane rabid socialist mobs. Don't blame them, their media programmers make millions of dollars a year because they are so adept at selling this worldview.

I do not know your personal views but if u are for open borders, ok with Clinton getting away with all the crap she did but are ready to nail trump to the wall for stuff the media would consider minor at best if it was a democrat then u aren’t in the middle.

Now the the sad hour is upon us where the left, instead of running to the center to fill the vacuum abandoned by the right, wants to mirror the extremes that gave us Trump.

Those of us left in the middle often catch the shrapnel from both sides as they fire from the safety of their entrenched bubbles.
I think he proclaims to be a Libertarian. I haven't figured out Libertarians yet but in general I would say they are liberal in general, but more conservative in nature when it comes to financial beliefs.

He says that yet always attacks the right leaning ppl on here and gives pass to the left leaning and has done it for a decade.

That gives the appearance of a slant.
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So your criteria to prove you are a liberal is someone has to actually quote the liberal you back?

Just asking as I am trying to find your requirements here.

No I'm asking him to back up his constant claims that I support the far left candidates. It's a lie he continues to post yet runs away when asked for anything specific. Take a stab at it if you're interested
Are all of your anti conservative or anti trump or constant attacks on the conservatives here not enough?
anti Trump is not anti conservative. I am a fiscal conservative and he is not. That's where most of my criticism comes from. Plus he's a dispicable human being imo
Is the fact you side with the left on here 9 times out of 10 unless it is gun related not matter?

I just need to understand what you want here.
I rarely side with the left on anything except people being left alone to make their own choices and be respected for that. You simply confuse disagreeing with the current GOP as being a far left Dem. Nothing could be further from the truth
No I'm asking him to back up his constant claims that I support the far left candidates. It's a lie he continues to post yet runs away when asked for anything specific. Take a stab at it if you're interested
anti Trump is not anti conservative. I am a fiscal conservative and he is not. That's where most of my criticism comes from. Plus he's a dispicable human being imo

I rarely side with the left. You simply confuse disagreeing with the current GOP as being a far left Dem. Nothing could be further from the truth

Ok if you could have your pick of President from anyone running last time or this time who would you choose?
Ok if you could have your pick of President from anyone running last time or this time who would you choose?
Gary Johnson was my last vote as I've told you before. There's not a single person running now that I would vote for. Maybe that changes if someone like Amash enters the race
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It's not a crime to seek foreign assistance in an election. It's not a crime to ask foreign countries that have investigation treaties with us to investigate political corruption that took place within their borders.

It is a crime to illegally spy on US citizens and abuse a FISA court to do so, not to mention if they did it against a presidential candidate from the other party, in an effort to gain an election advantage.

Political coups are illegal as well.

And the reminder....

NEOCON said:
I do not know your personal views but if u are for open borders, ok with Clinton getting away with all the crap she did but are ready to nail trump to the wall for stuff the media would consider minor at best if it was a democrat then u aren’t in the middle.

I don't do ideology. George H.W. Bush and Jack Kemp would be the closest to my general lean, but I think there are good ideas across the political spectrum.

I can also perceive the painfully obvious: that Donald Trump is a dangerous, authoritarian buffoon who wants to use the power of his office for his own power and enrichment, not the country's. He breaks his vows to the Constitution with the same rapidity and callous disregard as he breaks his marriage vows.
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He says that yet always attacks the right leaning ppl on here and gives pass to the left leaning and has done it for a decade.

That gives the appearance of a slant.
The right leaning make up most of the posters and they post some stupid things. If someone in the left side the same I also say something. You simply don't pay attention when I do that. Confirmation bias
Have you ever seen him post on the other forums? He'd a douche bag to everyone on any subject. Being a jerk is part of his vocabulary.

The mods here seem to allow people here to be a "douche". There was a time I would have thought that just calling someone that would be out of bounds, but tolerance seems to be abundant.
So, those FISA revelations are due any day now... Soon?

I wasn't saying any of that is true, unlike ya'll's handling of the Trump accusations. I was merely pointing out the differences between the accusations since you seemed to have lost a bit of nuance.

Tick tock. All I can do is hope the truth comes out on either or both sides. I want criminals punished and corruption removed.
I wasn't saying any of that is true, unlike ya'll's handling of the Trump accusations. I was merely pointing out the differences between the accusations since you seemed to have lost a bit of nuance.

Tick tock. All I can do is hope the truth comes out on either or both sides. I want criminals punished and corruption removed.

Ok cool, I thought I was hearing an undertone. My bad.
The mods here seem to allow people here to be a "douche". There was a time I would have thought that just calling someone that would be out of bounds, but tolerance seems to be abundant.

I think we're all adults here & can laugh with each other or we can insult each other and still get along just fine.
We don't need a nanny to watch our every move.
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