The Impeachment Thread

Less money spent, smaller govt with less govt intervention in our lives. If those are my loony left ideas then I'll own the label.

Of course it makes the person applying the label look like a window licking moron but that's ok too
He did it in NM. So if none of these reps are going to do what they claim why am I the bad guy for calling them out? Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in his term yet I'm some far left liberal for asking what happened? At least the left is more honest about their spending goals

No the left isn’t. They say no taxes on middle class thrn rape the middle class.

My taxes are 20 percent lower on my business with trump. Lower on my personal too.

Social programs are the issue.

The debt is also a red herring to a certain extent. It’s mostky owed to itself.
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Your taxes are lower and spending has increased. That's the GOP way and it's absurd to suggest a fiscal conservative would support it yet here we are. It's supported all over this board by those calling themselves one.

Social programs are the issue.
and military yet the right won't touch it. No one in favor of smaller govt can support either party with a clear conscience
Has Trump increased the deficit or reduced the deficit?

In general, are conservatives pro-deficit or do they want to reduce the deficit?

What exactly makes Trump a conservative? Is it the millions he spent on Hillary's Senate bids?

The Supreme Court is what matters to me more than the deficit.

Then the border.

Then down somewhere is the deficit which is magic money in many ways. Most is actually owed to the us gov and ppl itself, very little is actually China held. China can’t call because if our dollar drops then they export less and we export more.

The dollar also can’t tank as long as its petroleum based.
Damn Republicans acting like a bunch of Democrats now.

What's next, holding banners while they are noisily disrupting proceedings, chaining themselves together and hunger strikes? That sheet never is a good look. What is to be gained by this? I guess what we will be getting instead is a paralyzed government which means less government.

The Libertarians should be happy then.
He did it in NM. So if none of these reps are going to do what they claim why am I the bad guy for calling them out? Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in his term yet I'm some far left liberal for asking what happened? At least the left is more honest about their spending goals

Am I wrong and getting old, or was the budget at a surplus when he left office? I loath him, but I think he actually did that ?? Reagan got it under control. Elder Bush did OK. The deficit as it stands is all on younger Bush and Obama, if memory serves me.
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Are there not Republican members of these committees present behind the “closed doors”?

Surely the Democrats cannot block Committee members from sitting in.
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Are there not Republican members of these committees present behind the “closed doors”?

Surely the Democrats cannot block Committee members from sitting in.

Every committee is made up of members from both parties. I believe the majority party has 1 more member on each committee. All committee members are allotted time to ask questions.
Are there not Republican members of these committees present behind the “closed doors”?

Surely the Democrats cannot block Committee members from sitting in.
No. Thats why its not an actual "impeachment inquiry". That term was used to dupe the sheeple. Impeachment anything doesn't happen behind closed partisian doors. Its just another con job from "I have proof of collusion" Schiff.
If he doesn't get "overthrown" (rightfully and legally removed), that will be the true tragedy.
The republican party has suffered irreparable harm either way.
Catch 22.....Support Trump and forever lose all credibility, or denounce Trump and lose most of the 36 percenters (and your next election).

I think you over estimate the health of the Democratic Party. That implosion is on the cusp of going either way. What a good portion of America sees is the Dem process here getting called out once and for all. They could tank. The GOP could. They both could. I think what we will see is a surge of independents in the next several generals. But, I could be wrong.
I say let the democrats have their fun and games and we'll see what the American public thinks about it next fall during the 2020 election.
I think you over estimate the health of the Democratic Party. That implosion is on the cusp of going either way. What a good portion of America sees is the Dem process here getting called out once and for all. They could tank. The GOP could. They both could. I think what we will see is a surge of independents in the next several generals. But, I could be wrong.
"Independents" are really just slightly more liberal as the card carrying marxists.
I say let the democrats have their fun and games and we'll see what the American public thinks about it next fall during the 2020 election.
That's pretty much where I am.

I also wonder how much of this democratic show is self defense against the investigation reports that are rumored to be coming down for release. If that is true, there will be more backlash come '20 than merely against the faux impeachment.
Who is my candidate of choice right now? Who do I want to win? Be as specific as you can

Please name a far left lib that I support or simply quit your whining
First why won't you answer my question about your statement getting revised?

Any lib who wins the nom. From recent history of what I have had removed I would guess the good mayor some South Bend
True..but not the one Schiff is running comrade.

Republican members of the Intelligence committee were already in the hearing when their colleagues came in, just as Democrats were in the multitudes of closed Benghazi hearings held in the SCIF.

Not as cool as making things up, though.
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He's not a dem so he's not a klan memeber. Your party on the other hand is a racist, anti-semitic party, which you support whole heartedly.

Can you explain why Jewish folks in America are overwhelmingly reliable supporters of an anti-Semitic party? 70% in 2013 but I've seen some more recent polls over 80. Pew is a pretty ironclad data source with large sample sizes.

Jewish American's Social and Political Views

What is Trump doing to turn this around?

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