The Impeachment Thread

Its hilarious and rather sad that people think this entire fake "impeachment inquiry" will amount to anything. Its literally like they have zero understanding of politics (not shocking) and history (double not shocking).

There is no real other way to say this other than NOTHING will happen to Trump. The senate conducts the trial right? How many Republicans have to switch sides to convict?

I'm all for censure or impeach and a quick Senate No vote. Of course this while thing has kept Trump glued to Twitter and cable news so that's not a bad thing. Less time for him to break something that matters
It's a fact the Republican committee members are there. However a deposition is not intended to be public.

Ask Trey Gowdy why it's important to do so.
Anything to keep the dream alive right? Walls crumbling around Trump?? Any day now!


Sort of feel bad for dolts, constantly getting politically catfished.
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You are so wrong. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean other people don't like and respect him. What, did you have a disagreement about your god king Trump?

There you go thinking you are spot on again ..
You are so wrong. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean other people don't like and respect him. What, did you have a disagreement about your god king Trump?
Am I not entitled to my opinion? Oh I forgot, the left is intolerant of anyone that disagrees with them.
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Keep reading, listening to and watching the trusted media. They’d never lie to you. They’d never try to sway public opinion.

ABC screwed up, most likely got played by some supposed journalist. But I guess you could probably find a handful of events like this.

But still, that's all you got?
Its hilarious and rather sad that people think this entire fake "impeachment inquiry" will amount to anything. Its literally like they have zero understanding of politics (not shocking) and history (double not shocking).

There is no real other way to say this other than NOTHING will happen to Trump. The senate conducts the trial right? How many Republicans have to switch sides to convict?


This isn't an attempt at an impeachment. It's a long term smear campaign. That smear campaign has two goals. (1) Try to mar Trump in the eyes of the public going into 2020. (2) As they do that, hope they can damage Trump's public image enough to force Senate Repubs to throw him under the bus. If they can do the 2nd, they hope they can pressure Trump to leave of his own free will--a la Nixon.

Everyone remember, Nixon wasn't impeached. He was put on a political island and pressured to step down.

This isn't an impeachment. This is the Democrats begging Trump to retire from politics because:




Anything to keep the dream alive right? Walls crumbling around Trump?? Any day now!


Sort of feel bad for dolts, constantly getting politically catfished.

Just wanted to set you straight on the fact that Republicans are, in fact, at the hearings.

You don't have to believe it As you say, "Anything to keep the dream alive".
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I asked first. Post a name or admit you're simply making up lies. Seems this is way too tough for you

What I removed was a reference to you continuing to earn your jussie moniker. Of course since then you've doubled down with your poor little victim story.
You are the one who said you would be ok with 63 million voters who voted for President Trump sitting at home because we defeated your beloved gal. So if we stayed home, who would win? You should be able to figure that out by yourself but if you can’t and need help I’m here for you.
You are the one who said you would be ok with 63 million voters who voted for President Trump sitting at home because we defeated your beloved gal. So if we stayed home, who would win? You should be able to figure that out by yourself but if you can’t and need help I’m here for you.
A name please. You made the claim and can either answer or you can't. Sadly for you I think the answer is obvious at this point.
A name please. You made the claim and can either answer or you can't. Sadly for you I think the answer is obvious at this point.
Exactly what I figured. You don’t care which dem/socialist it is as long as it isn’t Trump.

And the name I called him won’t fly yet right after my statement you let a statement stand where someone said something about grabbing my mother by the ***** It’s good though, most here realize what you are
Well then I don’t understand all the gnashing of teeth by the Republicans, and that’s coming from someone who has no love loss for the Democrats.
The base requires it and so does Trump. Dare to show anything but complete allegiance and you're out of the circle
Exactly what I figured. You don’t care which dem/socialist it is as long as it isn’t Trump.
I've started in this very thread today that there is no one I support at this moment. I've also posted exactly what I want in govt. Are you finally admitting you lied and that I don't support a far left agenda? It's for the best at this point
And the name I called him won’t fly yet right after my statement you let a statement stand where someone said something about grabbing my mother by the ***** It’s good though, most here realize what you are
That's why the report button is there. We don't see everything

The word mother has only been posted on the last 10min and nothing like you described
I've started in this very thread today that there is no one I support at this moment. I've also posted exactly what I want in govt. Are you finally admitting you lied and that I don't support a far left agenda? It's for the best at this point

That's why the report button is there. We don't see everything

The word mother has only been posted on the last 10min and nothing like you described
Nope. You want all R voters to stay home meaning you want whichever dem is nominated to win, that’s easy to see

This wasn’t today, it was weeks ago when you went on a rampage deleting my posts and same day within a couple of minutes of mine getting deleted someone said that in the same damn thread and didn’t get deleted until I pointed out to the man your bias.
Nope. You want all R voters to stay home meaning you want whichever dem is nominated to win, that’s easy to see

This wasn’t today, it was weeks ago when you went on a rampage deleting my posts and same day within a couple of minutes of mine getting deleted someone said that in the same damn thread and didn’t get deleted until I pointed out to the man your bias.

I think you over estimate the health of the Democratic Party. That implosion is on the cusp of going either way. What a good portion of America sees is the Dem process here getting called out once and for all. They could tank. The GOP could. They both could. I think what we will see is a surge of independents in the next several generals. But, I could be wrong.
I would love to see more independent and/or outsider candidates with a legitimate chance. I fear that the Trump fiasco may actually make that less likely. No one on the left will be willing to vote for a 3rd party candidate if it increases Trump's chances of reelection or advances trumpism in any way. There will be many who say they would love a 3rd party centrist candidate, but very few who will actually vote that way.
Its hilarious and rather sad that people think this entire fake "impeachment inquiry" will amount to anything. Its literally like they have zero understanding of politics (not shocking) and history (double not shocking).

There is no real other way to say this other than NOTHING will happen to Trump. The senate conducts the trial right? How many Republicans have to switch sides to convict?

I have no allusion that the senate will do the correct thing, but I will enjoy history showing that Trump was rightfully impeached and that the republican senate failed to do their job.
I have no allusion that the senate will do the correct thing, but I will enjoy history showing that Trump was rightfully impeached and that the republican senate failed to do their job. you really think a Democrat will be President anytime soon? These little 2nd & 3rd grade imbeciles & ingrates can't lead the country back into peace & tranquility. They have been terrible horrible whiny losers since Nov. 2016. Besides, if they do get back to power somehow they will tax you into having to live in your car & standing in bread lines for that what you think will be a great Utopian world you'll be in?
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