The Impeachment Thread

Afterwards, congress delegated management of the special counsel to the executive branch. Six months ago, the executive branch refused to turn over the fruits of a special counsel investigation to congress.

They then tried to do open hearings, which were widely criticized as a circus due to the format requirements of house rules (see: Lewandowski, Cory).

Apparently republicans have a problem with democrats learning from their mistakes.
I'm guessing the Fox News nostalgia for the 1998 impeachment avoids discussing how Ken Starr published transcripts from his interviews every day.

Among legal voters yes. When you get to the point that you've had enough handing over your hard earned money to re-distribute it to losers that don't work, you'll see the light. Perhaps you'll never see the light if you're always going to be a leach though.
I was always curious what the last people to argue that the earth was flat were like, no longer; one of the few positives to come from Trumpism.
There is a clear pattern...the initial witness statement gets leaked and cherry picked before hearings start the liberal sites run with it and never make a correction when that statement is torn apart during actual testimony.
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There is a clear pattern...the initial witness statement gets leaked and cherry picked before hearings start the liberal sites run with it and never make a correction when that statement is torn apart during actual testimony.

A man with less than Zero credibility interviewed by a commentator with even less than that.
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I was always curious what the last people to argue that the earth was flat were like, no longer; one of the few positives to come from Trumpism.
Actually, there's a documentary about the flat earth society on one of the streaming services now. One of the best things about it is that they keep making predictions to prove their worldview, seeing their predictions proven wrong, and making more predictions...over and over and over...unphased, completely wrong, yet condescending and oblivious.

It's hilarious. You'd love it....
Actually, there's a documentary about the flat earth society on one of the streaming services now. One of the best things about it is that they keep making predictions to prove their worldview, seeing their predictions proven wrong, and making more predictions...over and over and over...unphased, completely wrong, yet condescending and oblivious.

My assumption is that most people claiming to believe this only do so for attention.
Actually, there's a documentary about the flat earth society on one of the streaming services now. One of the best things about it is that they keep making predictions to prove their worldview, seeing their predictions proven wrong, and making more predictions...over and over and over...unphased, completely wrong, yet condescending and oblivious.

It's hilarious. You'd love it....
I'm sure. Those type of people do crack me up. Imagine believing something with no evidence. I predict they are all trumpers?
You're on fire with that comeback, my man.
Why thank you Mick. You are too kind sir.
Yeah I'm trying to find the bad in millions of red hatters sitting out an election. This system needs a reset in the worst way
It’s not hard to see. Just go back and look on that stage from the last debate. If the Dems hadn’t gone full stupid letting idiots like AOC push the agenda way farther left than acceptable to the general public then they’d have a great shot at winning. As things currently stand things are so bad that even Hillary is considering running again.

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