The Impeachment Thread

I don't do ideology. George H.W. Bush and Jack Kemp would be the closest to my general lean, but I think there are good ideas across the political spectrum.

I can also perceive the painfully obvious: that Donald Trump is a dangerous, authoritarian buffoon who wants to use the power of his office for his own power and enrichment, not the country's. He breaks his vows to the Constitution with the same rapidity and callous disregard as he breaks his marriage vows.
That’s your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is he is less dangerous than Hillary, Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren.
That’s your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is he is less dangerous than Hillary, Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren.
I hope you aren’t an actuary by trade, because your threat assessment stinks.

Hillary and Biden are retirees who will never hold any position of power again.

Sanders and Warren are minority party Senators - zero power but potentially dangerous.

Trump is of course this morning the most powerful person in the free world, using that power to undermine Constitutional norms, national security, free markets, and fully engaged in corrupt double dealing.
I hope you aren’t an actuary by trade, because your threat assessment stinks.

Hillary and Biden are retirees who will never hold any position of power again.

Sanders and Warren are minority party Senators - zero power but potentially dangerous.

Trump is of course this morning the most powerful person in the free world, using that power to undermine Constitutional norms, national security, free markets, and fully engaged in corrupt double dealing.
And also, he‘s really stupid.
That’s your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is he is less dangerous than Hillary, Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren.
He isn't at all dangerous, they are just soft and weak and they let far left wing media members get them all worked up.

I don't see Biden as dangerous, if he wins in 2020 it will just be meh, like the rest of his life no real difference. He wouldn't be any different than McCain/Romney etc..

Warren/Sanders/The great mayor etc.. are the ones who are very dangerous.
I haven't seen it. I witnessed the GOP House go full caveman yesterday. Another week or two and they will be slithering on the ground.
Good point. Maybe trumpism is just forcing evolutionary movement. Some are using it as a catalyst to evolve while others are using it as a catalyst to devolve.
I would love to see more independent and/or outsider candidates with a legitimate chance. I fear that the Trump fiasco may actually make that less likely. No one on the left will be willing to vote for a 3rd party candidate if it increases Trump's chances of reelection or advances trumpism in any way. There will be many who say they would love a 3rd party centrist candidate, but very few who will actually vote that way.

This impeachment won't do him in per se. It will be voted as such in the next election as a sham. However, trump's actions in the way he withdrew from Syria, and his insistence that he negotiated peace, and suicided a race, will backfire on him eventually in his own party and they may let him hang. He does not have support of his own for that fiasco. He does have support, not necessarily against impeachment, but strongly against the current process. If the Dems, notably Pelosi and Schiff, were able to read between the lines, they'd be smart enough to open up and be 120% visible in the process, and the GOP might would let them have him.
I believe you would be correct. The Pence would be a favorite to win in my opinion.

I would definitely vote for Pence if it can come to pass. Not sure I can vote Trump again. Not over the impeachment thing. I've seen too much discombobulation to know if there is any truth to it on either side. But, I'm not happy over his Syria pullout and how he just served up an entire race to suicide, and the freedom of the jihadists. Then wanting to take credit for peace negotiations. That narcisism I can't take.
You have to give him credit for beating the most qualified person to ever run for President
He (actually Bannon and Star) knew exactly how to divide and conquer by playing on ignorance, fear, envy, jealousy, and hatred by the masterful use of propaganda and outright lies. But I see that more as an indictment of his supporters.

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