The Impeachment Thread

Something tells me that it will take a President from the Democratic Party for Republicans to start to care again. As far as I can tell, Rand Paul is the only one who has openly objected to Trump's reckless spending.
I agree his spending has been out of hand. I’m just glad you all lefties are now on board against out of control spending, something tells me you all won’t care next time a lefty is elected
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Who‘s job is it to create the federal budget?
1) The President submits a budget request.
2) The House and Senate pass budget resolutions.
3) House and Senate subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills.
4) The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences.
5) The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law.
1. I do not like Donald Trump.
2. Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office because of his attempts to strong arm Ukraine's government into interfering with American elections for his own benefit.
Since Sleepy Joe did the same thing, should he be kicked out of the election?
What high crime(s) or misdemeanor(s) do your allegations in #2 fall under?
I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to ask for foreign assistance in an election. And even if it technically isn't, you seem to conveniently have forgotten that treason and bribery are also justification for impeachment.
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1) The President submits a budget request.
2) The House and Senate pass budget resolutions.
3) House and Senate subcommittees "markup" appropriations bills.
4) The House and Senate vote on appropriations bills and reconcile differences.
5) The President signs each appropriations bill and the budget becomes law.
I didn’t see anything about continuing resolutions.

Whose fault is the never-ending cycle of CRs?
Of course I understand how easy it is to manipulate a poll. That's why an educated person is selective in the polls they give credence. Large segments of the population are clueless. The 2016 anomaly only added to the ignorance.
My dislike of Trump increases my desire to see his criminal activity lead to impeachment.
Your love of Trump increases your desire to downplay, deny, justify, and overlook his criminal activities in order to avoid impeachment.

So when will he be impeached?

If there's a way & a will........he'll do it. He'll drag those do-nothing Dims through the mud.
Dims haven't learned yet they can't control Donald Trump....and that's what pisses them off so much.
Trump is a fighter and will punch back two times harder when he's tired of being mistreated.
1. I do not like Donald Trump.
2. Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office because of his attempts to strong arm Ukraine's government into interfering with American elections for his own benefit.

LOL........You left out the part where President Trump hurts your little girly feelings & you cry all night long.
It's just dandy & alright when the last guy did his criminal deeds in getting a foreign government to gather dirt & to spy on an American citizen who's running for the Oval Office. Yeah, let's just over-look that crime of treason. Let's be sure that we (Dims) have an insurance policy just in case they lose an election bc Hillary sucks so bad.
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If there's a way & a will........he'll do it. He'll drag those do-nothing Dims through the mud.
Dims haven't learned yet they can't control Donald Trump....and that's what pisses them off so much.
Trump is a fighter and will punch back two times harder when he's tired of being mistreated.
Agree. DIMs can't handle a Patriotic Pitt Bull.:)
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