The Impeachment Thread

And you accuse other of picking outliers.

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?
These are the results of the FiveThirtyEight polls you just linked to:

Do you think the U.S. House of Representatives should or should not impeach Donald Trump?

YouGov 500 adults

44% YES ... 40% NO

Ipsos 4, 083 adults

46% YES ... 40% NO

Survey Monkey 18,101 registered voters

49% YES ... 49% NO

Morning Consult 989 registered voters

50% YES ... 42% NO

Emerson College 1,000 registered voters

58% YES ... 44% NO

SSRS 1,003 adults

50% YES ... 43% NO

SurveyUSA 3,080 registered voters

49% YES ... 42% NO

Those are 7 other polls which say virtually the same thing that Quinnipiac did. How is that being an outlier? And "VolInJC" actually gave this a "like". LOL! Whose point were you trying to make with this link?
You’re right it was before the election.

Her deplorable comments were before Pizzagate went public.
But she was speaking about the same segment of people pushing conspiracy theories and fake news stories about her on social media. It was relevant to that.
These are the results of the FiveThirtyEight polls you just linked to:

Do you think the U.S. House of Representatives should or should not impeach Donald Trump?

YouGov 500 adults

44% YES ... 40% NO

Ipsos 4, 083 adults

46% YES ... 40% NO

Survey Monkey 18,101 registered voters

49% YES ... 49% NO

Morning Consult 989 registered voters

50% YES ... 42% NO

Emerson College 1,000 registered voters

58% YES ... 44% NO

SSRS 1,003 adults

50% YES ... 43% NO

SurveyUSA 3,080 registered voters

49% YES ... 42% NO

Those are 7 other polls which say virtually the same thing that Quinnipiac did. How is that being an outlier? And "VolInJC" actually gave this a "like". LOL! Whose point were you trying to make with this link?
Were all of these polls taken on college campus's? How were the polls taken? Was it by phone call to registered Democrats or Republicans only? I'm sorry but polls don't mean crap in todays world. I can design a poll to get the results I want by how I ask a question and who I ask that question.
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Were all of these polls taken on college campus's? How were the polls taken? Was it by phone call to registered Democrats or Republicans only? I'm sorry but polls don't mean crap in todays world. I can design a poll to get the results I want by how I ask a question and who I ask that question.
That is not the point. Orangeburst65 called Quinnipiac's poll results an outlier. They aren't an outlier at all. There are 6 other polls on that site he linked, which show that a majority of Americans favor impeachment.
But she was speaking about the same segment of people pushing conspiracy theories and fake news stories about her on social media. It was relevant to that.
She said HALF of his supporters were from the basket of deplorables.


If you agree with that characterization of half of Trump supporters then you’ve been brainwashed.
She said HALF of his supporters were from the basket of deplorables.


If you agree with that characterization of half of Trump supporters then you’ve been brainwashed.
She exaggerated in order to make a point. It would have been better if she had just said "a significant number of" Trump's supporters are deplorable and they engage in spreading misinformation on the internet but she was inarticulate on the matter and she got carried away. Now, do you know of anyone else who is prone to exaggeration or embellishments? Do you have a similar problem when he does it, or is this just selective outrage, as conservatives like to say?
That is not the point. Orangeburst65 called Quinnipiac's poll results an outlier. They aren't an outlier at all. There are 6 other polls on that site he linked, which show that a majority of Americans favor impeachment.
Sounds like you've got a slam dunk then! Go for it and prove your polls correct.
Well this was all a nice diversion tactic but it looks like people are starting to talk and the truth will be coming out soon
There won't ever be one.
Yes, there will be a vote and Trump will be impeached by the House next month. He will also be acquitted by the Senate after a short trial in December. There is no longer a political penalty for Democrats to impeach Trump. Democrats are overwhelmingly in favor of it, and enough independents have also gotten on board now. However, with Republicans still against it, the only Republicans in the Senate who will face a difficult decision are those up for reelection next year and in a state that Trump lost in 2016 - and there are two of them - Corey Gardner and Susan Collins.
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Yes, there will be a vote and Trump will be impeached by the House next month. He will also be acquitted by the Senate after a short trial in December. There is no longer a political penalty for Democrats to impeach Trump. Democrats are overwhelmingly in favor of it, and enough independents have also gotten on board now. However, with Republicans still against it, the only Republicans in the Senate who will face a difficult decision are those up for reelection next year and in a battleground state - and there are two of them - Corey Gardner and Susan Collins.

They have 8 days to do it or do you think Nancy will keep them in session?
Yes, there will be a vote and Trump will be impeached by the House next month. He will also be acquitted by the Senate after a short trial in December. There is no longer a political penalty for Democrats to impeach Trump. Democrats are overwhelmingly in favor of it, and enough independents have also gotten on board now. However, with Republicans still against it, the only Republicans in the Senate who will face a difficult decision are those up for reelection next year and in a battleground state - and there are two of them - Corey Gardner and Susan Collins.
Yeah right and Hillary was a 98% lock to be elected. You numb nuts better look out, because I think you're going to be in for a surprise.
She exaggerated in order to make a point. It would have been better if she had just said "a significant number of" Trump's supporters are deplorable and they engage in spreading misinformation on the internet but she was inarticulate on the matter and she got carried away. Now, do you know of anyone else who is prone to exaggeration or embellishments? Do you have a similar problem when he does it, or is this just selective outrage, as conservatives like to say?
Just stupid IMO. Insulting Americans because they support your opponent wasn’t a good move.
That attitude was a huge contributing factor to why Trump won.
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Yeah right and Hillary was a 98% lock to be elected. You numb nuts better look out, because I think you're going to be in for a surprise.
That means she was thought to have a 2% chance of losing. (one in fifty) It happened, that's the shocking part; but it will happen one out of 50 times.
That means she was thought to have a 2% chance of losing. (one in fifty) It happened, that's the shocking part; but it will happen one out of 50 times.
Thanks for the statistics lesson. You still don't understand how easy polls can be manipulated. Let me take a one person poll of you:
1. Do you support the impeachment of Donald J. Trump because you don't like him?
2. Should Donald J. Trump be Impeached because he is guilty of a crime?
This is an example of a Democrat poll that the Democratic party is parading in front of the American public and it's going to blow up in their faces.
The OLC memo that a President can't be prosecuted "has never been adopted, sanctioned, or in any way
approved by a court."

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