The Impeachment Thread

Thanks for the statistics lesson. You still don't understand how easy polls can be manipulated. Let me take a one person poll of you:
1. Do you support the impeachment of Donald J. Trump because you don't like him?
2. Should Donald J. Trump be Impeached because he is guilty of a crime?
This is an example of a Democrat poll that the Democratic party is parading in front of the American public and it's going to blow up in their faces.
I think we do understand a loaded question when we hear one. I also think you are being this cynical because you don't like what the polls are currently saying. Just like Trump tweets Rasmussen Reports when they have him at 50% or higher... but wouldn't think of tweeting their results from today - they have him at 43% approval and 56% disapproval. That is his highest disapproval rating in the history of that poll - and they do lean to the right.
Thanks for the statistics lesson. You still don't understand how easy polls can be manipulated. Let me take a one person poll of you:
1. Do you support the impeachment of Donald J. Trump because you don't like him?
2. Should Donald J. Trump be Impeached because he is guilty of a crime?
This is an example of a Democrat poll that the Democratic party is parading in front of the American public and it's going to blow up in their faces.
Of course I understand how easy it is to manipulate a poll. That's why an educated person is selective in the polls they give credence. Large segments of the population are clueless. The 2016 anomaly only added to the ignorance.
My dislike of Trump increases my desire to see his criminal activity lead to impeachment.
Your love of Trump increases your desire to downplay, deny, justify, and overlook his criminal activities in order to avoid impeachment.
When you say "bastards", presume you mean the Republicans in attendance. After all, if they had pro-Trump dirt gathered from these depositions, they'd be flinging it about.
I mean all members involved, that includes members of both parties and independents. Did I leave anyone out? if I did, then them too.
I think we do understand a loaded question when we hear one. I also think you are being this cynical because you don't like what the polls are currently saying. Just like Trump tweets Rasmussen Reports when they have him at 50% or higher... but wouldn't think of tweeting their results from today - they have him at 43% approval and 56% disapproval. That is his highest disapproval rating in the history of that poll - and they do lean to the right.
Okay, so you admit that polls can be constructed to make the result be whatever they want it to be then?
I take your point but the "jury" is themselves so it's not a classic prejudice problem.
BS. Impeachment is a Political Matter. They have the votes already to impeach just on party lines alone. The House can determine what they consider "high crimes and misdemeanors" but they ain't doing spit unless they have a ground swell of public opinion supporting impeachment. The "controlled leaks" from these "impeachment inquiries" occur solely to mold that opinion. That's the game. Everyone who has even a smidgen of a brain knows this and that is why it is occurring.
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False equivalency. Context matters. Hillary Clinton was referring to the conspiracy theorists who were promoting the "PizzaGate" hoax and other such lies on the internet. Donald Trump was referring to anyone within the Republican Party who does not support him or unconditionally defend him publicly.
Both are labels and both are stupid.
Both are labels and both are stupid.
I agree. Hillary shouldn't have said it... and I think it did hurt her. Trump continues to personalize attacks on those who oppose him from within the Republican Party, even when it is with a legitimate reason.
I hope you all continue to care about the deficit the next time we have a dem President
Something tells me that it will take a President from the Democratic Party for Republicans to start to care again. As far as I can tell, Rand Paul is the only one who has openly objected to Trump's reckless spending.
BS. Impeachment is a Political Matter. They have the votes already to impeach just on party lines alone. The House can determine what they consider "high crimes and misdemeanors" but they ain't doing spit unless they have a ground swell of public opinion supporting impeachment. The "controlled leaks" from these "impeachment inquiries" occur solely to mold that opinion. That's the game. Everyone who has even a smidgen of a brain knows this and that is why it is occurring.
Yes, but my point is that at the end of the day if the evidence isn't there to support the story that's been leaked out, it will backfire.

They're not going to be able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. If witness testimony is misconstrued, they can go public.
Thanks for the statistics lesson. You still don't understand how easy polls can be manipulated. Let me take a one person poll of you:
1. Do you support the impeachment of Donald J. Trump because you don't like him?
2. Should Donald J. Trump be Impeached because he is guilty of a crime?
This is an example of a Democrat poll that the Democratic party is parading in front of the American public and it's going to blow up in their faces.
1. I do not like Donald Trump.
2. Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office because of his attempts to strong arm Ukraine's government into interfering with American elections for his own benefit.
You keeping up with the propaganda polls?
I remember that you posted poll results from "Rasmussen Reports" on here a month ago, when they showed Donald Trump's approval rating at 53%. Trump tweeted it with a picture of himself at a campaign rally, and with a "Thank you." at the end. I assume that by doing that, you considered that poll something more significant than just "propaganda". "Rasmussen Reports" now shows Trump with an approval rating of 43% and a disapproval rating of 56%. Are you saying that is now just propaganda? If so, what about "Rasmussen Reports" has changed in the last month, other than their results are now unfavorable to Trump?
1. I do not like Donald Trump.
2. Donald Trump should be impeached and removed from office because of his attempts to strong arm Ukraine's government into interfering with American elections for his own benefit.
What high crime(s) or misdemeanor(s) do your allegations in #2 fall under?

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