The Impeachment Thread

I take issue when people call him stupid. I don’t take issue when people call him a scum bag or coward. He is both of those.
Categorically stupid? No, but he sure does say a lot of stupid and ignorant things. The other day in a rally he said that we were building a border wall in Colorado. After seeing that he was being laughed at on social media over the gaffe, he tried to explain that he had said that "kiddingly" - but in the process of trying to clean that up on twitter, he also misspelled the word "referred" as "refered". His tweets include misspellings and inappropriate word usage all the time. He is very ignorant on many things. and his pride won't allow him to admit when he has made a mistake.
Categorically stupid? No, but he sure does say a lot of stupid and ignorant things. The other day in a rally he said that we were building a border wall in Colorado. After seeing that he was being laughed at on social media over the gaffe, he tried to explain that he had said that "kiddingly" - but in the process of trying to clean that up on twitter, he also misspelled the word "referred" as "refered". His tweets include misspellings and inappropriate word usage all the time. He is very ignorant on many things. and his pride won't allow him to admit when he has made a mistake.
I understand what you are saying but the basic truth is this. You don’t become POTUS by being stupid. Especially the way he did it.
actually, all political acts are stunts. But having this particular judge say impeachment is legal is what I was referring to.
I’m genuinely interested in how you feel she should have adjudicated a dispute between Congressional democrats, saying Trump has to comply with subpoenas, and Trump’s lawyers saying he’s immune from investigation, without comment on the underlying process for which the subpoenas were issued was lawful?
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I understand what you are saying but the basic truth is this. You don’t become POTUS by being stupid. Especially the way he did it.
What Trump does well... he does VERY well. He is a master at building and maintaining a brand. He is also adept at customizing a message to meet the demands of specific target audiences. His shtick plays very well to the people he needs to vote for him... over 40, white and uneducated. He also has no shame about appealing directly to prejudices and to class resentments. He was also fortunate to immediately follow Barack Obama, who had created a polarized environment where those people didn't fit in. I don't think we get Trump, if we hadn't first had Obama.
I understand what you are saying but the basic truth is this. You don’t become POTUS by being stupid. Especially the way he did it.

It’s like anything ... the truth is never as bad or never as good , it’s somewhere in the middle .
What Trump does well... he does VERY well. He is a master at building and maintaining a brand. He is also adept at customizing a message to meet the demands of specific target audiences. His shtick plays very well to the people he needs to vote for him... over 40, white and uneducated. He also has no shame about appealing directly to prejudices and to class resentments. He was also fortunate to immediately follow Barack Obama, who had created a polarized environment where those people didn't fit in. I don't think we get Trump, if we hadn't first had Obama.

In my opinion ( I’ll ignore the uneducated thing ) is when you have a culture where everything is PC and the race card gets used 24/7 because there’s a racist behind every tree , you’ll have and build resentment. You had that and one of the most horrible candidates the dems ever put up , she’s extremely polarizing and unlikeable to millions of people .
His talents are self-promotion and reading/playing up the resentments of about 35% of the population. That's basically it.
Outside the true believers (who I’m not sure can be helped), I think it’s safe to say many Trump voters are in the doubling down phase. As in they know it’s stupid, but they would rather construct alternate realities and horror stories about all their opponents than admit they made an embarrassing error.
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LOL........You left out the part where President Trump hurts your little girly feelings & you cry all night long.
It's just dandy & alright when the last guy did his criminal deeds in getting a foreign government to gather dirt & to spy on an American citizen who's running for the Oval Office. Yeah, let's just over-look that crime of treason. Let's be sure that we (Dims) have an insurance policy just in case they lose an election bc Hillary sucks so bad.
I’m genuinely interested in how you feel she should have adjudicated a dispute between Congressional democrats, saying Trump has to comply with subpoenas, and Trump’s lawyers saying he’s immune from investigation, without comment on the underlying process for which the subpoenas were issued was lawful?
Maybe this is where I learn something. My impression was that when a law isn’t clear or has multiple ways to be interpreted, it the job of the judge to make the case it’s being applied to. And one of the first things a judge relies upon when making application is to look at precedent. In this case, I understand that the constitution doesn’t clearly say how the House should start an impeachment inquiry, but there is precedent. She ruled against precedent and with the party line that she has been associated with. And if a person is issued a subpoena and their lawyer believes it to be done illegally, does that person, any person, have to comply before the legality of the subpoena has been established?
But I’m not anywhere close to a lawyer and could be completely wrong. I would be glad to see trump elected out of office next year, but I’m afraid of what the political parties are doing bending and twisting the everything to suit their political needs.

Edit: My point is that if there was a house vote to begin an inquiry that was then run through the Judiciary committee like the previous two impeachment’s, then there would be no question of the legality of the subpoenas and need for trump to comply.
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The level of stupidity of the average Trump supporter is amazing. Watched random interviews at the NC state fair yesterday, and several professed their adoration for him being "the only one who tells the truth".

I mean... holy crap. We are a really, really ignorant nation.

At this point, it’s a full blown cult. Democrats need to remember than when running against him in 2020.
Outside the true believers (who I’m not sure can be helped), I think it’s safe to say many Trump voters are in the doubling down phase. As in they know it’s stupid, but they would rather construct alternate realities and horror stories about all their opponents than admit they made an embarrassing error.
They backed themselves in a corner when they started acting like they won the lottery and told everyone else to suck it. It's self preservation for them now. The theory they are riding now is, Trump is completely innocent of any wrongdoing and it's the deep state that has broken the law. Barr is a tool for those fools to perpetuate that belief. As much crap that came out about what the campaign was doing with russian agents, probable cause existed.
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What Trump does well... he does VERY well. He is a master at building and maintaining a brand. He is also adept at customizing a message to meet the demands of specific target audiences. His shtick plays very well to the people he needs to vote for him... over 40, white and uneducated. He also has no shame about appealing directly to prejudices and to class resentments. He was also fortunate to immediately follow Barack Obama, who had created a polarized environment where those people didn't fit in. I don't think we get Trump, if we hadn't first had Obama.

That’s not true at all.....
The level of stupidity of the average Trump supporter is amazing. Watched random interviews at the NC state fair yesterday, and several professed their adoration for him being "the only one who tells the truth".

I mean... holy crap. We are a really, really ignorant nation.
I'll agree with the last sentence.
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