The Impeachment Thread

The level of stupidity of the average Trump supporter is amazing. Watched random interviews at the NC state fair yesterday, and several professed their adoration for him being "the only one who tells the truth".

I mean... holy crap. We are a really, really ignorant nation.

The irony of this post 🤦‍♂️
I will tell you who Trump needs to fight... the plastic surgeon responsible for his hair weave. It looks like he is wearing a dead animal on top of his head.
Typical liberal response. Concerned how someone looks. I think there is a Kartrashian marathon on some backwater network you might want to watch.
As much as I dislike Zero, I don't want to see him prosecuted in court. It sets a horrible precedent and imho could be very detrimental to our government as this would then become a partisan club. We are already witnessing this by the kangaroo court that the HOR is becoming in their impeachment nonsense. On the other hand, nothing in this world would make me much happier than to see Hills doing a perp walk.
Depends on what he did
Typical liberal response. Concerned how someone looks. I think there is a Kartrashian marathon on some backwater network you might want to watch.
Isn't that what Trump does on a regular basis? Whenever someone is critical of him, doesn't he usually respond with a personal attack on their physical appearance? Yes, that is exactly what he does.
It is a fact that the largest contingent of Trump voters are white men, over 40 without a college degree. That isn't stereotyping... It is acknowledging the truth.
Well, I have a college degree, but that doesn't make me any more worthy of representation than people who don't. Does it for you?

Who do the Mexicans and blacks without a college education support?

Is it white people or people without a college degree that you have a problem with?
How about the most obvious to anyone with a pulse and the biggest Progressive/Democrat weapon in existence.

The corporate media. Duh.
But he doesn't stand up to them. He hides from them. Sure, he calls them names on Twitter but that is it. He only does interviews with Fox News and he doesn't conduct press briefings anymore. That isn't standing up to anyone. That is showing fear and intimidation. He hides from the press.
This is all you’ve got. Personal attacks. Nothing. Nada.

Trump will go down as one of the greatest presidents in American history.
That is the most delusional thing I have ever read on this forum and that is no small statement. It will take decades for this country to recover from Trump's flaunting of human decency and the rule of law.
But he doesn't stand up to them. He hides from them. Sure, he calls them names on Twitter but that is it. He only does interviews with Fox News and he doesn't conduct press briefings anymore. That isn't standing up to anyone. That is showing fear and intimidation. He hides from the press.
He takes questions on the south lawn multiple times per week. He isn’t hiding from anyone.

The way the press has treated him during visits with foreign leaders and other White House guests is shameful. The press briefings were only important to the media - Acosta and friends wanted the spotlight on them - reminds me of umps/refs that try to influence the game they are officiating because they think it’s all about them.
But he doesn't stand up to them. He hides from them. Sure, he calls them names on Twitter but that is it. He only does interviews with Fox News and he doesn't conduct press briefings anymore. That isn't standing up to anyone. That is showing fear and intimidation. He hides from the press.

Hides from them ??.........hell, he goes out their on the driveway daily & speaks to them directly you moron....
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Isn't that what Trump does on a regular basis? Whenever someone is critical of him, doesn't he usually respond with a personal attack on their physical appearance? Yes, that is exactly what he does.

That's what you do too........calling someone a psycho........cause ajvolo1 hurt your feelings. Hypocrite much?
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It is a fact that the largest contingent of Trump voters are white men, over 40 without a college degree. That isn't stereotyping... It is acknowledging the truth.

You do realize that not having a college degree and uneducated is not even close to the same thing right ? I mean do you even see how condescending that is ?

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