The Impeachment Thread

At this point, it’s a full blown cult. Democrats need to remember than when running against him in 2020.

Sadly, it is. I don't understand it. I've lost a good friend over this, and it sucks.

The level of polarization between all of us is off the charts. And, Trump only fans the flames of disunity. How Trump supporters can be OK with this is beyond me. We are the same Americans we were 4 years ago under Obama, yet now we can't agree on the color blue.
LOL! Trump is not a fighter. He is a coward who only does interviews with a network he knows will kiss his butt. He hid behind a doctor's note to avoid service in Vietnam. He abandoned an ally in northern Syria. His administration won't even conduct press briefings anymore. He does whatever he has to do to hide from a fight. He is the worst kind of gutless coward.
The press is dead. Twitter killed it.. The next president will prove me right. Wolf Blitzer ewill have to peddle his bullshiite somewhere else. I recommend he check out PayLess.
Sadly, it is. I don't understand it. I've lost a good friend over this, and it sucks.

The level of polarization between all of us is off the charts. And, Trump only fans the flames of disunity. How Trump supporters can be OK with this is beyond me. We are the same Americans we were 4 years ago under Obama, yet now we can't agree on the color blue.
I'm hoping Obama, the Anointed One, is the first to fry. Then Holder, Clapper, Comey, & Brennan.
All the cards will be falling soon........they've all gone out to find their criminal defense lawyers today.
As much as I dislike Zero, I don't want to see him prosecuted in court. It sets a horrible precedent and imho could be very detrimental to our government as this would then become a partisan club. We are already witnessing this by the kangaroo court that the HOR is becoming in their impeachment nonsense. On the other hand, nothing in this world would make me much happier than to see Hills doing a perp walk.
Please do tell what "forces that he's stood against the last 4 years or so". He has done everything that ruthless dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Erdogan have wanted done. He has sided with Putin against our own intelligence community, he has pulled out of northern Syria on the demands of both Erdogan and Putin. He has turned a blind eye to North Korea's nuclear build up. He did nothing when Iran shot down an American drone. Who has he stood up to exactly? The Clintons? You mean the same people he paid to attend his wedding? BS. Trump is a coward.
Outside the true believers (who I’m not sure can be helped), I think it’s safe to say many Trump voters are in the doubling down phase. As in they know it’s stupid, but they would rather construct alternate realities and horror stories about all their opponents than admit they made an embarrassing error.
Sadly, it is. I don't understand it. I've lost a good friend over this, and it sucks.

The level of polarization between all of us is off the charts. And, Trump only fans the flames of disunity. How Trump supporters can be OK with this is beyond me. We are the same Americans we were 4 years ago under Obama, yet now we can't agree on the color blue.

How do you lose a good friend over a politician in government ? Either one or both of you are taking this way too seriously .
Please do tell what "forces that he's stood against the last 4 years or so". He has done everything that ruthless dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Erdogan have wanted done. He has sided with Putin against our own intelligence community, he has pulled out of northern Syria on the demands of both Erdogan and Putin. He has turned a blind eye to North Korea's nuclear build up. He did nothing when Iran shot down an American drone. Who has he stood up to exactly? The Clintons? You mean the same people he paid to attend his wedding? BS. Trump is a coward.
How about the most obvious to anyone with a pulse and the biggest Progressive/Democrat weapon in existence.

The corporate media. Duh.
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What Trump does well... he does VERY well. He is a master at building and maintaining a brand. He is also adept at customizing a message to meet the demands of specific target audiences. His shtick plays very well to the people he needs to vote for him... over 40, white and uneducated. He also has no shame about appealing directly to prejudices and to class resentments. He was also fortunate to immediately follow Barack Obama, who had created a polarized environment where those people didn't fit in. I don't think we get Trump, if we hadn't first had Obama.
Stereotype much?
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Outside the true believers (who I’m not sure can be helped), I think it’s safe to say many Trump voters are in the doubling down phase. As in they know it’s stupid, but they would rather construct alternate realities and horror stories about all their opponents than admit they made an embarrassing error.
You sound like Chuck Todd from Meet The Press.

Amazing how so many have been brainwashed by the corporate media.
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