The Impeachment Thread

Uh oh read this entire poll..think the public is getting tired of all this impeachment nonsense..once again the Dems overreach when they are in power

Last week none other than Fox News showed a poll with record high support for impeachment. Today's testimony won't change that.
McCarthy, Jordan, Meadows and Nunes are soulless schills. They're carrying Trump's water like the dutiful little punk b*tches they are.

History will judge them cruelly... rightfully so.

Yeah about that whole history thing ...if the Democrats can have slaves , start and develop the KKK , try to suppress our 1a / 2a rights and somehow convince young people today that it was the republicans that were for slavery during the civil war , it’s actually the Rs that are racist / fascist and we need to control these rights the Rs have . I’m not to worried about that history .
Last week none other than Fox News showed a poll with record high support for impeachment. Today's testimony won't change that.
More bad news for you guys...Trump approval up 2 points since killing of ISIS leader...they also just announced they got the number 2 this morning
McCarthy, Jordan, Meadows and Nunes are soulless schills. They're carrying Trump's water like the dutiful little punk b*tches they are.

History will judge them cruelly... rightfully so.
The truly spineless Republican is Lindsey Graham. At least the others have been consistent in their unconditional support for all things Trump. During the Republican Party Primary of 2016, we got a glimpse of how Graham really feels about Trump. He called him a "jackass" and attacked his policies constantly and spoke of how bad and chaotic his presidency would be for our country. Graham was also good friends with John McCain and took offense to Trump's "I like heroes who weren't captured" line. Trump's pulling out of northern Syria also runs counter to what Graham believes... and he was critical of Trump over it, for about a week. However, Lindsey Graham knows that Trump is still very popular in South Carolina, and Graham cares more about keeping his Senate seat than he does being consistent and showing some integrity and backbone. Lindsey Graham is showing all the courage you would expect from a 68 year old, never-been-married, limp-wristed and closeted homosexual. He is the most effeminate p***y in Congress - women included.
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More bad news for you guys...Trump approval up 2 points since killing of ISIS leader...they also just announced they got the number 2 this morning

Wow, a whole two points, huh? I assume you are talking about Rasmussen Reports, right? What's that put his approval rating at then? A whopping 46%? Yeah, that's bad news alright. LOL!
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Wow, a whole two points, huh? I assume you are talking about Rasmussen Reports, right? What's that put his approval rating at then? A whopping 45%? Yeah, that's bad news alright. LOL!
46% today and climbing which is higher than Obama at the same point Rasmussen is the only daily tracking poll btw
More bad news for you guys...Trump approval up 2 points since killing of ISIS leader...they also just announced they got the number 2 this morning

So, this is the what.. 2md or 3rd time Trump has destroyed ISIS? Considering the modest boost in the polls, he should destroy them a few more times.
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The truly spineless Republican is Lindsey Graham. At least the others have been consistent in their unconditional support for all things Trump. During the Republican Party Primary of 2016, we got a glimpse of how Graham really feels about Trump. He called him a "jackass" and attacked his policies constantly and spoke of how bad and chaotic his presidency would be for our country. Graham was also good friends with John McCain and took offense to Trump's "I like heroes who weren't captured" line. Trump's pulling out of northern Syria also runs counter to what Graham believes... and he was critical of Trump over it, for about a week. However, Lindsey Graham knows that Trump is still very popular in South Carolina, and Graham cares more about keeping his Senate seat than he does being consistent and showing some integrity and backbone. Lindsey Graham is showing all the courage you would expect from a 68 year old, never-been-married, ,limp-wristed and closeted homosexual. He is the most effeminate p***y in Congress - women included.

46% today and climbing which is higher than Obama at the same point Rasmussen is the only daily tracking poll btw
Rasmussen Reports also has a very clear Republican Party lean. It's not a good sign that his approval rating is still that low in that very favorable poll. Also, Trump's Real Clear Politics Average is only at 42.1%. Trump has still never been above the 46.2% on Real Clear Politics that he was elected with.
So, this is the what.. 2md or 3rd time Trump has destroyed ISIS? Considering the modest boost in the polls, he should destroy them a few more times.

I’ll tell you what doesn’t smell right to me and hasn’t since I first heard about it . We didn’t know where any of these people were until the subject of pulling troops out came up , now all of a sudden the CIA gets a hot tip that leads to us killing number #1, #2 and their spokesman . Yup , it could just be a coincidence or it could just be my totally distrust of our secret squirrel agencies . I just know the timing was impeccable.
I’ll tell you what doesn’t smell right to me and hasn’t since I first heard about it . We didn’t know where any of these people were until the subject of pulling troops out came up , now all of a sudden the CIA gets a hot tip that leads to us killing number #1, #2 and their spokesman . Yup , it could just be a coincidence or it could just be my totally distrust of our secret squirrel agencies . I just know the timing was impeccable.

Oh, I don't know. If the reports are accurate about one of his wives giving some info to the Kurds, then it would be ridiculous to not attempt to verify the lead. Considering that our local assets might not be available in the near future, someone had to make a case for running with what they had.

It also has been reported that the operation had been in the plans for some time. I'd not assume that Trump was out of the loop.
Oh, I don't know. If the reports are accurate about one of his wives giving some info to the Kurds, then it would be ridiculous to not attempt to verify the lead. Considering that our local assets might not be available in the near future, someone had to make a case for running with what they had.

It also has been reported that the operation had been in the plans for some time. I'd not assume that Trump was out of the loop.

I like my warmonger / deep state / dirty CIA story more . It fits my paranoia of secret squirrel agencies agenda better . Lol
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More bad news for you guys...Trump approval up 2 points since killing of ISIS leader...they also just announced they got the number 2 this morning

Only 2%? LOL

I'm not sure you understand who that's bad news for.
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So, this is the what.. 2md or 3rd time Trump has destroyed ISIS? Considering the modest boost in the polls, he should destroy them a few more times.

As long as the news cycle keeps pumping out bad news, he'll keep trying to hijack it. We all know how his sycophants are easily distracted.
Trump is now accusing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of being a "never Trumper". That is pathetic and makes him look like he is desperate to paint Vindman as a partisan, because he has nothing else to attack his credibility with. It's grasping for straws. Vindman is a career military officer, not a bureaucrat or a politician. Trump doesn't have anything on the record to accuse Vindman of a bias. That is absolutely despicable of Trump.
Duffle Blog called it a long time ago.
Opinion: I support the troops 100% as long as they agree 100% with my political views
Only 2%? LOL

I'm not sure you understand who that's bad news for.

Considering Trump has been under investigation now since what 2015 for everything from treason to treachery , I don’t think you know who thats bad for if he’s still climbing up the polls . How does the most horrendous dictator since Stalin still climb at any rate in the polls ?
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The truly spineless Republican is Lindsey Graham. At least the others have been consistent in their unconditional support for all things Trump. During the Republican Party Primary of 2016, we got a glimpse of how Graham really feels about Trump. He called him a "jackass" and attacked his policies constantly and spoke of how bad and chaotic his presidency would be for our country. Graham was also good friends with John McCain and took offense to Trump's "I like heroes who weren't captured" line. Trump's pulling out of northern Syria also runs counter to what Graham believes... and he was critical of Trump over it, for about a week. However, Lindsey Graham knows that Trump is still very popular in South Carolina, and Graham cares more about keeping his Senate seat than he does being consistent and showing some integrity and backbone. Lindsey Graham is showing all the courage you would expect from a 68 year old, never-been-married, limp-wristed and closeted homosexual. He is the most effeminate p***y in Congress - women included.
Homophobic bigot

I mean why bother? Trump will call him a never trumper and that will be that. Reality is what they choose it to be.

I mean, I'm not saying I called it yesterday (but I called it yesterday) - but the m.o. from the children in the white house is to personally trash whoever disagrees. But maybe Vinman was just unequipped to handle Trumps genius?

VN Store
