The Impeachment Thread

Trump is now accusing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of being a "never Trumper". That is pathetic and makes him look like he is desperate to paint Vindman as a partisan, because he has nothing else to attack his credibility with. It's grasping for straws. Vindman is a career military officer, not a bureaucrat or a politician. Trump doesn't have anything on the record to accuse Vindman of a bias. That is absolutely despicable of Trump.

The men and women in uniform from top to bottom know this. They know they can serve honorably and faithfully only to be trashed and thrown under a bus by Trump for his personal gain.
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Considering Trump has been under investigation now since what 2015 for everything from treason to treachery , I don’t think you know who thats bad for if he’s still climbing up the polls . How does the most horrendous dictator since Stalin still climb at any rate in the polls ?

On a scale of one to detonating a bomb vest in the back of a cave, how salty are you that a Kenyan Muslim 'Murica h8r got a twelve point kick by personally pulling the trigger on OBL?

For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid
The men and women in uniform from top to bottom know this. They know they can serve honorably and faithfully only to be trashed and thrown under a bus by Trump for his personal gain.

Remember how Trump used to constantly pimp out how he was loyal to a fault? I can't imagine anyone outside of his blood relatives feel safe and even then I'll be Eric loses sleep worrying about it.

What a joke. He will throw ANYONE under the bus to save himself.
On a scale of one to detonating a bomb vest in the back of a cave, how salty are you that a Kenyan Muslim 'Murica h8r got a twelve point kick by personally pulling the trigger on OBL?

For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid

Not salty at all it’s their mission , if it fails it will be blamed on them . They should get some credit for it . That had nothing to do with what I just posted and you are usually the one calling out deflections instead of make up one .
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Not salty at all it’s their mission , if it fails it will be blamed on them . They should get some credit for it . That had nothing to do with what I just posted and you are usually the one calling out deflections instead of make up one .

Oh you thought that your butthurt hyperbolic comparison of trump and stalin deserved an answer? LOL

2% for killing Al-the Bag-daddy is sad.

Hell, he's gotten bigger bumps from that for flapping his arms making fun of disabled people. You trumpers are easily amused by that kind of stuff.
Oh, you didn't's always a "popularity" contest these days.....for you loonies.

Generally speaking, that's how this stuff works - if'n job security is important. It's pretty much why trump acts like an asshat 90% of his waking hours, as asshattery a popular character trait amongst his base.
He has a very impressive resume.
  • Has has served for two decades in the U.S. Army. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2015. As an infantry officer he served multiple overseas tours, including in South Korea and Germany. He is a decorated Iraq War veteran, having received a Purple Heart after being wounded by a roadside bomb.
  • He is currently a foreign affairs specialist serving on the National Security Council as the Director for European Affairs. In this role, he became part of the U.S. delegation at the inauguration of the Ukraine's newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
  • He has served in the U.S. embassies in both Kyiv, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia. After returning to Washington, D.C. he was then a politico-military officer focused on Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • He is fluent in both Russian and Ukrainian.
  • Most importantly, as it pertains to his testimony today, he will become the first White House official to testify in the impeachment inquiry who was actually on the July 25th phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
That doesn't look like someone who is going to be easily discredited to me.
I couldn’t care less what his resume looks like. Donald Trump was elected President. This guy is an unelected dweeb who disagrees w the President on FP. Like I said, who tf does he think he is. Lmao
Oh you thought that your butthurt hyperbolic comparison of trump and stalin deserved an answer? LOL

2% for killing Al-the Bag-daddy is sad.

Hell, he's gotten bigger bumps from that for flapping his arms making fun of disabled people. You trumpers are easily amused by that kind of stuff.
The people were told he was the leader of the JV team so they probably don't see why it would be much of a big deal
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Day 40 of the Dems analysis of a 30 minute phone call that was already released btw does anyone know what portion they are looking at today?
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Oh you thought that your butthurt hyperbolic comparison of trump and stalin deserved an answer? LOL

2% for killing Al-the Bag-daddy is sad.

Hell, he's gotten bigger bumps from that for flapping his arms making fun of disabled people. You trumpers are easily amused by that kind of stuff.

I wasn’t the one doing the comparison , he’s been called as bad or worse as Stalin and Hitler by the lefts media . I did ask you to give me an answer as to how he’s been under this much scrutiny but still climbs at any rate in the polls , you Instead threw up a default deflection to Obama ... just like someone would do if they leaned left and their pride got hurt . But But Obama got more .
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Let's see what all he has to say. This isn't second hand information anymore. He is in a position to undercut the entire Trump Administration defense.
Fair enough. I’m willing to hear what he has to say but it has to be more than his opinion of what happened and, from his prepared statement, it sounds like that’s all this is. I don’t agree with the Reps attacking his credibility just because he doesn’t agree with them. Since when do we all have to agree on everything?
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I couldn’t care less what his resume looks like. Donald Trump was elected President. This guy is an unelected dweeb who disagrees w the President on FP. Like I said, who tf does he think he is. Lmao

reality star real estate agent with undeniable and established record of lying versus 21 year combat patriot who is versed in international diplomacy.

LOL, you sycophants never know when to stop digging. Rational American's aren't going to put up with Putin's testical warmer trashing a U.S. Soldier.
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reality star real estate agent with undeniable and established record of lying versus 21 year combat patriot who is versed in international diplomacy.

LOL, you sycophants never know when to stop digging. Rational American's aren't going to put up with Putin's testical warmer trashing a U.S. Soldier.
Wearing a uniform doesn't make someone beyond reproach. Nice try
Yeah about that whole history thing ...if the Democrats can have slaves , start and develop the KKK , try to suppress our 1a / 2a rights and somehow convince young people today that it was the republicans that were for slavery during the civil war , it’s actually the Rs that are racist / fascist and we need to control these rights the Rs have . I’m not to worried about that history .

giphy (24).gif
He thinks so. Too bad he's wrong. Just like others, he's free to resign if he disagrees so vehemently with the foreign policy of our duly elected President. But he's a self-important dweeb.

Or he's free to report it like a patriot should when they see the POTUS engaging in tomfoolery.

My guess is that you'd You'd be gleefully swinging from his jock if the equivalent would have happened in the previous administration.
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Or he's free to report it like a patriot should when they see the POTUS engaging in tomfoolery.

My guess is that you'd You'd be gleefully swinging from his jock if the equivalent would have happened in the previous administration.
My guess is he couldn’t care less what Vindman has to say or how accurate it is. Trump first, America somewhere down the line.
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