The Impeachment Thread

And they do. They work with all children. The children have done nothing wrong. Permanently removing them from their families doesn't solve any problems.
This should never have been an issue. The children an stay in detention with the parents and be deported along with them if that makes you fell better.
No charges were brought my Mueller.
That is true... but the fact remains that many lies were told about that meeting, both in terms of who was in attendance and what was discussed. At first, Trump tried to say that it was just about Russian adoptions, but that wasn't the case. They were discussing "opposition research" on Hillary Clinton. Now, I can accept that Mueller chose not to make an issue out of it, but Don Jr, Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner were clearly interested in obtaining dirt on Hillary from the Russians. That is why the meeting did take place.
Haha. Trump leg-humpers talking about ethics. Reminds me of this scene from the Coen brothers gem Miller's Crossing (great film if you haven't seen it).

Yeah, I didn't bring that subject up........see >> RockyTop85 on the ethics question. Nobody's talking about that but you w/your little dumb movie clip....:)
And it was nothing..
Yeah... I guess that explains why Trump dictated a lie about what was discussed aboard Air Force One... and why Trump Jr. and Kushner lied about how many Russians were in attendance. At first it was just Veselnitskaya and one other person. The meeting was standing room only with Russkies by the time the truth came out.

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