The Impeachment Thread

Yeah... I guess that explains why Trump dictated a lie about what was discussed aboard Air Force One... and why Trump Jr. and Kushner lied about how many Russians were in attendance. At first it was just Veselnitskaya and one other person. That room was overflowing with Russkies by the time the truth came out.

So, I guess Adam Schifty Schiff is so truthful & all it just makes one's cheeks blush.
I'm sitting here at home laughing my rear end off at the Dems and their constant stupidity....

You -- and Trump -- are in denial.

The reason so many career personnel are making such a big deal about this is because it was a big deal. And Trump's reaction to it, including lashing out at people and their patriotism, gives us some sense of the level of panic he feels right now. And it is deep. And justified.
You ok today? Seem grumpy. You got the impeachment blues?

They know Trump is corrupt but they refuse to admit it, they take their cues from the Right Wing Echo Chamber - you know, lies, conspiracy theories, deflection, Hillary's e-mails, etc., - anything to convince themselves they haven't been hustled by the Grifter in the White House. They are a sad lot for sure.
Bring on the 2020 November election. The democrats never ending campaign to overturn a Presidential election is not going to be forgotten.
Has there ever been a more prophetic statement than Trump's "I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and my followers would still worship me."

At the time I thought there was no way people were that stupid. Trump obviously understands the workings of the weak minded.
You -- and Trump -- are in denial.

The reason so many career personnel are making such a big deal about this is because it was a big deal. And Trump's reaction to it, including lashing out at people and their patriotism, gives us some sense of the level of panic he feels right now. And it is deep. And justified.

Jim Jordan: This Impeachment Inquiry Is 'Such a Sham and Has Been Such a Sham from the Beginning’

I find it hilarious that morons like you support your lying Adam Schiff-for-brains for news information about the subject on Impeachment. Your career personnel you rely on is CNN & MSNBC who know nothing.
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They know Trump is corrupt but they refuse to admit it, they take their cues from the Right Wing Echo Chamber - you know, lies, conspiracy theories, deflection, Hillary's e-mails, etc., - anything to convince themselves they haven't been hustled by the Grifter in the White House. They are a sad lot for sure.

It's a sunken cost fallacy at this point, but it's psychological, not monetary. Too much psychologically invested and too much shame to admit they've been conned. So they turn themselves into pretzels to continue to support the guy.
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Bring on the 2020 November election. The democrats never ending campaign to overturn a Presidential election is not going to be forgotten.
I certainly hope not.
The 2016 election and Trumpism will never be forgotten. It will forever be recognized as one of the darkest periods on the American timeline.
Has there ever been a more prophetic statement than Trump's "I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and my followers would still worship me."

At the time I thought there was no way people were that stupid. Trump obviously understands the workings of the weak minded.
Is that an accurate quote? Must be, since you have it in quotation marks. . .
I certainly hope not.
The 2016 election and Trumpism will never be forgotten. It will forever be recognized as one of the darkest periods on the American timeline.

LOL......keep dreaming lunatic. Trump will be President until 2024 & I love that it bothers you so much.
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Bring on the 2020 November election. The democrats never ending campaign to overturn a Presidential election is not going to be forgotten.

Sounds like you think it will be a landslide. With a normal incumbent in this economy it would be, but my guess today would be something like this, with several of the pink states going full Florida 2000 and Texas not be called on election night.

And also showed once again that Trump is FOS, and anything he claims might as well be dismissed.

Verbatim, word for word.. every comma.. blah blah. Lies all the way down.

Trump is FOS.

I just read the words in bold in a Trump impression. :)
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Yet you post a link quoting moral cesspit and molestation enabler, Jim Jordan . . . .

View attachment 234935

Was that ever proved to be true in a court of law? Did he serve any jail time for it?
How could he ever be elected to Congress if all that was proven true in a court of law?
If found guilty in a court of law of being a molester enabler that would remain on his record.
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There have been 7 witnesses and none have said aid was delayed or held up because of trump wanting an investigation.

Categorically wrong!'

Vindman testified that he believed Trump personally withheld aid as a way to force Ukraine to announce a probe into the Bidens.
Do you frequently ask and then answer your own questions?
I guess you do.
Hey, that's kind of fun.

You know, that quote? It's not accurate.

Like most of your claims, descriptions and predictions. But since you are irrational and unreasonable, we usually just ignore it, considering the source.
Was that ever proved to be true in a court of law? Did he serve any jail time for it?
How could he ever be elected to Congress if all that was proven true in a court of law?

People who he coached were abused by a sexual predator. This is not in dispute.

Instead of defending those who were unquestionably abused, he attacks his own former athletes claiming they had a vendetta against Ohio State and then claimed he was being bullied when victims said they told Jordan about their abuse and he did nothing.

To quote one victim when told of Jordan's denials that he knew anything of the situation:

“There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State.”

Some hero you got there.
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