The Impeachment Thread

But, his opinion hasn't changed. It was in his testimony, today, he said Trump said nothing illegal on phone call. Nothing in his testimony gave Schiff any ammo against Trump, at all.

We don't know that. We just have his statement, which gives his iinitial impression of the call. You could be right, though.. but the testimony will be released at some point.
We don't know that. We just have his statement, which gives his iinitial impression of the call. You could be right, though.. but the testimony will be released at some point.

True enough. But, if that was the main points of his statements, I can't see where it would turn toward Schiffs aims. And I'd say it's pretty spot on throughout cause the Dems would be leaking more of it out today if it was damning. If he made that big of a circle, I'd consider it unreliable for contradicting himself.
Have you not been reading this thread ?? The facts of this have to be nailed down with 10 witnesses on each point. Trump and his lackeys will probably not accept even that.
But you said it's over, he's done, toast, finito. What more do you need?

Doesn't everyone believe you?
Oh yeah? I can still make plenty of erroneous statements about what anything says, let alone this House Resolution.

Back to the point I was intending to make but apparently did not do a satisfactory job of it.

If the chairs of the various committees are not fair and even handed in their pursuit of proof of impeachable offense(s) of the President, it doesn't really matter what the House Resolution says regarding the process for the "Impeachment Inquiry" that was voted on today. So far, what we have been allowed to see appears to me to be anything but fair and even handed. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, to name 2, have shown by their actions that they can't be trusted, and Mad Maxine has been calling to "Impeach 45" since the day he was elected.

However, since we are now well down this divisive road (not one Republican voted for this Resolution), it is my hope, that as "the process" is conducted in public (save those things that by definition must be kept secret "national security, grand jury testimony, etc), that the truth will come forth despite all the political posturing and BS that accompanies it. I'm not sure I can stomach all the grandstanding that will take place when the cameras are on, no matter who wins or loses the day.

Let the chips fall where they may.
I think that’s somewhat fair but I didn’t get any of it from your original quote which, IIRC, was “was Schiff in charge then?”

If you guys wanted to he taken seriously on a bunch of nebulous procedural and fairness arguments, you should have though of that when you were cheering and defending Trump for breaking with all unwritten norms and customs and making totally frivolous assertions of privilege to try to string things out.

THAT would have been the time to say “no, you know what, there are established procedures for these things and those things are more important than winning.” But you said “but Hillary” instead.
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But, his opinion hasn't changed. It was in his testimony, today, he said Trump said nothing illegal on phone call. Nothing in his testimony gave Schiff any ammo against Trump, at all.
That is not true. Tim Morrison corroborated a central allegation in the Democratic case against Donald Trump: He testified that a U.S. ambassador told a high-ranking Ukrainian official that the release of military aid was contingent on an investigation into the Bidens. If this inquiry is all about an alleged "quid-pro-quo" offer by the president? There it is.
Yes, and what a great day for democracy and congressional oversight.
Is it? Remind everyone here who runs the trial and convicts the result of impeachment with a super majority of votes?

The bolded is precisely what Trump demands of his subjects and what so many willingly provide him.
You misunderstood my point.

When I stated “Loyalty to power over loyalty to country” I was talking specifically about the fake impeachment and how the liberals will do anything to unseat Trump because they know they don’t have a single candidate that can beat him in the 2020 election.

The Dems don’t care about this country. They only care about political power and whatever is required to attain and maintain it.
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