The Impeachment Thread


Nailed it. It's totally not within the House's powers.

I still believe that he will be, but you are sidestepping the core issue here. Answer this question: Would Donald Trump have been pushing an investigation of the Bidens, this aggressively and through the Ukrainian President, if Joe Biden wasn't running for President?
If Biden hadn't been the Vice President during the last election, and his son hadn't made tons of money from them, okay. I thought you guys were concerned with foreign influence in our elections. Don't we need to see what the Ukrainians did in 2016 election since they were close to the Bidens/Democrats? Maybe even closer than Trump/Putin. You know that Russia and Ukraine have different objectives? We all know that Russia helped Trump because of Mueller's 2 year long investigation proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt, so let's see what Ukraine did for the Dems in the same election. Seems fair to me.
You misunderstood my point.

When I stated “Loyalty to power over loyalty to country” I was talking specifically about the fake impeachment and how the liberals will do anything to unseat Trump because they know they don’t have a single candidate that can beat him in the 2020 election.

The Dems don’t care about this country. They only care about political power and whatever is required to attain and maintain it.
That is a ridiculous argument with no basis in reality. For one thing, Trump wasn't targeting Joe Biden for an investigation because he was concerned about corruption. Trump concerned about corruption? Yeah, that makes sense after hiring people like Scott Pruitt, Tom Price and Ryan Zinke. He obviously considered Biden a legitimate threat. Trump's actions all point to only one conclusion: He doesn't want to face Joe Biden in the 2020 general election.

The Republicans are accusing the Democrats of doing something that Trump has already done: Start a politically motivated investigation to smear a rival. Once again, does anyone here believe that Trump would have been pushing an investigation into the Bidens so aggressively and through the Ukrainian President, if Joe Biden wasn't running for President? If so, you are either hopelessly naive or downright delusional.
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If Biden hadn't been the Vice President during the last election, and his son hadn't made tons of money from them, okay. I thought you guys were concerned with foreign influence in our elections. Don't we need to see what the Ukrainians did in 2016 election since they were close to the Bidens/Democrats? Maybe even closer than Trump/Putin. You know that Russia and Ukraine have different objectives? We all know that Russia helped Trump because of Mueller's 2 year long investigation proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt, so let's see what Ukraine did for the Dems in the same election. Seems fair to me.
You still haven't answered the question. Would Trump have been pursuing an investigation of the Bidens if Joe wasn't running for President?
You still haven't answered the question. Would Trump have been pursuing an investigation of the Bidens if Joe wasn't running for President?
Would Obama/Clinton have weaponized the CIA/FBI/DOJ against Trump if he wasn't running for President? Would Manafort be in prison if he hadn't worked for Trump? Would Roger Stone be facing a trial if he hadn't worked for Trump? It's called politics. It's a dirty business.
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You still haven't answered the question. Would Trump have been pursuing an investigation of the Bidens if Joe wasn't running for President?
They would if they could enrich themselves by smearing the competition (bidens company) vs. Giuliani and pals oil interests in Ukraine.
Would Obama/Clinton have weaponized the CIA/FBI/DOJ against Trump if he wasn't running for President? Would Manafort be in prison if he hadn't worked for Trump? Would Roger Stone be facing a trial if he hadn't worked for Trump? It's called politics. It's a dirty business.
In other words, you aren't going to answer the question. Fine.
They would if they could enrich themselves by smearing the competition (bidens company) vs. Giuliani and pals oil interests in Ukraine.
They might have kept the heat on Burisma Holdings, that is hard to say. There is no way that Trump would care this much about how much money Hunter Biden made, if Joe wasn't running for President.
That is not true. Tim Morrison corroborated a central allegation in the Democratic case against Donald Trump: He testified that a U.S. ambassador told a high-ranking Ukrainian official that the release of military aid was contingent on an investigation into the Bidens. If this inquiry is all about an alleged "quid-pro-quo" offer by the president? There it is.

That was not offered by the president. He specified the two names and positions. Neither was either president.
“I don’t defend trump! How dare you?”
“This is all just democrats ganging up on trump and trying to play politics and overturn the election.”

C’mon, man. Both of these are absurd, but side by side? You’re better than that.

How would you characterize your reaction to the Mueller report?

If you are going to quote me, quote me, don't make schit up.
I said neither of those things and you know it. You're better than that. I don't defend Trump but I do call into question the way the Democrats have gone about resolving their issues about the lost election. Neither of those are absurd, side by side, or not, and for you to try and summarize it as that, is in itself absurd.

My reaction to the Mueller Report was and is . . . AND?

There were some things in it that I did not like about Trump's conduct/behavior. There are a lot of things about Trump and his behavior I do not like that goes beyond the Mueller Report.

But my main take away, was, is that it? Nothing that would remove him from office, nothing that Schiff said that he had? Just a big nothing that changed nothing. My reaction was very similar to the Hillary Private Server/Emails investigation. A lot there that I didn't like about her conduct and behavior but in the end, a big fat nothing.

Politics as usual.

But now with all access information via internet and social/media, it just seems constantly to be getting nastier, with the stakes appearing to be higher and more desperate. The end result is we have candidates sinking lower into the pandering and mud slinging, with their respective sides egging them on.

It's disgusting and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
That was not offered by the president. He specified the two names and positions. Neither was either president.
Trump had placed the hold on the military aid and his reasons for why that was done have been inconsistent to say the least. At first it was because he said he wanted European countries to share in the financial burden, but that made no sense because European countries weren't aware of the hold. Trump then changed his reasoning for the hold to concerns over Ukrainian corruption, but that doesn't make any sense either, because both Trump and Rudy Giuliani have done personal business in the Ukraine. Bottom line: If there was a contingency placed on the release of the military aid - and "contingent" is an important word here - that contingency could only have been placed by the man who was withholding the aid and that was Trump.
Would Obama/Clinton have weaponized the CIA/FBI/DOJ against Trump if he wasn't running for President? Would Manafort be in prison if he hadn't worked for Trump? Would Roger Stone be facing a trial if he hadn't worked for Trump? It's called politics. It's a dirty business.
Conclusion: Trump is poison.
thought I did answer. It's politics. They all do opposition research, and do everything possible to make the other side look bad.
... but would Trump have been pushing an investigation of the Bidens, if Joe Biden wasn't running for President? I understand that Trump's agenda was politically motivated and yes, a lot of politicians (not all) do it.
... but would Trump have been pushing an investigation of the Bidens, if Joe Biden wasn't running for President? I understand that Trump's agenda was politically motivated and yes, a lot of politicians (not all) do it.
Probably not, but I wouldn't blame Trump for investigating any of the a$$holes that have put him through this sh!t if he could get by with it.
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They might have kept the heat on Burisma Holdings, that is hard to say. There is no way that Trump would care this much about how much money Hunter Biden made, if Joe wasn't running for President.
The pressure to publicly announce Hunter and Burisma was under investigation was corrupt anyway you look at it.
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The pressure to publicly announce Hunter and Burisma was under investigation was corrupt anyway you look at it.
Absolutely. And completely political. That wasn't about rooting out corruption. That was all about damaging a potential opponent (who he doesn't want to face).
I can assure you that after 40 years in the cesspool known as Washington D.C., that Biden is not without scandal.
I agree and just like any other career politician, there are many inconsistencies and waffling that Trump could point to with Joe Biden. He was a strong proponent of the 1994 crime bill which has disproportionately hurt the African-American community. He has waffled on busing and abortion. He voted for the war in Iraq but then spoke out against it once it became unpopular with the American people. So, why dig for dirt in the Ukraine? He has valid ammunition right here at home.

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