The Impeachment Thread

I am still pissed. As anyone who ever took an oath to support and defend the Constitution should be.

Pelosi and Schitt doesn't care about all that Constitution stuff why would you.....they're your dear leaders.
The Dim leadership group has turned into communist traitors to this Country. Trying to undue a fair election that they can't except and cry everyday that they don't have that power that he has in the Oval Office. Yeah buddy, that's someone only stupid fools will follow right to hell.
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Question for the diehard Trumpers:

Let's say Lindsey Graham and the other Trump puppets get their wishes, and both the Whistleblower and Hunter Biden testify. So what?

What do you expect to gain from this?

First, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that the WB is a "never Trumper"? EVERY ONE of his allegations have been proven true based upon the testimony of first hand witnesses. The WB's motives don't make a lick of difference.

Second, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that Joe Biden called for the removal of the Ukrainian prosecutor? And let's take it one further step: Joe Biden did this secretly for his own (and Hunter Biden's) personal benefit. SO WHAT? From a defense perspective, if this is proven as fact, it proves that both he AND Trump are criminals and BOTH should be impeached/removed from future office.

Here's the reality: Lindsey Graham is a boot licking apologist for Donald, and he's just making a smokescreen that confuses only the ignorant and stupid in our population.

Don't get it? You've proven my point.

Don't believe me? Listen to someone far more eloquent and in the know:

What Biden Did is Nothing Like What Trump Did
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His job isn’t to tell a foreign government to ignore the president . I can’t think of one person in our government that has that in his job description.
That's another lame straw man from our resident scarecrow. Do you want to make a comment to the substance of my post or not? I will repeat for the people that are incapable of such a simple task. Foreign policy is not and should not be to investigate the Biden's.. Do you think that's our official foreign policy?
Question for the diehard Trumpers:

Let's say Lindsey Graham and the other Trump puppets get their wishes, and both the Whistleblower and Hunter Biden testify. So what?

What do you expect to gain from this?

First, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that the WB is a "never Trumper"? EVERY ONE of his allegations have been proven true based upon the testimony of first hand witnesses. The WB's motives don't make a lick of difference.

Second, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that Joe Biden called for the removal of the Ukrainian prosecutor? And let's take it one further step: Joe Biden did this secretly for his own (and Hunter Biden's) personal benefit. SO WHAT? From a defense perspective, if this is proven as fact, it proves that both he AND Trump are criminals and BOTH should be impeached/removed from future office.

Here's the reality: Lindsey Graham is a boot licking apologist for Donald, and he's just making a smokescreen that confuses only the ignorant and stupid in our population.

Don't get it? You've proven my point.
That's too many words for your intended audience. It needs pictures.
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That's another lame straw man from our resident scarecrow. Do you want to make a comment to the substance of my post or not? I will repeat for the people that are incapable of such a simple task. Foreign policy is not and should not be to investigate the Biden's.. Do you think that's our official foreign policy?

I will repeat , the president sets foreign policy , it’s his and not one single person should take it upon themselves to tell another country to ignore the president ... ever .
Ironically, if true, Vindman was correct: Trump's actions were illegal, and now he faces impeachment. You should be thanking him for telling the Ukrainians to ignore our corrupt President.

That is above his pay grade and he’s not allowed to tell others to ignore the president . You should be , everyone should be appalled that he would do that . Unless you want to start a new trend of subordinates undermining US presidents with other countries.
I will repeat , the president sets foreign policy , it’s his and not one single person should take it upon themselves to tell another country to ignore the president ... ever .
What happened here is not foreign policy, it's bribery and extortion. Rudy Giuliani does not set foreign policy and he does not work for the government.
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What happened here is not foreign policy, it's bribery and extortion. Rudy Giuliani does not set foreign policy and he does not work for the government.

Trump sets the foreign policy, regardless of how much you hate it , that’s just fact and that star witness over stepped his bounds . Now he’s done , he spent his whole life building his career to throw it away by thinking he had the power and authority to tell counties to ignore the president . Just stupid .
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Trump sets the foreign policy, regardless of how much you hate it , that’s just fact and that star witness over stepped his bounds . Now he’s done , he spent his whole life building his career to throw it away by thinking he had the power and authority to tell counties to ignore the president . Just stupid .
I will repeats again, It's not foreign policy its bribery and extortion to investigate American Citizens. You still complain FISA abuse but to bypass that process all together is "Foreign Policy". Just moronic.
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I will repeats again, It's not foreign policy its bribery and extortion to investigate American Citizens. You still complain FISA abuse but to bypass that process all together is "Foreign Policy". Just moronic.

Thankful since you aren’t the president you , just like the witness , don’t get to decide what is and what is not . I haven’t said one word about FISA abuse .
That is above his pay grade and he’s not allowed to tell others to ignore the president . You should be , everyone should be appalled that he would do that . Unless you want to start a new trend of subordinates undermining US presidents with other countries.

Naaaaw. The obvious solution is to remove the source of the problem: Trump. Ergo, impeachment.
Question for the diehard Trumpers:

Let's say Lindsey Graham and the other Trump puppets get their wishes, and both the Whistleblower and Hunter Biden testify. So what?

What do you expect to gain from this?

First, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that the WB is a "never Trumper"? EVERY ONE of his allegations have been proven true based upon the testimony of first hand witnesses. The WB's motives don't make a lick of difference.

Second, so what if it's proven with 100% certainty that Joe Biden called for the removal of the Ukrainian prosecutor? And let's take it one further step: Joe Biden did this secretly for his own (and Hunter Biden's) personal benefit. SO WHAT? From a defense perspective, if this is proven as fact, it proves that both he AND Trump are criminals and BOTH should be impeached/removed from future office.

Here's the reality: Lindsey Graham is a boot licking apologist for Donald, and he's just making a smokescreen that confuses only the ignorant and stupid in our population.

Don't get it? You've proven my point.
The only thing they want to gain is to give public airtime to republican conspiracy theories. Arguing Hunter Biden should testify for Trump’s crimes is laughable.
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Thankful since you aren’t the president you , just like the witness , don’t get to decide what is and what is not . I haven’t said one word about FISA abuse .
And the president does not get to decide to investigate american citizens without probable cause. If you want to go with "foreign policy" as your defense of Trump, I doubt anyone will change your mind but that's all on you. It takes quiet a bit of gymnastics to defend Trumps on this but you have become one of his biggest defenders.
And the president does not get to decide to investigate american citizens without probable cause. If you want to go with "foreign policy" as your defense of Trump, I doubt anyone will change your mind but that's all on you. It takes quiet a bit of gymnastics to defend Trumps on this but you have become one of his biggest defenders.
Obama disagrees.
The only thing they want to gain is to give public airtime to republican conspiracy theories. Arguing Hunter Biden should testify for Trump’s crimes is laughable.

True. And I recognize the Republican "look over here!" distractions are core to their Trump defense.


I probably fall into the camp of ALLOWING the Republicans to call ANYONE they want.

As evidenced even here, a huge percentage of Trump backers are cynical, conspiracy-theory-driven, HS educated, middle class, disinfranchised white men. They look to Trump as their anti-hero who will look out for them... even though this couldn't be any further from the truth (see: tax cut for billionaires), but it beat the alternative (HRC... the establishment). They will point to the impeachment proceedings and cry foul. Claim rigged. So, I support giving them what they want: Let's hear from the WB, Hunter Biden, the tooth fairy... whoever they want to call on the witness stand.

The target audience really is the independent voter and a very small percentage of people who are otherwise disinterested or undecided on Trump.

If the needle moves to, say, 55-60% support for impeachment? Game over. The moderate GOP Senators will flip en mass.

What will this circus prove for the Republicans? That they're desperate. That they are conspiracy theorists. That they have nothing to pull straws from but process, not form.

Go for it! Let them show their asses in public.

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