The Impeachment Thread

I really hope you liberals don't think that the public will think that a duly elected President should be removed from office based on anything these 2 pencil pushing desk jockeys have said today.
I really hope you liberals don't think that the public will think that a duly elected President should be removed from office based on anything these 2 pencil pushing desk jockeys have said today.
Sounds like another belly flop by the Dems.
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Aww, poor baby.... you try hard but come up short again sweetie. :cool:
You may go back to the kiddie table now.

Overkill my man.

It's cringy watching you try to condescend to me.... really anyone. It comes off as ridiculously forced and completely unnatural.

You aren't built for this, stick to the memes and just let everyone think you're bad at political trash talk instead of proving them right.
Overkill my man.

It's cringy watching you try to condescend to me.... really anyone. It comes off as ridiculously forced and completely unnatural.

You aren't built for this, stick to the memes and just let everyone think you're bad at political trash talk instead of proving them right.

I told you that you could go back to the kiddie table.....adults are speaking in this room..
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O M G!!! Swawell is talking......what a real dickwad loser the Dims have w/this idiot clown....

Like Schitt.......I love how he likes to put words in a persons mouth to come out like he wants to hear.
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Would this be the same people that have been reminded repeatedly that this isn't a trial? That it's a political activity?

If this is the court of public opinion, then Schiff is most definitely on trial.

The trumpers are the only ones who want to make it about Schiff, rational folks understand it's nothing more that a desperate attempt to shift the focus to the boogeyman since trumpers have to have a villain for things to be "unfair."

If they had focus on actually addressing the issues, they'd get hammered worse than they are. instead they bellyache about the process. A process they created.
I honestly think after the scj rape trial, the Russian collusion witch hunt that America is just over this whole thing.

Just looks to be grasping at anything at this point to stop Trump.

They just stayed on record that they were investigating the Ukraine as far back to the Obama years for corruption.

This is going to back fire big time.

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