The Impeachment Thread

He's Not asking.......he's putting words in their mouth to speak back what he likes to's for political points.
Swawell is good for nothing........he takes up too much air to breath.

I think it's a stupid strategy. These witnesses aren't partisan. That's part of their force. Trying to get them to mouth partisan sound bites harms the Dems cause.
Not allowing the so called whistleblower to testify tells me all I need to know about this Schittshow.

So which is it young fella, what the whistleblower reported is of no value because he has no first-hand knowledge or it is of utmost value? You guys can't seem to make up your mind.
I haven't fully been able to find a answer if the Senate decides to continue with this farce will they be able to call the whistle-blower and or Schiffy to testify since the Republicans hold the majority?
So which is it young fella, what the whistleblower reported is of no value because he has no first-hand knowledge or it is of utmost value? You guys can't seem to make up your mind.
His motives, and who he coordinated with before he came forward. He is another Christine Blasey Ford.
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