The Impeachment Thread

How did Trump and Sondland think it was a good idea to speak over a cell phone from Kiev? There is no way multiple countries weren’t listening in....amazing
Anyone take a guess why Nunes met with Sondland in August while in Brussels? Doing stuff related to Fresno, CA? Exchanging recipes for their favorite dish?
Should have articles drawn up by now then. Yet you Dims still seem to be hung up on a failure to launch. Appears your slam dunk analysis isn’t supported by the current state of affairs or you girls would already be voting on articles.

No, there is no timeline for the Democrats to draw up articles of impeachment, but when they do, it might finally dawn on you how deplorable Trump and his base are. Who am I kidding? It will be more of this from you and the Red Hats.

How can there be a bribe if one of the parties doesnt even know something is being withheld ? lmao some of yall are so entrenched in impeachment no matter what, that you wont realize you're crying wolf... again.
Wonder what the day entails on the Broadway Theatre I mean impeachment hearings today.
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I have seen not one high crime or misdemeanor proven. A bunch of biased hearsay. Meanwhile, the Dims have done nothing but go after
Trump. They are really getting work done for the American people!!
Everyone with half a brain sees the increasing likelihood of Trump's guilt.
and Dims are doing exactly what the majority of Americans felt had to be done.
lol......More of something is certainly more.
Trump had a really bad day yesterday.
Here's hoping for an even worse day today.
The stock market was up and testimony was strictly hearsay, and to top it off, the one person that is the whistleblower will not be allowed to testify. Yeah, sounds like a real bad day. 😂
On CNN’s New Day right now they just asked someone who they said has taken part in 4 impeachment hearings what would concern you from yesterday if you were defending the President? His name is Ross Garber I believe. They hailed him as an expert.

His answer was literally only that the witnesses seemed credible and that the Dems asked good questions. So his answer included nothing of any substance whatsoever. He then said if you’re Trump then you’re feeling good about how yesterday went.

He then, wait for it, said this new phone call means nothing right now.

Finally, he said if this just comes down to differences in how foreign policy should be carried out then the President wins. The person brought in by CNN as an impeachment expert gets it. Why don’t the attorneys on here?

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