The Impeachment Thread

LOL! It's people like you on jury's that get innocent people thrown in prison.
It's people like you who let OJ walk.

I thought Mick's post was so spot on it bared repeating.
Ask yourself, why was OJ found not guilty. Exact same with Trumpers and their assessment of Trump's guilt.
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I think it was Taylor who testified yesterday that he (Taylor) learned of the withholding of aid from an online article and not from any actual conversation he was part of. This is just like the Russia nonsense all over with the Deep State leaking fake stories to the media so they can use that as justification for launching investigations. It’s clear that the media in our country has been weaponized.
I think it was Taylor who testified yesterday that he (Taylor) learned of the withholding of aid from an online article and not from any actual conversation he was part of. This is just like the Russia nonsense all over with the Deep State leaking fake stories to the media so they can use that as justification for launching investigations. It’s clear that the media in our country has been weaponized.
It's what Pelosi described as the Smear Campaign. "It's a tactic."
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It's people like you who let OJ walk.

I thought Mick's post was so spot on it bared repeating.
Ask yourself, why was OJ found not guilty. Exact same with Trumpers and their assessment of Trump's guilt.
In other words, the facts looked like ****, so they tried to make the investigation look biased.
I will never have credibility with the redhats, not even when he is impeached. Hold back your tears until then.
He begins a post with “Lol” and you end your riveting retort with “Hold back your tears until then.” which is your typical BS reply. I’d guess your lack of reality understanding of situations is more of a fundamental reason for your credibility issues with everybody.
I think it was Taylor who testified yesterday that he (Taylor) learned of the withholding of aid from an online article and not from any actual conversation he was part of. This is just like the Russia nonsense all over with the Deep State leaking fake stories to the media so they can use that as justification for launching investigations. It’s clear that the media in our country has been weaponized.
You fail to acknowledge, Aid was withheld by the Trump Administration. Your post is indicative of your failure to form a coherent argument based on facts.
You fail to acknowledge, Aid was withheld by the Trump Administration. Your post is indicative of your failure to form a coherent argument based on facts.
Conveniently releases shortly after he realized there would be an investigation.
He begins a post with “Lol” and you end your riveting retort with “Hold back your tears until then.” which is your typical BS reply. I’d guess your lack of reality understanding of situations is more of a fundamental reason for your credibility issues with everybody.

Don't worry yourself with the likes you get from OrangeD and Justin. They only represent the lower 36%
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You fail to acknowledge, Aid was withheld by the Trump Administration. Your post is indicative of your failure to form a coherent argument based on facts.
And you continue to fail to acknowledge none of the parties involved have said repeatedly that ever happened. In fact they explicitly said it didn’t
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Now I know you will say anything. Mulvaney "Quid Pro Quo is what we do". Are you seriously saying the Aid wasn't delayed?
I’m seriously saying there is no quid pro quo/extortion/campaign finance issue/mattress tag removal/jay walking/parking ticket/taking lollipops from little kids/yadda yadda yadda that any evidence has been shown for.

Thus far this is the “two scoops of ice cream impeachment effort”. Grab it and run with it.

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