The Impeachment Thread

Yep. It's Trump's right to harm America... and he did. And you support it.
Doesn't matter who's President, there's always a side thinking he's harming America, and another side supporting him. At least in modern times.
Adam Schiff is sexist. He want let a woman speak.

Quite the opposite. That Congress lady from New York is 100 times sharper and more effective than the counsel the GOP brought in. This guy is a disaster and they know it. Schiff is making him take his turn and Nunes is trying to leap frog the process to avoid his own counsel.

They just need to fire the guy.

Edit: he is actually asking about Giuliani's imprisoned co-conspirators. Has he switched sides? Does he have a point here?
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Are you seriously this dishonest?

If you’re not on the call you can’t hear what was said by anyone else but the person you’re eavesdropping on.

Orange man bad justifies anything I guess.

Oh boy!

The Q-Anon guy is now lecturing people on first hand information!

I need to get more popcorn, STAT!
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I guess you’d have to explain how two years of Republicans not being on the same page as Trump, when they had full of both chambers and the White House, is supposed to support “three years of butthurt dim obstruction” because that just doesn’t make any sense.

Looks like you’re just throwing out snark today without any thought as to whether it makes sense with the last snark you threw out. Clearly the impeachment is going well, in your opinion.
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I guess you’d have to explain how two years of Republicans not being on the same page as Trump, when they had full of both chambers and the White House, is supposed to support “three years of butthurt dim obstruction” because that just doesn’t make any sense.

Looks like you’re just throwing out snark today without any thought as to whether it makes sense with the last snark you threw out. Clearly the impeachment is going well, in your opinion.
Do you know what blue font is?
Do you know what blue font is?

Uh, yeah. You sarcastically said “they were all on the same page” meaning they weren’t all on the same page.

Which is why I just asked you how republicans NOT being on the same page as Trump is “3 years of butthurt dim obstruction.”

Are you able to explain that?
Uh, yeah. You sarcastically said “they were all on the same page” meaning they weren’t all on the same page.

Which is why I just asked you how republicans NOT being on the same page as Trump is “3 years of butthurt dim obstruction.”

Are you able to explain that?
I thought the statement stood on its own. Are you trying to imply Trump isn’t frustrated with “three years of butthurt Dim obstruction” while also admitting that during those three years that on paper the party count was in the House but not the support? You seriously view this as some kind of “gotcha”?

while also admitting that during those three years that on paper the party line was in the House but not the support?



How is it “dim obstruction” if Trump can’t even get full support from his own party?!

That’s just an internal political failure. Like losing suburbs in Pennsylvania and Virginia.
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