The Impeachment Thread

Here's what I don't like. Suppose Sondland lies his ass off. Schiff makes a criminal referral. Guess what. That ultimately goes to Trump's fixer, Barr (or someone reporting to Barr).

Yah. I see what you mean. Maybe they'll all meet on a tarmac and hug it out.
Yeah, you wish you could upset me but you have absolutely no power to do so. I only thought it was funny because you were saying I was being childish in the same post. Irony, look it up. And you still haven’t figured out you are mixing up posters. I’ve never said anything about bad faith and certainly never admitted anything. You just like making assumptions and jumping to conclusions off those bad assumptions. Gee, where have we seen that before? Have a great day RT85 and lighten up Francis.
Why do you think I wish I could upset you?

Seems to me there are lowered burdens of proof on both sides. Whether right or left, most people seem to default to believing any story with which they agree, even if full of hearsay and conjecture, and claim no proof when discussing a story with which they do not agree. I’m sure that I’ve done the same at some point despite efforts to the contrary. We are all human after all, well except Luther. I kid, I kid.

What else would you have people conclude from the fact that you “make efforts to the contrary” to avoid arguing “no evidence” when you simply disagree with a story? Why would you “make efforts to avoid” that if it were a good faith argument?

And you absolutely backtracked from “absolutely no evidence” to “no direct evidence” to “I’m not convinced” in our conversation. I’d be happy to quote it too, if you’d like. Just confirms what I said.

I can respect a difference of opinion when people look at the evidence and say they’re not convinced. But I don’t respect people lying and mischaracterizing what evidence there is.

I’ve not met the politician that could persuade me to give up my integrity and lie for or against him. Certainly not going to do it on an anonymous message board where nobody ever changes their mind.

I have no respect for people who do. And no, I don’t expect you to care about whether or not I respect you, but you need to choose between not caring and crying about the fact that I don’t sugarcoat my response to ******** arguments.
Are you aware to what he is referring to? A Democrat House rep literally stated that hearsay is better than first hand information during this week’s **** show.
No I wasn’t aware, that obviously doesn’t sound right. There are some people lined up next week with first hand info, let’s see what they say or how they may purge themself. I was asking if deep throat was hearsay or first hand.
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No I wasn’t aware, that obviously doesn’t sound right. There are some people lined up next week with first hand info, let’s see what they say or how they may purge themself. I was asking if deep throat was hearsay or first hand.

The dim way. Let’s subpoena 50 people and hopefully a few show up so we can dissect words to get a purge charge.
No I wasn’t aware, that obviously doesn’t sound right. There are some people lined up next week with first hand info, let’s see what they say or how they may purge themself. I was asking if deep throat was hearsay or first hand.
I was guessing you hadn’t which is why I asked and pointed to the context.
I don’t appreciate you are talking to me W.TN.Orangeblood. It makes me feel frustrated.

I didn't respond to you until now....I responded to need to grow a pair sir.
I did say something about an hour ago.........but still you need not cry about me.....ignore button is your friend.
When you come in here w/guns ablazing & shooting down Trump supporters you will be confronted.
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Why do you think I wish I could upset you?

What else would you have people conclude from the fact that you “make efforts to the contrary” to avoid arguing “no evidence” when you simply disagree with a story? Why would you “make efforts to avoid” that if it were a good faith argument?

And you absolutely backtracked from “absolutely no evidence” to “no direct evidence” to “I’m not convinced” in our conversation. I’d be happy to quote it too, if you’d like. Just confirms what I said.

I can respect a difference of opinion when people look at the evidence and say they’re not convinced. But I don’t respect people lying and mischaracterizing what evidence there is.

I’ve not met the politician that could persuade me to give up my integrity and lie for or against him. Certainly not going to do it on an anonymous message board where nobody ever changes their mind.

I have no respect for people who do. And no, I don’t expect you to care about whether or not I respect you, but you need to choose between not caring and crying about the fact that I don’t sugarcoat my response to ******** arguments.
There you go again. So now I’m a liar. Ok buddy. Everything you say is right and everything I say is wrong. You win RT. All hail RT!
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