The Impeachment Thread

That was my immediate thought when I first heard the bribery talking points...they even paid for a hashtag on Twitter to push it

Jessie Watters on the 5 said the other day they (Dims) had a focus group to help come up with the word "bribery".
LOL.....Dims are too stupid to come up with their own words & meanings.
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And now the Libs are attacking Stefanik...bunch of misogynists

The left's WAR ON WOMEN....especially women on the right. This guy is a scumbag & is trash & hot garbage...
IF this was a Democratic left-wing congresswoman he'd have nothing but high praise for her....he's an idiot.

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Bless your heart in the south has a ton of substance to it. Some of us get it.
Good evening NurseGoodVol, I hope your evening has been everything you desired. As a 7th generation Tennessean who's father was born and raised to an illiterate sharecropper I know full well about the phrase bless your heart. I know more than anyone how important of a phrase it is to us southerners. But i think there needs to be a little context here, you see I challenenged spaceghost to an opinion he had previously stated. He is a person who seems to prefer to send insults and personal attacks rather than offering anything of substance. So, instead of any kind of worthwhile retort he chose to simply say bless your heart. I hope this clears things up between us, and I hope your evening is as wonderful as you are.
Sounds like a tough guy to have as an owner according to the story. He was a man of his times. I don't believe you can judge him or anyone else from that era, based on today's norms. He lived, worked, and is buried in my hometown, and I knew his great granddaughter.

He also freed his slaves on August 8, 1863, and their is a celebration in the black community every year in Greeneville on that date.

I have a hard time with the judge him on today’s values stance though.

There were always people against slavery. They weren’t the majority but there were always people who knew it was wrong.

I think since the beginning of time God has given us internally the ability to know what is right and wrong. I just believe that it was so easy to commit certain acts that most people just accepted it.

Yes, the world view was not nearly as advanced then as it is now but no one can ever tell me that when a black man was being whipped everyone just thought it was ok. I know there was atleast a little voice that said this is wrong.
She spoke the truth you nice fine kind sir.....get your ears cleaned once a week.
please pardon me, but she was out of line. She knew the rules. Both parties get 45 minutes, only the chair, ranking members and both designated councils can question witnesses and can not yield this time to another member. She and Nunes were stunting and breaking the rules on purpose. Please stop believing what you think to be the truth but is really a lie.
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please pardon me, but she was out of line. She knew the rules. Both parties get 45 minutes, only the chair, ranking members and both designated councils can question witnesses and can not yield this time to another member. She and Nunes were stunting and breaking the rules on purpose. Please stop believing what you think to be the truth but is really a lie.

Blah Blah Blah.....more silly nonsense from the loony left.....make rules up as you go along.
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I would’ve counted you among those that feel superior to others but perhaps I misjudged from our limited interaction.
I don’t feel superior to an entire group of people because of the way they look, or dress, or eat, or talk, or how much education they have, no.

I think there is a justifiable level of frustration on the right at the intolerance and intellectual pretension of the left. But that doesn’t mean I feel the need to tiptoe around people’s feelings, simply because figures like Tucker Carlson have stoked that frustration into a full blown inferiority complex.
Good evening sir, I hope you are well. She was out of line and deserved to get shut down. Have a great night
Good evening PCV I hope you are having a good day. I would suggest we disagree with your assessment of the situation and there is no indication anybody within the GOP violated existing protocol. Thus it’s reasonable to assume Chairman Schitt overstepped his bounds?
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