The Impeachment Thread

What do libs have to say about Joe and Hunter Biden’s Ukraine issue? If it were Trump and Jr they would tell you it’s the apocalypse. They don’t seem to care since it’s Creepy Joe
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Has nothing to do with the message. Has everything to do with the platform and the attempt at emotional attacks. Oh we have an upset child. That’s what this is. A scientist should be speaking not her. You want to get people to believe it’s a problem then stop using this crap.
The fact that you have to get people to believe in science is the problem. The scientist haven't been successful at that either. Just out of curiosity, which scientist would you have liked to see speak?
I said when it happened that part of me thought it was Trump setting somebody up, maybe to find a leaker, maybe to get the Biden story out.
That theory doesn't square with the fact that the whistleblower's complaint against Donald Trump was filed on August 12th. The Trump Administration, with assistance from the Department of Justice, fought it's release to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, as is required by law, for six weeks.
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IDK. My daughter not happening. What if it was yours? Yes or no.

That's fine. I wasn't arguing whether it was a good idea that she be allowed to go or not. My issue was solely in describing her action with the word exploit.

When 16 year-olds surreptitiously signed up and fought in WWII or other wars, we don't say the US government exploited kids in its war effort, we say they volunteered to fight.
Maybe they can get this little devil to speak at the UN on Climate Change or whatever the topic of the day.......
She probably could get more people signed up for the cause quicker than a jack-rabbit can run a mile.....
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That theory doesn't square with the fact that the whistleblower's complaint against Donald Trump was filed on August 12th. The Trump Administration, with assistance from the Department of Justice, fought it's release to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, as is required by law, for six weeks.

Equitable distribution of scandals is a central tenet of Trumpism.

Biden should have a scandal, and so should Pence.

Trump encourages questions to Pence about his own Ukraine calls
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Well, let's just take the opinion of some nondescript House Republican from Utah and shut the whole thing down then. He wouldn't have made his way onto a Fox opinion show... unless that was his stated opinion.

It's a nothing burger again you fool.....Oh look, Dems lying again....what a shocker >>> what a shock.
Go cry yourself to sleep now.....
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Dang you...

Now I have literally never heard of that word. Learned two words tonight. Expect to see them often.

The second one's going to be tougher to use ... now libs because they see themselves as progressive and seeing further ahead than the rest of us probably believe they are are blessed with hyperopia, when in fact they are just hyper most of the time.

BTW from experience for anybody facing cataract surgery, if you have any astigmatism pay the extra and spring for the toric lenses that correct it. Medicare pays for the regular lens, but not for the toric lens ... paying the difference is worth it. I had one eye that was marginal and they recommended a normal lens; I'm sorry I listened to that advice.
The second one's going to be tougher to use ... now libs because they see themselves as progressive and seeing further ahead than the rest of us probably believe they are are blessed with hyperopia, when in fact they are just hyper most of the time.

BTW from experience for anybody facing cataract surgery, if you have any astigmatism pay the extra and spring for the toric lenses that correct it. Medicare pays for the regular lens, but not for the toric lens ... paying the difference is worth it. I had one eye that was marginal and they recommended a normal lens; I'm sorry I listened to that advice.

If you are Chinese you use the word as doctrine.
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Well, let's just take the opinion of some nondescript House Republican from Utah and shut the whole thing down then. He wouldn't have made his way onto a Fox opinion show... unless that was his stated opinion.
Sort of like these tweets getting shared with like 8 followers proclaiming Biden murdered Jesus.
Well, let's just take the opinion of some nondescript House Republican from Utah and shut the whole thing down then. He wouldn't have made his way onto a Fox opinion show... unless that was his stated opinion.
Well if you bothered to read the link you’d see he encouraged Americans to go read the complaint themselves and not take his word for it too! And he also said there’s no there there after making that recommendation 😀
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Well if you bothered to read the link you’d see he encouraged Americans to go read the complaint themselves and not take his word for it too! And he also said there’s no there there after making that recommendation 😀

Can we read it now?
The fact that you have to get people to believe in science is the problem. The scientist haven't been successful at that either. Just out of curiosity, which scientist would you have liked to see speak?

An honest one; but with respect to climate "science", I don't think one of those exists. You see, if time is of the essence - like we're going to die in 12 years, then why in the world would China as the worlds worst polluter be given years to begin thinking about compliance.

However, to be more specific. If the climate "scientists" would simply quit cooking the books ... fudging numbers ("correcting" data) and cherry picking starting points to make things look like what they aren't, then they might have some degree of credibility. Still, if you really believe it's a crisis, to let China continue as is is a sin and absolutely undermines credibility.
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You see, if time is of the essence - like we're going to die in 12 years, then why in the world would China as the worlds worst polluter be given years to begin thinking about compliance.

Very profound statement.
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