The infamous UT Rocky Top/Lee Corso Commercial...

(hatvol96 @ May 31 said:
No other school/program has ever accused ESPN of being the leader of an international conspiracy against them. People are constantly saying Barry Bonds deserves the treatment he's receiving now because he's acted boorishly throughout his career. Guess what? That's exactly the same kind of instant karma UT fans are receiving from ESPN. If our fans hadn't acted like abject morons after the Heisman voting in '97, they wouldn't catch flack from ESPN today.

And I suppose the Blacks were wrong for complaining about the idiot sports caster, whose name escapes me, who said blacks were better suited for sports because they had different muscle make-up than whites.

He got the boot because he offended a large group.

Just because you're too insensitive to understand things you've never experienced does not make you right.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
The point is; ESPN has never even come close to insulting other programs like they have UT.

I know they got a briar under their saddle after the stupid "Trailer Park Trash" remark, but it was stupid and if it had been pointed at Blacks, Hispanics, or Homosexuals Fowler would have been forced out.

That's the simple truth of it.

Some groups are still open season while others are out of the woods.

While the double standard exists even in the realm of parody, I think that everyone deserves to have a little fun poked at them. That is what makes Trey Parker and Matt Stone so revolutionary.

I prefer to sit back and laugh at everyone rather than scowl when I may feel offended. I also happen to think that any commercial exposure is good exposure in this day and age.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
You display again your total lack of understanding.

You can't possibly fathom the rigors of harsh poverty.

It's silly for me to discuss this with someone from your generation who has no knowledge of true hardship. Your tone, as it often becomes clearly evident, reveals a life that knows nothing of true
difficulty. When you've known real hardship, it softens your views.

I hope you and my children never learn this harsh reality.

It does leave you with a poor perspective on the subject. You can never understand a thing so personal until you have personally experienced it.
Yes, only the Ancient One knows real truth. All other perspectives are based on poor information or lack of life experience. Wrong. Some of us don't walk around with our hearts/emotions on our sleeves looking to be offended. If you took that commercial as a commentary on socioeconomic inequality in the '50s and '60s, you need to invest in a good therapist. It was a joke. A damn funny joke.
(lawgator1 @ May 31 said:
I had not seen this commercial before. In my opinion, as an outsider, it's play on super-broad stereotypes of the rural South is exactly why it is both funny and not offensive. Sometimes, a representation of a stereotype can be so overwhelmingly over the top that there is no way anyone would take it seriously. I liken this to some of the absurdities of the Chapelle Show. His skits are so beyond reality and so exploitive of a stereotpye that the joke becomes the stereotype itself.

A woman in an elevator with a chicken chasing a pig named "Rocky Top"? Come on, that's hilarious and so over the top that no one would think to themselves that all people in Tennessee chase pigs named for their alma mater just because they saw it on that commercial. It is so ridiculous that it instantly disproves itself.

If you did one based on USC where there were a group of unschooled surfers speaking in some sort of west coast dumb slang (gnarly, etc.) you would not think that proof that people in southern California are all surf and beach bums. You'd recognize it as playing on a stereotype you know to be false ... and smile at how clever the commercial was.

And if they did one where they had some farmers husking some corn, you wouldn't think badly of Nebraska for it.

To me, the problem commercials are ones that perhaps a lot more subtly point out and take advantage of these stereotypes, particularly if based on race or ethnicity. But this commercial was so mocking of itself, really, that I just don't see it as anything other than poking good-natured fun at the stereotype, itself.

It didn't have one single thing to do with the Rural South, it had UT orange all over it.

(hatvol96 @ May 31 said:
Yes, only the Ancient One knows real truth. All other perspectives are based on poor information or lack of life experience. Wrong. Some of us don't walk around with our hearts/emotions on our sleeves looking to be offended. If you took that commercial as a commentary on socioeconomic inequality in the '50s and '60s, you need to invest in a good therapist. It was a joke. A damn funny joke.

And you hold that view because you are insensitive.

Just read the balance of your posts here.

There's enough evidence in them to hang you on that topic.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
And I suppose the Blacks were wrong for complaining about the idiot sports caster, whose name escapes me, who said blacks were better suited for sports because they had different muscle make-up than whites.

He got the boot because he offended a large group.

Just because you're too insensitive to understand things you've never experienced does not make you right.
Making the Heisman voting morally equivalent to racism tells me all I need to know about you.
(Lexvol @ May 31 said:
While the double standard exists even in the realm of parody, I think that everyone deserves to have a little fun poked at them. That is what makes Trey Parker and Matt Stone so revolutionary.

I prefer to sit back and laugh at everyone rather than scowl when I may feel offended. I also happen to think that any commercial exposure is good exposure in this day and age.

If it had come from anyone but ESPN it would probably not have been as offensive. But after the Trailer Park Trash and the insincere apology that followed, it was just another way for them to dig at UT and their fans, and in this instance, the entire state.

(OldVol @ May 31 said:
And you hold that view because you are insensitive.

Just read the balance of your posts here.

There's enough evidence in them to hang you on that topic.
No, you hold the contrary view because you are hypersensitive and easily offended. The majority of the posters on this board are Peyton Manning apologists who would criticize ESPN for curing cancer and ending world hunger.
(hatvol96 @ May 31 said:
Making the Heisman voting morally equivalent to racism tells me all I need to know about you.

Reading the Heisman voting into my posts on this topic clearly shows you're incapable of reading comprehension.

But, that's your usual path. If you can't win an argument on its merits, just completely distort what someone has said.

You obviously believe it's fine to insult some. You've proven that time after time after time with your vitriolic hatefulness.

(hatvol96 @ May 31 said:
No, you hold the contrary view because you are hypersensative and easily offended. The majority of the posters on this board are Peyton Manning apologists who would criticize ESPN for curing cancer and ending world hunger.

I hold that view because I have a heart.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
It didn't have one single thing to do with the Rural South, it had UT orange all over it.

Yes but I was under the impression that the issue taken with it had to do with painting UT as somehow emblematic of general Southern poverty. You see that steretype of the poor, uneducated South all over the place. Heck, the Andy Griffith Show and the Beverly Hilbillies were built on that stereotype!

I understand feelings run deep on this issue and I respect the opinions of those who say they were really offended by it. Just adding in my own perspective (I'm in my early 40's) that the joke of this commercial was the stereotype itself and that it was so over the top as to not really be insulting or defamatory. I concede that others see it differently.
(lawgator1 @ May 31 said:
Yes but I was under the impression that the issue taken with it had to do with painting UT as somehow emblematic of general Southern poverty. You see that steretype of the poor, uneducated South all over the place. Heck, the Andy Griffith Show and the Beverly Hilbillies were built on that stereotype!

I understand feelings run deep on this issue and I respect the opinions of those who say they were really offended by it. Just adding in my own perspective (I'm in my early 40's) that the joke of this commercial was the stereotype itself and that it was so over the top as to not really be insulting or defamatory. I concede that others see it differently.

I'm not sure it would have been funny if PBS did something similar that encompassed the entire South.

This piece wasn't done using a shotgun, but a rifle pointed only at Tennessee.
(hatvol96 @ May 31 said:
Some of us don't walk around with our hearts/emotions on our sleeves looking to be offended.

Yet you continually are offended by others opinions that you don't agree with - you state your motivation for many posts is to get at the idiotic fans you despise. Fans of Larry Bird are hicks and racists, fans of Peyton Manning are synchophants, etc. Why are you moved to get under the skin of these fans if you are not offended by them. It appears that any post stating a strong opinion you disagree with offends you so much that you must insult entire groups of people to get your jollies. :dunno:
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
Reading the Heisman voting into my posts on this topic clearly shows you're incapable of reading comprehension.

But, that's your usual path. If you can't win an argument on its merits, just completely distort what someone has said.

You obviously believe it's fine to insult some. You've proven that time after time after time with your vitriolic hatefulness.
Given that your post regarding the race issue was in response to a comment I made about UT fans complaining about the Heisman voting, I'd say my skills of deduction and coprehension are just fine. You might want to keep up if you're going to engage in the debate.
(lawgator1 @ May 31 said:
Yes but I was under the impression that the issue taken with it had to do with painting UT as somehow emblematic of general Southern poverty. You see that steretype of the poor, uneducated South all over the place. Heck, the Andy Griffith Show and the Beverly Hilbillies were built on that stereotype!

I understand feelings run deep on this issue and I respect the opinions of those who say they were really offended by it. Just adding in my own perspective (I'm in my early 40's) that the joke of this commercial was the stereotype itself and that it was so over the top as to not really be insulting or defamatory. I concede that others see it differently.

Poverty is a harsh taskmaster. It doesn't leave you with pleasant memories that you're likely to laugh at. Some people are capable of understanding that, and you seem to be one of them. Others obviously have a silver-spoon, and can never understand that in the real world, people hurt by poverty and want can never find it a subject for comedy.

(OldVol @ May 31 said:
I'm not sure it would have been funny if PBS did something similar that encompassed the entire South.

This piece wasn't done using a shotgun, but a rifle pointed only at Tennessee.

Did you see the spoof Chapelle did with the Frontline special on the black white supremacist?
(lawgator1 @ May 31 said:
Did you see the spoof Chapelle did with the Frontline special on the black white supremacist?

No I didn't, what did it depict?
I think the reason people got upset with it is because of the history of ESPN and UT. If it had been another network I don't think it would have made as many people mad. But there is no excuse for what Fowler said. None! Hate you may dislike PM and his fans (read most UT fans) but that does not make what Fowler said justifiable.

And as far as the Heisman voting goes. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that ESPN ran clip after clip of Woodson to the point that I got sick of it. I not only think it was crappy that PM didn't get the heisman but a slap in the face to many other defensive players that were so much better than Woodson ever dreamed of. I know the 2 way player argument but he was not even the best multi purpose player that year. Georgia had a kid that beat him up one side and down the other. Not only was Ward better in college but he is better in the NFL. As is and was Manning. The fact is ESPN got on the Woodson bandwagon and drove it to the NYCAC.
(volinbham @ May 31 said:
Yet you continually are offended by others opinions that you don't agree with - you state your motivation for many posts is to get at the idiotic fans you despise. Fans of Larry Bird are hicks and racists, fans of Peyton Manning are synchophants, etc. Why are you moved to get under the skin of these fans if you are not offended by them. It appears that any post stating a strong opinion you disagree with offends you so much that you must insult entire groups of people to get your jollies. :dunno:
My posts are almost all done completely dispassionately. I simply provide my observations. I'm mildly annoyed by the people you mention, I don't care enough about them to be offended.
ESPN always makes commercials trying to be funny and they succeed most of the time. They normally don't pick at one particular team but a sport in general. In this case they picked on Tennessee I think because at th time there was a tiff going on between UT fans and ESPN. You don't see Herr Corso being funny about his beloved FSU. He should star in a commercial that shows kids trying to steal his sneakers. See how that would go over. As for the Rocky Top commercial, I didn't find it funny at all. It tries to be but it isn't. It is an awfully thin line and when it doesn't come off as funny, it usually is either offensive or stupid. In this case, my vote is both.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
Poverty is a harsh taskmaster. It doesn't leave you with pleasant memories that you're likely to laugh at. Some people are capable of understanding that, and you seem to be one of them. Others obviously have a silver-spoon, and can never understand that in the real world, people hurt by poverty and want can never find it a subject for comedy.
Having grown up in Campbell County, Tennessee, I've seen more than my share of abject poverty. I simply don't project that on to an innocuous television commercial. By the way, any "silver spoon" I have, I earned myself.
(VolBeef88 @ May 31 said:
I think the reason people got upset with it is because of the history of ESPN and UT. If it had been another network I don't think it would have made as many people mad. But there is no excuse for what Fowler said. None! Hate you may dislike PM and his fans (read most UT fans) but that does not make what Fowler said justifiable.

And as far as the Heisman voting goes. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that ESPN ran clip after clip of Woodson to the point that I got sick of it. I not only think it was crappy that PM didn't get the heisman but a slap in the face to many other defensive players that were so much better than Woodson ever dreamed of. I know the 2 way player argument but he was not even the best multi purpose player that year. Georgia had a kid that beat him up one side and down the other. Not only was Ward better in college but he is better in the NFL. As is and was Manning. The fact is ESPN got on the Woodson bandwagon and drove it to the NYCAC.
Manning wouldn't have had to worry about it if he hadn't spent a September afternoon in Gainesville throwing touchdown passes to Tony George. Woodson had the national spotlight against Ohio State and played brilliantly. Manning had similar exposure and failed against the Gators. Manning's performance in the Florida game was the equivalent of Gerald Ford saying that Poland wasn't under Soviet control during the '76 presidential debates. That's how you lose elections.
(OldVol @ May 31 said:
No I didn't, what did it depict?

It was a mock PBS Frontline report with a dead pan reporter who goes in search of Clayton Bigsby, a renowned author of books on white supremacy.

When the reporter makes his way to Bigsby's home, he finds that Bigsby is actually black! The gimmick is that he's blind, so he doesn't know he's black. He was raised at an all-white orphanage and taught to be racist.

The rest of the skit has Bigsby and the reporter going to different meetings of the KKK and book signings as they encounter situations designed to highlight the irony. For example, they are at a stoplighht and there is a car next to them with three or four white teenagers, dressed up in what you might call urban gear, listening to rap music.

Bigsby leans out the window and yells at them to turn the "jungle music" down, "G__damn nig ___s," he mutters under his breath (not realizing of course that he is black). The kids in the car look at each other and one asks, "Did he just call us nig___s?" After a pause, they all high five each other, excited that a black man called them that.

It is sort of hard to describe. But it is genuinely one of the funniest damn things I have ever seen in my life. And it is so precisely because it is making fun of the stereotype itself by joking within it.
(hohenfelsvol @ May 31 said:
ESPN always makes commercials trying to be funny and they succeed most of the time. They normally don't pick at one particular team but a sport in general. In this case they picked on Tennessee I think because at th time there was a tiff going on between UT fans and ESPN. You don't see Herr Corso being funny about his beloved FSU. He should star in a commercial that shows kids trying to steal his sneakers. See how that would go over. As for the Rocky Top commercial, I didn't find it funny at all. It tries to be but it isn't. It is an awfully thin line and when it doesn't come off as funny, it usually is either offensive or stupid. In this case, my vote is both.

Actually, that particular spot was only one in a series of commercials created for that season. All of them took aim at one school or another. Taken within the context of the entire campaign that year, I found the spot not really so insulting. It missed the funny button for me, but that is a difficult button for an advertiser to hit where I personally am concerned.

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