The Inside Scoop: Cabinet / Admin Members Opine on Donald Trump as President

I'm talking about the 12 people in the OP, just as starters. Mattis being the first, describing him as a unable to lead and having the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader. Not a totally unreasonable position after watching a press conference or perusing his tweets.

I still think it has as much to do with him never working in government and the people complaining have been career .gov employees for the most part. They were used to the same go along to get along red tape ******** and Trump wasn't.
It's patently evident that pro-trumpers place the value of their tax breaks and fear of people of color over what's best for our children, grandchildren and nation as a whole.

Such is the nature of small minded people.

I'm hopeful they don't constitute a majority in our country, but if they do, we're done as the world's superpower. Instead, we'll rise solely to the ability of our 'leader'... a joke of a reality show.

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I still think it has as much to do with him never working in government and the people complaining have been career .gov employees for the most part. They were used to the same go along to get along red tape ******** and Trump wasn't.
There's simply no evidence of your claim. BS rationalization. Not reading briefs doesn't have a damn thing to do with any government red tape. Not understanding how to negotiate a trade deal doesn't have a damn thing to do with government red tape. A couple of years ago, he claimed on 60 minutes that trade deals are exactly the same as doing a real estate deal. The fact is they're not anything close to the same. Hurling personal insults at those that might disagree with him doesn't have a damn thing to do with red tape. Lying about anything and everything causes all kinds of problems. Not understanding that when you go before the world and proclaim you've defeated ISIS, they just might retaliate, as they did, and kill 4 Americans. All because the dumb SOB had to shine a light on himself. And his handling of the covid virus has been pathetic and worst of all, self serving
So I’m saying your work experiences aren’t relevant to anything related to this discussion. And I’ve consistently said I am more worried about Trump’s results than what his former disgruntled employees said.

Strike two.
Ah I see. You got embarrassed and have now dug yourself in to being obtuse instead of moving on.

My reasoning about what you meant was predicated on the assumption that you got the point, so I suppose that is two strikes for me.

The fact that these people are former employees is only a strike against them if you’re saying they’re not credible.* It’s not really relevant to what they’re saying other than that they were in a position to witness it. So, my point was that when people leave a place of employment, even when they get fired, they don’t just go around lying about their old boss.

*- I suppose an argument could be made that one can infer a history of felonious behavior from all former Trump employees, but I don’t expect that that’s where you’re going.
It's patently evident that pro-trumpers place the value of their tax breaks and fear of people of color over what's best for our children, grandchildren and nation as a whole.

Such is the nature of small minded people.

I'm hopeful they don't constitute a majority in our country, but if they do, we're done as the world's superpower. Instead, we'll rise solely to the ability of our 'leader'... a joke of a reality show.


What's best for my grandchildren is to live in a prosperous country with opportunities. We were there.
What results are we talking about here? China, NK, the wall Mexico paid for 😂, deficits, COVID? What? Are you really going to sit here and say we are in a better position today than we were 4 years ago and keep a straight face?
I was hoping you would get around to asking. Search threads here. I remember McDad starting a good one. In fact you should take your “but results don’t matter it’s what his former employees say that matters!” dumbassery there! 😂
There's simply no evidence of your claim. BS rationalization. Not reading briefs doesn't have a damn thing to do with any government red tape. Not understanding how to negotiate a trade deal doesn't have a damn thing to do with government red tape. A couple of years ago, he claimed on 60 minutes that trade deals are exactly the same as doing a real estate deal. The fact is they're not anything close to the same. Hurling personal insults at those that might disagree with him doesn't have a damn thing to do with red tape. Lying about anything and everything causes all kinds of problems. Not understanding that when you go before the world and proclaim you've defeated ISIS, they just might retaliate, as they did, and kill 4 Americans. All because the dumb SOB had to shine a light on himself. And his handling of the covid virus has been pathetic and worst of all, self serving

So how does this word salad refute the fact we were better off than we were 4 years ago until covid?
Ah I see. You got embarrassed and have now dug yourself in to being obtuse instead of moving on.

My reasoning about what you meant was predicated on the assumption that you got the point, so I suppose that is two strikes for me.

The fact that these people are former employees is only a strike against them if you’re saying they’re not credible.* It’s not really relevant to what they’re saying other than that they were in a position to witness it. So, my point was that when people leave a place of employment, even when they get fired, they don’t just go around lying about their old boss.

*- I suppose an argument could be made that one can infer a history of felonious behavior from all former Trump employees, but I don’t expect that that’s where you’re going.
Oh God here we go with the ridiculous over explaining indignant talking down dumbassery again... Jees...
So how does this word salad refute the fact we were better off than we were 4 years ago until covid?
If you had any real understanding of economics you would know we weren't better off. Our alliances with Western Europe and NATO are much weaker than they were 4 years ago
If you had any real understanding of economics you would know we weren't better off. Our alliances with Western Europe and NATO are much weaker than they were 4 years ago

Ok explain them to me. Show me how we were not better off.
What's best for my grandchildren is to live in a prosperous country with opportunities. We were there.

What's best for my grandchildren is to NOT drill for oil in the arctic.

What's best for my grandchildren is to NOT borrow $1 trillion dollars per year (2019 deficit) of THEIR money to pay for tax breaks.

What's best for my grandchildren is to NOT ignore global warming and promote coal companies.

Donald Trump has been a major step backwards. His supporters, in my experience, are generally under-educated, self-absorbed and/or racist.

He'll go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.
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What could any POTUS have done differently?
Not blow smoke up the public's ass by acting like it was nothing. Not react adversely to safeguards that might have gotten it under control sooner. Not politicize it every single day. Be truthful to the public
What's best for my grandchildren is to NOT drill for oil in the arctic.

What's best for my grandchildren is to borrow $1 trillion dollars per year (2019 deficit) of THEIR money to pay for tax breaks.

What's best for my grandchildren is to NOT ignore global warming and promote coal companies.

Donald Trump has been a major step backwards. His supporters, in my experience, are generally under-educated, self-absorbed and/or racist.

He'll go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.
No oil and no coal. When do you see that as a real possibility?

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