The Inside Scoop: Cabinet / Admin Members Opine on Donald Trump as President

Why do you even think we want your “help” with our vote FFS? You claim to be voting third party however ive yet to hear you offer one point why people should vote FOR your third party candidate. Thus far based on your posting you are just AGAINST Trump. Since there are only two viable candidates I’m sure Joe n’ Ho appreciate your support! They will be needing it in the coming days.

This whole discussion started with a response to a question that was posed about the pandemic.
Like what? Some tangible examples please.

WTF are you talking about with voting reasons? I never offered or brought it up sweetheart.

...and we've already had our discussion.

I'm voting third party because they actually call for spending cuts and fiscal responsibility, want to lower taxes, pro 2nd amendment, socially liberal, and don't want to intrude on my personal or moral life in any way outside of what is in the constitution.

There is not a single person that is voting for Trump or Biden that actually believes my first reason will actually happen outside of lip service. And maybe it is lip service with third party, but I know for a fact it isn't happening with R or D.
Holy pivot batman...we were talking about the pandemic. Who was talking about helping with voting? WTF are you even talking about here? This whole discussion started with a response to a question YOU posed:

If you want to have a discussion about why I'm voting for third party then I don't mind discussing.

I will be voting third party also so no need for a discussion on that. I've just heard so many people seen so many posts about how badly Trump handled the pandemic yet have not heard or seen anyone give substantial answers as to what he could have done differently.
I will be voting third party also so no need for a discussion on that. I've just heard so many people seen so many posts about how badly Trump handled the pandemic yet have not heard or seen anyone give substantial answers as to what he could have done differently.

This was actually my mistake, I was responding to ND40 but thought it was you. I corrected the post after you responded.
I will be voting third party also so no need for a discussion on that. I've just heard so many people seen so many posts about how badly Trump handled the pandemic yet have not heard or seen anyone give substantial answers as to what he could have done differently.
We could have definitely had a better stock of ppe and plan for distribution and resupply. He should never have put Jared in charge of that either. His message should have been clear and consistent instead of the back patting mush we saw every night. He should have channeled all assessments through Pence and allowed him to speak to the press rather than giving only Fauci/Birx the mic. Economic advisers should have absolutely been included in the response discussion.

A non-adversarial position with real facts instead of platitudes would have served him well. Imo he had an amazing opportunity to lead and squandered it to fight the media
We could have definitely had a better stock of ppe and plan for distribution and resupply. He should never have put Jared in charge of that either. His message should have been clear and consistent instead of the back patting mush we saw every night. He should have channeled all assessments through Pence and allowed him to speak to the press rather than giving only Fauci/Birx the mic. Economic advisers should have absolutely been included in the response discussion.

A non-adversarial position with real facts instead of platitudes would have served him well. Imo he had an amazing opportunity to lead and squandered it to fight the media

I agree 100% on your last paragraph. I also think that all statements should have been made through Pence and Fauci/Birx should not have been given the mic at all.
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This whole discussion started with a response to a question that was posed about the pandemic.

WTF are you talking about with voting reasons? I never offered or brought it up sweetheart.

...and we've already had our discussion.

I'm voting third party because they actually call for spending cuts and fiscal responsibility, want to lower taxes, pro 2nd amendment, socially liberal, and don't want to intrude on my personal or moral life in any way outside of what is in the constitution.

There is not a single person that is voting for Trump or Biden that actually believes my first reason will actually happen outside of lip service. And maybe it is lip service with third party, but I know for a fact it isn't happening with R or D.
I’ll agree you haven’t offered us any reasons, dear.

You’ve just told us we’re wrong for who we chose! 😘

And you and I had our discussion and left it at disagreement. In this current discussion you haven’t brought forth a single FOR reason until I just prodded you. You’ve just been screeching at other people for their choice.

Nobody, including your 3rd party candidate, is going to rein in spending in the near term. So why chest thump on that issue. But I see plenty on the Dem platform that is worth voting against even if I have to write in a ham sandwich.
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This was actually my mistake, I was responding to ND40 but thought it was you. I corrected the post after you responded.
And I was going to point out I saw you responding to Hog’s comment on helping and were replying in kind until you went off on the estrogen laden rant at me.
I’ll agree you haven’t offered us any reasons, dear.

You’ve just told us we’re wrong for who we chose! 😘

And you and I had our discussion and left it at disagreement. In this current discussion you haven’t brought forth a single FOR reason until I just prodded you. You’ve just been screeching at other people for their choice.

Nobody, including your 3rd party candidate, is going to rein in spending in the near term. So why chest thump on that issue. But I see plenty on the Dem platform that is worth voting against even if I have to write in a ham sandwich.
He's provided it many times in other discussions. Just because you missed it doesn't make it a lie. Use the search tool if it's that important to you
I’ll agree you haven’t offered us any reasons, dear.

You’ve just told us we’re wrong for who we chose! 😘

Well you seem to be the only one that thinks I was offering any reasons to vote anyway, so I'm glad we could help with your confusion.
Well you seem to be the only one that thinks I was offering any reasons to vote anyway, so I'm glad we could help with your confusion.
Oh I very clearly pointed out in this discussion you offered no FOR reasons on anybody. You’ve just screamed we were wrong on who we chose with our vote. Productive!
Oh I very clearly pointed out in this discussion you offered no FOR reasons on anybody. You’ve just screamed we were wrong on who we chose with our vote. Productive!

Of course I didn't point out for reasons in this discussion. Because WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT IT. might just want to quit digging at this point.
Of course I didn't point out for reasons in this discussion. Because WE WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT IT. might just want to quit digging at this point.
Oh FFS. Reasons to vote FOR your chosen candidate. Not just screech “you’re wrong justify your choice to me!”. Go read

And even when I posted where you could go find a detailed discussion on the FOR reasons you just ignored it and kept screeching.

Somebody should sure quit digging but it isn’t me champ.

This all started because you got your ass triggered over a meme I posted, which I explained the rationale of it, and then you just start screeching “you’re all wrong!” with a basis which we didn’t agree with and told you why (former employees talking) then you continue to screech “you’re all wrong!” on what reasons we chose to vote for Trump over Biden. You’re all over the damn place other than just screeching “you’re all wrong!”
Oh FFS. Reasons to vote FOR your chosen candidate. Not just screech “you’re wrong justify your choice to me!”. Go read

And even when I posted where you could go find a detailed discussion on the FOR reasons you just ignored it and kept screeching.

Somebody should sure quit digging but it isn’t me champ.

This all started because you got your ass triggered over a meme I posted, which I explained the rationale of it, and then you just start screeching “you’re all wrong!” with a basis which we didn’t agree with and told you why (former employees talking) then you continue to screech “you’re all wrong!” on what reasons we chose to vote for Trump over Biden. You’re all over the damn place other than just screeching “you’re all wrong!”

omg....are you serious? From the beginning of the thread? You responded to a pandemic discussion that had nothing to do with candidates. Any half intelligent person would have responded to a post in the thread that addresses what they are talking about.

I was having a discussion about the pandemic and I can't help it that Hog and myself can't see eye to eye on the reasons why it was good/bad. Then you responded with this out of left field about "help" on voting reasons for:

Why do you even think we want your “help” with our vote FFS? You claim to be voting third party however ive yet to hear you offer one point why people should vote FOR your third party candidate. Thus far based on your posting you are just AGAINST Trump. Since there are only two viable candidates I’m sure Joe n’ Ho appreciate your support! They will be needing it in the coming days.

We weren't even talking about voting candidates and help with votes, and FOR reasons, and evidently Hog is voting 3rd party anyway. It seems Hog and I may actually agree on that. IT WAS A DISCUSSION ABOUT THE PANDEMIC.

YOU are the one getting the discussion all tangled up. The only one hung up on this voting nonsense is you, the rest of us moved on from it several pages back. I mean....seriously.
omg....are you serious? From the beginning of the thread? You responded to a pandemic discussion that had nothing to do with candidates. Any half intelligent person would have responded to a post in the thread that addresses what they are talking about.

I was having a discussion about the pandemic and I can't help it that Hog and myself can't see eye to eye on the reasons why it was good/bad. Then you responded with this out of left field about "help" on voting reasons for:

We weren't even talking about voting candidates and help with votes, and FOR reasons, and evidently Hog is voting 3rd party anyway. It seems Hog and I may actually agree on that. IT WAS A DISCUSSION ABOUT THE PANDEMIC.

YOU are the one getting the discussion all tangled up. The only one hung up on this voting nonsense is you, the rest of us moved on from it several pages back. I mean....seriously.
Here is the quick summary of your entry here. Hog came in later. It’s all back there to see.

You and I have been back and from ftom your initial post. First getting triggered by a meme. Then admonishing us all because we don’t weigh the situation the way you want us to. Then demanding we justify our choice of candidate. The only constant is your screeching which started over you getting triggered by a meme. 🤷‍♂️

I imagine this as the ladies being true intelligent republicans looking at his $trillion deficits, press conferences, and pandemic management while the Trump simpletons are the guy in back.

lmfao - you made the post of the guy grinning at this thread. If you meant something different, let's hear it.
It’s actually very simple. Monty yet again made another hyperbolic BS thread. You are the women up front responding accordingly. I am the dude in back laughing at his screeching hyperbole like I always do. You’re welcome.
Here is the quick summary of your entry here. Hog came in later. It’s all back there to see.

You and I have been back and from ftom your initial post. First getting triggered by a meme. Then admonishing us all because we don’t weigh the situation the way you want us to. Then demanding we justify our choice of candidate. The only constant is your screeching which started over you getting triggered by a meme. 🤷‍♂️


Now answer why you brought it back up by responding to a pandemic post I was making with Hog several pages later. If you wanted to continue our discussion it would have been better to reference said discussion instead of mine and hog's which has nothing to do with what you are talking about, no?

Now answer why you brought it back up by responding to a pandemic post I was making with Hog several pages later. If you wanted to continue our discussion it would have been better to reference said discussion instead of mine and hog's which has nothing to do with what you are talking about, no?
I participated in that discussion. What I said was the only thing he screwed up on was listening to the damn screaming and shutting down the damn country! I don’t remember if I stated it in that reply but he shouldn’t have frigging printed $3T to pay people to stay home either!

His only mishandling of the situation was listening to the idiots who told him to shut the damn country down as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care how mean he is to the people around him on this. Hell the CDC and WHO have been a continual clown show thru this whole ordeal they deserve ridicule as far as I’m concerned

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