The Investigation of the Biden Criminal Cabal

If the FBI redacted it, how does the House know about it?

Good question. Wondering if that came from the whistleblower FBI informant also? Or, maybe Grassley just held it up to the light.
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It is in the article I posted.

A source familiar told Fox News Digital on Monday that the FBI did not redact the section of the FD-1023 referencing the audio recordings when showing the document to solely to Comer and Raskin, but did so for the full committee briefing. The source said Grassley and Comer had already seen the form, even prior to the FBI sharing it with Congress.
Well that was dumb, if true.

Did Wray think Comer wouldn’t run go tell what he saw?
Was Comer not supposed to tell what he saw?

Has Raskin commented?
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Watching Grassley on the floor revealing this (recorded). FBI apparently redacted the part about the recordings in the document finally given to the House. FBI needs to be torn down to the studs and start over. Clean house. They can’t be trusted. Of course, the recordings don’t exist until they do. I have a suspicion they’ll get destroyed somehow if, in fact, they do exist.

We knew the FBI would hand over a redacted file. After the Steele dossier thingy, I wouldn't have thought they'd have the balls to do it by omission rather than showing that part was missing and standing behind security or similar argument ... @rekinhavoc, I didn't say it.
Nothing is going to happen. Laws don't apply to you if you're part of the swamp.

Dems don't need to weaponize the swamp because the swamp is dem to it's core. That the swamp would go after a sitting president should tell anyone all they need to know about what it is, who it represents, and what it stands for. The people decided on a president and DC tried desperately to oust him, but they are good with biden.
Dems don't need to weaponize the swamp because the swamp is dem to it's core. That the swamp would go after a sitting president should tell anyone all they need to know about what it is, who it represents, and what it stands for. The people decided on a president and DC tried desperately to oust him, but they are good with biden.

At some point gonna have to find the will to cut the money blood life. Consequences be damned.
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Well that was dumb, if true.

Did Wray think Comer wouldn’t run go tell what he saw?
Was Comer not supposed to tell what he saw?

Has Raskin commented?

Maybe Comer promised not to say anything, but that would be lying to the FBI. What I don't understand is why it's a crime to lie to the FBI - seems like that violates a few rights.
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Did Joe Biden sell out America? 4 things to know about Democrats' claims

Here is what we know:

  • The FBI confirmed multiple times during our briefing that the information contained within the record is currently being used in an ongoing investigation.
  • The confidential human source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for years and paid six figures.
  • The allegations contained within the record track closely with the thousands of pages of financial records obtained by the Oversight Committee. The Bidens have a pattern of using their network of over 20 limited liability companies and complicated financial transactions to hide the sources of the money and evade detection.
Disinformation from the left reinforces the need for the FBI to produce this unclassified FD-1023 record to the House Oversight Committee.

Despite growing evidence, the White House and Democrats are lying to the American people about the allegations contained within this record and what was done with it. Let me set the record straight:

  • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.
  • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
  • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
  • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. "On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation," former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.
Let's keep this thread Trump free.


Releasing the redacted version, after showing the un-redacted version just seems counterproductive to me.

Maybe dumb was the wrong word.
Information disclosure rules work that way though, right? “We can let you *see* this information that involves a confidential human source, based on your clearance. But we can’t give you an unredacted copy of it because that’s less secure and we don’t want certain people (like maybe the people who republicans have claimed to be worried are going to kill their witnesses) to be able to identify our source.”

Like at one point wasn’t there an unredacted or less redacted Mueller report that was available to members of congress or even just certain members of congress, but not the public?
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Uhhh......... Grassley: FBI Redacted References to Recordings in Biden Allegation Shared with Congress | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them. Seventeen total recordings.

According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.
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Did Joe Biden sell out America? 4 things to know about Democrats' claims

Here is what we know:

  • The FBI confirmed multiple times during our briefing that the information contained within the record is currently being used in an ongoing investigation.
  • The confidential human source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for years and paid six figures.
  • The allegations contained within the record track closely with the thousands of pages of financial records obtained by the Oversight Committee. The Bidens have a pattern of using their network of over 20 limited liability companies and complicated financial transactions to hide the sources of the money and evade detection.
Disinformation from the left reinforces the need for the FBI to produce this unclassified FD-1023 record to the House Oversight Committee.

Despite growing evidence, the White House and Democrats are lying to the American people about the allegations contained within this record and what was done with it. Let me set the record straight:

  • First, Democrats are peddling conspiracy theories and alleging the FD-1023 record is based on secondhand hearsay. The FD-1023 record was generated by a trusted confidential source who was working with the FBI for over ten years.
  • Second, Democrats claim that the record is part of the documents Rudy Giuliani provided the FBI in January 2020. That’s not true. The FD-1023 document stands on its own and contains information from the FBI’s confidential human source dating back to another FD-1023 generated in 2017.
  • Third, the FD-1023 was generated by the FBI in June 2020 based on other FBI records dating back to 2017. The Department of Justice conducted an assessment on separate material provided to the Department in January 2020, and this assessment was closed in August 2020. Democrats are claiming the DOJ investigated the FD-1023 and then took no action, but the FBI has refused to answer what information was part of their assessment. How could the DOJ have conducted a credible, thorough investigation in four weeks? It’s not possible.
  • And last, let’s be very clear: The allegations in the record are not closed. FBI officials and former Attorney General William Barr have refuted Democrats’ lies that the Biden bribery investigation was closed. "On the contrary, it was sent to Delaware for further investigation," former Attorney General Barr said this week on the record.

A 6 year investigation..what is the point
Information disclosure rules work that way though, right? “We can let you *see* this information that involves a confidential human source, based on your clearance. But we can’t give you an unredacted copy of it because that’s less secure and we don’t want certain people (like maybe the people who republicans have claimed to be worried are going to kill their witnesses) to be able to identify our source.”

Like at one point wasn’t there an unredacted or less redacted Mueller report that was available to members of congress or even just certain members of congress, but not the public?
Yea I get levels of disclosure. You wouldn’t release to the public unredacted what was viewed by a select few.
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Information disclosure rules work that way though, right? “We can let you *see* this information that involves a confidential human source, based on your clearance. But we can’t give you an unredacted copy of it because that’s less secure and we don’t want certain people (like maybe the people who republicans have claimed to be worried are going to kill their witnesses) to be able to identify our source.”

Like at one point wasn’t there an unredacted or less redacted Mueller report that was available to members of congress or even just certain members of congress, but not the public?

According to Grassley, the 1023 is unclassified and he has already seen the unredacted version. As I thought, he wanted to see how the fbi director responded to the request.

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