The Last Days Of The Trump Presidency

Trump will continue to Twitter troll the easily triggered and laugh about it all as he leaves town. He just hosted the greatest reality show of all time and got both sides to believe that up is down and down is up.
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Is it possible Trump still believes he may be president on January 21? One would think, "no way," but you listen to his conversation with Raffensperger and it sounds as if he thinks it could happen.
Only 2 dead voters in Georgia? You believe that?
I'm pretty sure most of his tweets have come during his own triggered state
And that’s why it’s been so funny watching the reactions. The first rule of dealing with internet trolls is to not feed them. Yet here we are.
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Going to be interesting to watch all these so called Independents, Libertarians and Republicans who just didn't like President Trump over the next 4 years. Going to be a lot of "but but but Trump"

I think they'll not care. If the marxists decide to add supreme court positions no one is going to say anything. If they do stack the courts they'll be able to pass any legislation no matter how much it goes against the constitution.
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I think they'll not care. If the marxists decide to add supreme court positions no one is going to say anything. If they do stack the courts they'll be able to pass any legislation no matter how much it goes against the constitution.
Of course, they are frauds. They are radical dems.
The trade deficit would have been worse under anyone else. He tried to hold china accountable, he did more than Harris will ever try to do.
Now do the deficit? And to your actual point that just a guess. He did do in fact worse then anyone ever. That's not debatable. Now don't get me wrong there are some things Trump did well. I have recognized that on here many times. And he probably wins re-election going away for not the pandemic. But the fact remains, he's a big government, big spending, nationalist. If that's how you recognize your own beliefs then have at it. But stop pretending he is in any way conservative.

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