You said England, now you say "the British Empire".
Man, you're on a roll today with these made up "facts".
I was wrong when.I said England it's actually the British Empire.
That's 1 error not multiple errors.
If colonies is a word I made up then it is astounding that it is also found in history books including US history books.
While Independence day celebration happened on a July 5th that still doesn't change that Independence day happened on exactly July 4, 1776.
That is why July 4 is Independence Day, and is logically known as Independence Day because it happened on a July 4.
As a result calling July 5 Independence day is completely wrong and nonsensical as that's not when it happened.
Independence Day celebration is July 5, and celebrates a event of Independence day that happened on exactly July 4, 1776.
Also the disk jockey said July 5th is Independence Day not Independence Day celebration so he is factually wrong because the US did not declare Independence on a July 5 instead July 4.
So I am completely factually right when I say Independence Day is July 4.