Or a loaded safe falling in a boat and it rebounds like a shock on a trophy truck.
The Power of Plot convience.
Got to love Hollywood entertains you and usually not bound by real world physics, logic, etc.
If Hollywood only used utter factual information nothing for Mythbusters to analyze of Hollywood movies and tv shows.
Movie: Baby's Day Out
For some damn reason monkeys can escape a cage because the bars don't go to the ground area but they don't.
If I recall right a large man survives his hand being smashed by a freakin adult Gorilla no surgery required.
Another man isn't killed when grabbed by the Gorilla instead survives cartoon violence.
Also so many damn times a baby because of the utter convience of plot dodges death.
No 1 except the 3 kid kidnappers notice a baby crawling in dangerous areas the zoo and a construction zone.
A Butler looks at the disguised kidnappers but screw logic the mother leaves them alone with 3 disguised kidnappers with unbelievable fake disguises.
A baby proves to have remarkable memory because it visits all locations in a book that he memorized.
A mother won't leave her baby alone with persons that a Butler believes is suspicious with repeated up and down looks because of unbelievable fake disguises or any persons that they don't know at all.
I'm pretty sure persons building a zoo would not have approved a cage for monkeys with a obvious area of how they can escape under the bars. That's build a car with no safety break kind of dumb design.
Monkeys no doubt could discover the flaw and take advantage by escaping from the cage.
No damn way a baby crawls into dangerous areas including a construction zone and zoo with no 1 else noticing including employees, and visitors for the zoo.
I don't doubt getting your hand smashed by a adult Gorilla would require major surgery.
If you are grabbed by a Gorilla with no weapons for protection most likely you'll be killed including a protective Gorilla.
A baby doesn't have the ability to remember all locations from a pictures book and then easily visit all the same locations
And if a baby is in the area of construction zones and zoo highly likely the baby is killed or severely injured.