The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Irony number 8,663,271 in this whole thing. Number 1 being the notion that Trump has any respect at all for his own supporters. Like everyone else, he just uses them.

With infinitely better policies. Who cares about the border invasion, rampant inflation, etc. Let’s focus on light bulbs, gas stoves, and a s***load of other idiocy.
He's a multimillionaire of course he's not one of us.

The only one's who has undermined the election process is the democrats & the liberal left who want to destroy this country with mail in balloting, voting without ID, wanting to let non-citizens the right vote, blocking conservatives from viewing vote counting.

Not to mention during the 2012 election some inner-city precincts (Philly comes to mind) where it was reported there were 100% turnout and 100% of the vote going to Obama. There were no investigations despite the statistical anomaly that that would be impossible.
Well, there was precedent in Chicago, 1960 where the same thing happened.
At this point everytime I think of Trump I see Robin Hood.

He is the face of the United States of America that is trying to hang on to what it should be from the past 247 years against an enemy from within that wants to destroy it and everything it had stood for since.

The more I want to vote for someone else in the primary the more motivation the Democrat Party Stasi gives me to vote for Trump.
So everyone else uses them too? So who should they follow?

I don't like him. Wish the h3ll he's go away, but he's not. And frankly, this latest batch of indictments seems like more political theater. The Administration is trying to criminalize political speech and I'll be shocked if any potential guilty verdict survives the appellate courts.

How is Trump knowingly promoting election lies to try to gin up rioting at the Capitol, to try to keep power, contrary to EVERYTHING THE COUNTRY HAS EVER STOOD FOR, just theater?

Or waiving around classified war plans like menus just dropped at your table at Chili's, just theater?
How is Trump knowingly promoting election lies to try to gin up rioting at the Capitol, to try to keep power, contrary to EVERYTHING THE COUNTRY HAS EVER STOOD FOR, just theater?

Or waiving around classified war plans like menus just dropped at your table at Chili's, just theater?
apply that to what the dems have done to him during his Presidency and then we can have an honest debate
The USA is the prosecution. Technically, that's you. You should be thanking Jack for protecting your interests.
Jack is doing nothing but pissing away money. I can see a potential guilty verdict given a potential Atlanta jury pool, but would be shocked this makes it past any appellate court.
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The more I want to vote for someone else in the primary the more motivation the Democrat Party Stasi gives me to vote for Trump.
You should. What could go wrong voting for a twice impeached ( likely felon) who already lost to Puddinhead already?
The fact thar Biden couldn't get a dozen people to show at a rally during the 2020 campaign when not hiding in his basement when Trump was still getting thousands to show. The fact that polls leading up to the election saw a Trump landslide and then somehow Biden got 81 million votes is absolutly laughable.

Everyone of his approval ratings since proves it.
Eh...polls were not showing a Trump landslide prior to the election.
Just another example of a pass you gave that grifter for not following through. Apparently this failure is a good thing now?
Hopefully we have turned a new chapter and the next R President does the same thing to dems. Hopefully he/she locks all of you up
Jack is doing nothing but pissing away money. I can see a potential guilty verdict given a potential Atlanta jury pool, but would be shocked this makes it past any appellate court.

He'll plea. No chance Donny risks a trial by jury given the evidence.

Remember, the court of public opinion Trump likes to own doesn't mean **** inside a court room. That's why all of his dumb election fraud claims got laughed out of court from coast to coast. His Twitter rants won't change evidentiary facts.
go back before Jan 6
no..he is a threat to the bought and paid for DC system that you nuts have put your full faith in
And wonder why this nation is headed to a sewer

and the FYI..makes no sense whatsoever

Always calling names, never any substance.

Do you really think calling me a communist means anything. I'm a retired Navy officer and aviator who then went back to school and am now a shareholder in a closely held company providing very high paying jobs to 60 employees. That makes me a capitalist, not a communist.

You know who the real communists are, ET Repubs. Except in their case they are giving a millionaire over $10 million to build a baseball stadium for a minor league team. And then there's the Tellico Lake theft where Howard Baker and John Duncan used government to stay land from families that had owned land for 5 generations and gave it to developers.

That's called giving your arguments factual basis rather than just calling people names.
Hopefully we have turned a new chapter and the next R President does the same thing to dems. Hopefully he/she locks all of you up
My hope is that they all are held to the law, the difference is I apply my standard universally R or D.

It'd tickle me to see Biden and Trump as cellies.
Always calling names, never any substance.

Do you really think calling me a communist means anything. I'm a retired Navy officer and aviator who then went back to school and am now a shareholder in a closely held company providing very high paying jobs to 60 employees. That makes me a capitalist, not a communist.

You know who the real communists are, ET Repubs. Except in their case they are giving a millionaire over $10 million to build a baseball stadium for a minor league team. And then there's the Tellico Lake theft where Howard Baker and John Duncan used government to stay land from families that had owned land for 5 generations and gave it to developers.

That's called giving your arguments factual basis rather than just calling people names.
you are so fos
I have never called you a communist..prove it LIAR.
you called me an idiot the other day in some pussy passive agressive post, accused me of not liking the F-35 which contradicts any post I ever made, argues about the terms fine and settlement, make stupid accusations.
So get lost
He is a danger to America and democracy. He is a wannabe dictator. That's why. Any FYI no one here is prosecuting him. LOL
In what ways is he a wannabe dictator? During his administration, what did he do to try an quash dissenting opinions on social platforms? What did he do in terms of threatening the population with the loss of their means of earning a living if they did not do what his administration thought they should do? What did he do in terms of restricting the availability of goods that were not in line with his ideology about what people should be using? What did he do similar to the student loan forgiveness the courts just smacked down?
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So everyone else uses them too? So who should they follow?

I don't like him. Wish the h3ll he's go away, but he's not. And frankly, this latest batch of indictments seems like more political theater. The Administration is trying to criminalize political speech and I'll be shocked if any potential guilty verdict survives the appellate courts.
I don't know much about the allegations of the indictment, but I'm curious what makes you so sure the appellate courts would overturn a possible conviction. Is there a legal flaw in the charges?

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